
The teenagers life

นักเขียน: Peter_Nwode_2800
Realistic Fiction
กำลังดำเนินการ · 666 จำนวนคนดู
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What is The teenagers life

อ่านนิยาย The teenagers life โดย ผู้เขียน Peter_Nwode_2800 ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel....



The former Deity's regrets

[ Quick side note; I am far more comfortable with the way wattpad works and this is my first time posting here. So i am open to criticism and any help i could get. ] *☼*―――――*☼*――――― Kiryia Lionlaw is the princess of the third generation of monarchy of the Rising Kingdom of Kirlaw. Being the only daughter of the King's Queen, she was therefore the rightfull heir to the throne of her kingdom... But something isn't right; On the night of her birthday, in the middle of the ball the king rises from his seat to make an announcement. "There is no way..." Kiryia thought, as her father yelled proudly that one his bastard kids would become prince and battle for the title of heir. ¡¿What the actual fuck?! That goes against the whole kingdoms ideologies and traditions. ¡ A bastard child cannot be the heir ! ... Kiryia attempted to keep her cool, this was fine, everything would be okay. She'd been preparing for the role of Queen her whole life... ¿ However could she lose..? All she had to do was keep on going as she was before, and the title would be hers. All those 15 years of studying. All those 15 years of training, they would all be put to good use, some random child her father concieved with a woman not even worthy of a ring or a noble position; wasn't going to make her lose what was rightfully hers. *☼*―――――*☼*――――― ¡ Hello ! My names Sunny ( not really, but you guys get it ) and i'm a wannabe writer with questionable morals who's into a lot of weird stuff. This is a novel that i'm really exited about and am really happy to share; This is one of my first times publishing my novels somewhere that isn't wattpad so i am a little nervous but i only hope i can give you guys a worthwhile readthrough. Please feel free to burn me to the ground in the comments if i make any sort of mistake, i'll be really thankful. With that said; Happy reading. ( For now; I'll be using the cover granted by the app until my brother finishes the actual one, ¡ I'm so sorry about this ! )

TheStrawberryWitch · แฟนตาซี

YangTerpilih (YTP)

Bruk "Aaa" suara sesuatu terjatuh menabrak sesuatu. Ya benar saja karena terburu-buru takut ketinggalan kereta akhirnya yumna menabrak pintu masuk stasiun. 'haaaah untung masih pagi gak ada orang, haahaa' batin yumna. Sedang diseberang sana ada yang terkekeh melihat Yumna terjatuh menabrak pintu masuk, namun merasa kasihan. Penampilannya saat ini terlihat berantakan, tapi gadis ini selalu cuek dengan penampilannya. Dia juga gadis mandiri yang tidak peduli meski kemana-mana seorang diri. Bahkan ketika dia bosan, tak jarang untuk pegi ke mall, toko buku, atau kuliner seorang diri. Pagi itu, dia berencana untuk pulang ke rumah orangtuanya yang berada di Malang menggunakan kereta seperti biasa. Ya, sudah beberapa tahun ini yumna merantau ke surabaya untuk bekerja dan belum sempat pulang beberapa bulan ini. *dalam gerbong kereta... '16D kan? bukankah ini tempat dudukku? kok ada orangnya si?' batin yumna dengan kesal karena tempat itu sudah ia pilih melalui aplikasi. 'Sengaja pesan samping jendela malah dipake orang, huuuhhh'. Orang itu menghadap ke jendela dan mendengarkan musik, tak menyadari kedatangan Yumna karena sudah tertidur. Akhirnya Yumna mengalah dan duduk disebelahnya. Karena hari masih terlalu pagi, yumna pun memasang headset dan memejamkan mata. Saat terbangun, dia merasa ada sepasang mata memperhatikannya. Yah benar saja, orang yang duduk disebelah melihatnya. tanpa sadar ternyata Yumna menyenderkan kepala dibahu orang itu. siapa orang itu ? dan bagaimana kisah Yumna selanjutnya? Yuk simak. Ada juga kisah perjuangan Yumna di Novel Surat Cinta Dari Allah.

ElLail888 · วัยรุ่น
58 Chs

The Last Dragon of Etros

It is said that when Souls leave the world, they travel to a realm where they can manifest into different creatures depending on the purity of their souls. In Etros, the World of the Dead, it is Dragons who rule. They are superior creatures who rule the realm with a fist of iron and fire. The Souls are chained and subdued with this said fire, which Dragons are immune to as it is a part of them, and in this way, they have ruled Etros for thousands of years. One day, that changes when the Ruling Dragon Family, the Dragors, are attacked by a powerful ancient enemy with a thirst for revenge. The youngest of the clan, Raphas Dragor, is punished more severely for his defiance, and has his Dragon stripped from him. After his death, he awakens in a world unfamiliar to him. It is run by weak, non-magical creatures who have not the slightest clue of his world. Humans, they are called. Trapped in the body of an eighteen-year-old human boy named Jake Underwood, Raphas must find his way back to Etros to regain his powers and kill the god who destroyed his family. However, this proves to be difficult because Earth is teetering on the brink of chaos because the malevolent Souls of Etros, untamed and unleashed, now roam it, causing massive destruction and the loss of countless lives. Raphas embarks on a dangerous journey to reclaim his throne, avenge his family, and restore order to both Earth and Etros. As he battles with the limitations of mortality, he must navigate through a world now run by monsters by making unlikely alliances and finding the power hidden within himself. The fate of both worlds depends on him. Will he succeed in beating the terrible god whose main goal is to turn the world into ash, or will the darkness that once consumed him now consume all?

DaoistJL7P8O · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs
Latest Update
จำนวน 1


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