
CHAPTER 3: Intuition

It was a bloody trail and I followed it with my eyes up the first branch of the tree where the bloody carcass of a bear hung, I stood and stared at the bloody mass willing it to disappear but when none of that happened, I turned and ran as fast my legs could carry me back to the house screaming for mom.

I was running blindly so I bumped into someone as soon as I entered, "Elena what's with the rush?" Dad asked grabbing hold of me, his voice washed over me like a soothing balm and I thanked my stars that he was home "You've got to see this, a dead bear is on the tree" I said pulling him though he didn't budge.

"Don't be ridiculous, what would a bear be doing around this area?" he asked chuckling, "Lena you do realize that Dad is exhausted so quit pestering him and go help Hans store the bags of flour" Josh said coming to sit in front of the TV "but I'm serious", I whined not ready to relent until they did something about that dead animal.

"I am serious too honey, maybe you made a mistake," Dad said patting my head before leaving, "Josh please I'm scared, just check it out nothing else" I begged already desperate since I felt uneasy knowing it was there "Lena can't you tell that I'm exhausted and it's pouring out there," Josh said groaning in frustration but I was stubborn and wasn't ready to give up.

"Fine let's go and it better be a bear or at least a mountain lion or you're washing my clothes for a month!" Josh said wagging his finger at me but I was too relieved to bother. We grabbed raincoats and headed out to the tree where I had seen the bear.

I stayed some distance away while Josh went closer to inspect the tree. Josh signaled for me to come closer which I did "You should know I hate pranks especially when I'm tired" he said tightly, I frowned, what did he mean by that?

" I wasn't pranking you" I said stubbornly, "then where is your precious bear?!" He asked, my head jerked up to where I had seen the bear since I couldn't understand why he was asking me about something so obvious, however, when I looked it wasn't there!.

Nothing, not even the bloody trail "but…but I swear it was there" I said desperately, had I mistaken something else for a dead bear? No I wasn't eccentric, I know what I saw and that was a bear! , unless it hadn't been dead and escaped.

That was the only explanation, I heaved a sigh of relief " maybe it wasn't dead yet so it escaped" I said shrugging, " yeah right, now you're trying to wiggle your way out" he said as well headed back to the house " I'm not trying to wiggle my way out, I jumped to conclusion that is was dead that's all" I said removing wet strands of my hair from my face.

"Sounds the same to me," he said, I turned back to the tree wondering if I was just mistaken after all, Suddenly, lightning flashed lighting up the yard briefly and the tree, and since I was already looking at the tree, I saw it. There high up in the tree was something huge, was that the bear or something else?, I was too scared to confirm so I hurried in after Josh into the warmth of our house.

"Did you find it?" Dad asked Josh as soon as we came in, " I'm not taking her seriously again" was all Josh said before going to plop himself down on the chair, "it escaped because you were slow" I retorted "Are you listening to yourself right now, how can an injured bear climb a tree in this blasted weather??" Josh asked in exasperation, "survival instinct" I replied and Dad started laughing, he always enjoyed watching Josh and I banter like kids.

"I see being dumb comes naturally to you," Josh said, "don't beg me for help if a bear mauls you in your sleep," I said " Dad please tell me she's adopted," Josh said "I can't do that when she is just a replica of your mother," Dad said grinning and I gave my brother the middle finger before running off to find mom.

Everyone has retired for the night after that mouthwatering dinner Mom had dished out. I got bored of scrolling through my phone and decided to read a book from my shelf. I wasn't ready to sleep yet because I knew I was going to dream and it would be nothing different from the others which I wasn't ready for as the terror always surpasses the Pleasure.

I must've fallen asleep briefly because I woke late into the night with the book on my face. Thirst plagued my throat and even though I was feeling too lazy to go drink water, I had to obey my bladder who threatened to disgrace me by the minute.

As I stood up to go about my business of adding and removing fluids from my body, it occurred to me that I hadn't dreamt of him, I gasped, how had that gone unchecked in my head?

Usually, if I as much as slip into my subconscious, the race begins and I always end up getting caught and ravaged, but the frustrating part was I always woke up before the best part.

Well I shouldn't miss it, I'm Happier now it's gone maybe it was just hormones and too many paranormal fantasy books. I emptied my bladder and washed up, now time to refill, I smiled at how ridiculous I sounded. I headed for the fridge downstairs, 'might as well grab some snacks too' I thought to myself.

But as soon as I stepped into the kitchen, I knew something was off, I tried ignoring the feeling and focused on getting a glass of water and some snacks but I couldn't resist peeking at the kitchen window and then looking away, however, something had me doing a double take and trust me when I say my soul left my body.
