
Chapter 2:

He pulled out his phone and opened the tracker app to locate where Kimberly was. He followed the little dot which was the tracker. He stopped when he reached its location, which was a local 7/11. He peered through the window to find Kimberly talking to her older brother, Jim. She bought a small bag of chips and a bottle of Cherry Coke before going to the bathroom. Aki quietly walked into the store, and Jim responded with a friendly, but short, "Hello, sir..." Aki then started to act like he was looking for something and just decided to grab a bag of Doritos and a Mountain Dew. "Will that be all, sir?" Jim asked, "Not really, just one more thing...." Aki responded. Before Jim could ask what, Aki grabbed out his knife and slit Jim's throat right through the middle. Aki then looked to see if there were any security cameras within the building, and there was only one. Aki got the ladder, climbed up the ladder, and grabbed the camera, smashing it to the ground. Jim tried to scream for his sister, but he could not with the blood seeping out, clogging his throat. Finally, Jim collapsed on the ground, having died from drastic blood loss. Just then, Kimberly came out of the bathroom and saw her brother dead on the ground. Instantly, Aki bolted out the door, only for Kimberly to catch a small glimpse of the two red dots on the mask. She began to cry for her brother's death.