
The Target always thinks that I like him!(Quick-Transmigration)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . After the nth time of failing a marriage meeting, Xiang Han got himself a job: good treatment, high salary, free world traveling with food provided, house provided and even a partner provided?! At first, he thought, apart from having to travel into the body of a scum cannon fodder, a scheming fake white lotus, everything else was okay. It was only later he realized that saving the target was also a problem. His imagination was never ending, even eating a cup of ramen was seen as a way to rouse his ( target’s) interest! Xiang Han: This target is a no-go. Certain Target: Very good, you’ve already managed to rouse my interest. Xiang Han: Go outside and make a left turn to the optometrist, go get your eyes healed! Additionally, this “lover provided” isn’t necessary. A Certain Target: This is certainly necessary! once again NOT MY STORY ! NOT MY TRANSLATION ! JUST UPLOADED FOR FUN !

Study_Bytes · แฟนตาซี
166 Chs

Chapter 5.12 – Which Technique Is Better?

"So what's your plan?" After a regretful sigh, Xiang Han asked with interest.

Meeting his glistening eyes, Xu Yan Ze's heart grew flustered and looked away. "Why should I tell you? What if you toss me aside again after I've lost my value like before?"

Xiang Han was speechless. Why did he feel that he'd suddenly become a scum man and a heartless person? Moreover, what's up with the jealous wife tone?

"It's just… I've been busy lately." He tried to come up with an excuse.

"Busier than me?" Xu Yan Ze glanced at him, "Setting up the guild, investigating the enemy, training…"

"You're busier…" Xiang Han hurriedly rubbed his shoulders and sucked up to him.

Xu Yan Ze was overjoyed. With his eyes closed, he ordered, "Use more strength, lower, lower… Tss… that hurts. A little lighter…"

Coincidentally, Jin Cui had just entered with a plate of snacks when she heard this and hurriedly halted, her face flushed. Biting her lips, she silently left.

Xiang Han only rubbed his shoulders for a short while before feeling his arms ache. So he stopped and asked, "Can you speak now?"

Opening his eyes, Xu Yan Ze wanted to say 'continue'. But when he saw the other person rubbing his arms with his head lowered, he swallowed his words and pulled his hand, helping him rub them. "I'll take care of this. You don't have to worry."

Xiang Han wasn't worried, but curious. "What on earth are you planning? If we rashly approach Lady Mei, wouldn't she be suspicious?"

Xu Yan Ze looked at him helplessly and played with his soft meaty fingers. "Lady Mei's hatred for Madam Xue is bone-deep. Since our family and Chen Ting Hong's family have a grudge, our goals are the same and it'll be easier to be frank. With her low birth, Lady Mei is unable to seek revenge even if she wants to. But with Jin family to support her, she definitely wouldn't refuse."

"Oh." Xiang Han was disappointed, having expected some grand and bizarre scheme.

However, why did this seem a little like a power struggle within the harem? Xue Qing Lin was also something. Not only did he want to contend against the emperor in terms of power, even his harem wasn't too different.

Xu Yan Ze saw him sigh and suddenly heard the alarm bells in his mind go off. These ancient people with a little bit of power all seemed to have three wives and four concubines. Since the little fool wasn't a transmigrator and his family had power, did he also have such intentions?

He immediately grew wary and pulled Xiang Han into his arms. He asked in an extremely stern tone, "Little fool, do you only like me?"

"Huh?" Xiang Han didn't understand where this question came from. But thinking of the resonance, he nodded, "Mn."

Xu Yan Ze let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't mistaken. The little fool only liked him, but…

"If you truly like someone, you won't have anyone else by your side. You better not have any thoughts of marrying other wives and concubines and you're not allowed to think of anyone else in that manner either." Xu Yan Ze pinched his cheeks and stressed. The more he looked, the stronger the urge to kiss him.

Xiang Han quickly pushed him away, "What about you?"

"Me?" Xu Yan Ze raised a brow, "Of course, I only want you."

Xiang Han was stunned. Was the lovers' route so easily established? It seems that he didn't put that much effort into it.

On the surface, he appeared extremely aloof but inside, his heart was jumping from joy. "Alright, I promise."

The frustration in Xu Yan Ze's heart immediately dissipated. After making sure Xiang Han wouldn't find a mistress, he continued to negotiate, "Then… When should we make up for our wedding night?"

"…" This person was too shameless. He had clearly been tormented to the point of backache on their wedding night and a certain part had also felt too strange. Xu Yan Ze actually feigned ignorance and shamelessly requested for another round.

Make up your ass!

Xiang Han's face was dark. "Dream on! I'm still busy with the merchant groups, hurry up and go back to the guild."

He'd been afraid to ask the system to conduct a body scan for him regarding the miracle fruit. Who knows if he'd hit the jackpot? Xiang Han was akin to an ostrich1, burying his head in the sand. Turning away, he silently chanted to himself 'If I don't know, it's all good'.

Xu Yan Ze sat at the table in a daze, not understanding why Xiang Han had suddenly flown into a rage. Since they love each other, wasn't it normal to do that sort of thing?

He sank into deep thought with a frown, recalling the matters of that night and quickly understood. Little Fool's skin was so soft and tender, he must definitely have been bruised by the peanut and walnut shells. Moreover, he hadn't been gentle that night, Little Fool must have been frightened.

The more he thought, the more reasonable he felt this logic was and even began to think of a way to fix it. This era wasn't the same as modern times, there wasn't the earnest AVs2 to instruct him and the books here weren't realistic enough. Thinking for a moment, he decided it would be better to visit a certain X establishment in order to learn a few techniques. But what if the little fool misunderstands once he finds out?

Upon returning to the guild, Xu Yan Ze was still deep in thought. Shopkeeper Zhou, who was in charge of managing the ins and outs of the guild, saw him appear and hurriedly went up to report his complaints, "Young Miss… cough, I mean Young Master Yan, you're finally back. The two young masters haven't had anything to eat all day. What if something happens to them? How can I answer to the master and the second master?"

"The two young masters?" Xu Yan Ze remembered the two greasy looking lads and his eyes lit up. Jin Da and Jin Er were veterans in that field, they probably had lots of experience… ahem.

Xu Yan Ze waved his hands, "I'll go take a look."

Jin Da and Jin Er had been gagged and tied up for half a day, their face full of grievance. Once they saw him, they grew livid.

He raised a brow, "Looks like you're still full of energy. Why don't you continue starving."

"Mmmmm…" Watching him leave, Jin Da and Jin Er began to struggle.

Xu Yan Ze turned back and told them, "It's not impossible to let you go and give you food. But you must remember, once you're here, you must follow instructions."

They hurriedly nodded, secretly thinking to themselves: Brother-in-law, we'll swallow this humiliation today. Once we make a name for ourselves, do you think we'll be afraid of you? When we return to the manor…

The moment the ropes binding them loosened, the two exchanged a look and pounced towards Xu Yan Ze. However, he was prepared. He easily evaded them and used his right leg to sweep them off their feet, causing the two to fall to the ground holding their legs with a bitter cry.

"Just you wait. Once we return to the manor…"

"Pa!" No one knew when a whip had appeared in his hands and casually landed on the floor beside them, beating the dust off the ground.

"What happens after we return?" His lips curled up in a grin. The two men watching him shivered and immediately shut their mouths.

"Not speaking?" Xu Yan Ze lightly stroked the whip. After a moment, his expression grew icy, "Then, run ten laps."

The two men cowered in a corner. They spoke in a small voice, "This Lord hasn't eaten anything yet."

"You can eat after you finish running," Xu Yan Ze said expressionlessly.

After two hours, the two brothers laid on the ground like a pair of dead dogs. They stuttered, "I-I can't, I'm going to die."

Xu Yan Ze looked at them in disgust, "It's only been eight rounds, yet you two took such a long time. Anyone with legs would have already finished walking this distance by now. Are your feet bound or something?"

If it were before, the two men would definitely have exploded from rage upon hearing this. But now, they were exhausted to the point of being unable to lift another finger. Just like a dead pig that didn't fear scalding water, they couldn't be bothered.

"Enough, go eat."

Hearing this, the ache in their legs and back immediately disappeared. Their entire being regained vigour and they stood up, "Where?"

"…" Xu Yan Ze suddenly felt that there was no problem in forcing them to run another two laps.

In order to ease the conversation, Xu Yan Ze had deliberately requested the chef to prepare a table full of delicious food. The two brothers had starved for a day. Once they picked up their utensils, they swallowed their food like a ravenous tiger, not bothering to taste the food.

Xu Yan Ze picked up two jade wine cups had filled them before passing it to them. He smiled, "Drink up."

"Hmph!" Jin Da downed it before telling him, "Lad, you're actually not too bad. Today's matter also can't be blamed on you. After all, it's grandmother's instructions, wasn't it?"

Jin Er was stunned. He grabbed his brother, "Bro, why are you suddenly changing sides?"

"Fool! What do you know?" Jin Da shoved him aside and poured himself another cup of wine. "Come, sister-in-law. I, Jin Bao Xuan, am willing to be your friend. We'll put today's grudge behind us, and look ahead."

"Sure." Xu Yan Ze picked up his cup and finished his drink. "But don't call me sister-in-law."

Jin Da immediately guffawed and drank another cup. "Alright, Bro Yan. Since we're friends, we won't have any more grudges. Even when we return to Jin manor, I won't bring it up again. Come, drink up!"

Saying so, he drank yet another cup before slapping the table. "Bro Yan, can you also say something. How about… letting Big Bro go?"

"Brother, are you crazy? Do you think he'll let us go?" Jin Er was flustered.

Jin Da glanced at him, silently thinking to himself: Second Brother, you're still young and ignorant. This Lord's true motive was to get him drunk. When that time comes, who would be able to stop us here?

Xu Yan Ze picked up his cup and said in amusement, "Brother, this is not my decision to make. But you also don't need to be angry. We have a ten-day work and one-day rest system. When the time comes, you guys can leave. But I'm afraid, you guys will have to endure for a few more days. Take this toast as my sincere apology."

Saying so, he also downed it in one shot and his jade-like face flushed red. His frail body also appeared much weaker.

Jin Da thought he was nearly drunk and grew elated. He quickly found another excuse to pour him another drink but after half a day, Xu Yan Ze's consciousness was still there while Jin Da was losing it. Therefore, he pushed the drink into Jin Er's hands and slurred, "S-Second Brother, help, help Big Bro… drink with Bro Yan."

No matter how stupid Jin Er was, he could also tell that his elder brother was trying to get the Yan lad drunk. Thus, he didn't hesitate to accept, "Come, sister-in-law, let Second Brother give you a toast."

Xu Yan Ze laughed. The more he drank, the more spirited he became and before long, another person had collapsed.

"Want to compete with me at this level?" He stood up unsteadily and walked over to where the two people were. Pouring the remaining wine over their faces, he slapped them, "Get up, I want to ask you a question."

After listening, Jin Da mumbled, "J-Just tear off his clothes and f… fuck him! W-Why so troublesome?"

Jin Er was also laughing stupidly, "Sister-in-law, is Third Brother's technique too lacking? I'm good at this, let me tell you…"

Xu Yan Ze was listening earnestly when the voice died down. With a frown, he poured more wine on them and slapped them awake again.

After a few times, he was finally satisfied while Jin Er was about to collapse. Even in his dreams, he was muttering 'Stop hitting me, Brother will give you a book when we get back… use lubricant, jade ointment. It's best if… there's enough foreplay, n-nine light thrusts and one deep…"

In reality, Xu Yan Ze's body was already drunk but his mind was still considered clear. When he returned to Chenghui courtyard, he could barely stand straight but he still embraced Xiang Han. "Little Fool, I've obtained the jade ointment. I won't hurt you, don't… be afraid."

"What are you saying? Why did you drink so much?" Xiang Han couldn't bear the strong stench of alcohol and pushed the person away with much difficulty. However, he was dumbstruck to find that the other person had already fallen asleep.