
The Super Lazy System

Effort brings great results. A man and an ambition. Mateus strives for a bright future, and amidst it, he still dreams of a fantastical life. One day, he is rewarded by a system that doesn't quite match his personality. Will he find new ambitions after gaining the Super Lazy System? Follow Mateus on his journey through a world forged by laziness. ----------------------- My first time writing, so don't expect too much, be kind. English is not my primary language, so please understand that I'm making an effort. Wish fulfillment. Writing to try to improve my English and my writing. Update schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Rafa_s · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

When bored, go to another world.

Waking up, Mateus repeats once again the routine that has become common for him. He prepares breakfast, packs his lunch for later, and finally gets ready. But today is Friday (coincidentally, it is today too), so tomorrow will be different. Perhaps tomorrow morning, Mateus will start training Rias' peerage. And in the afternoon, Mateus will be able to relax and go on a date with a beautiful girl. All he wants today is peace, laziness, and to have fun.

"Maybe I've become a simple creature?" Starting to question himself once again, Mateus delves into his thoughts but quickly snaps out of it. After all, he needs to go to school and not be late, like the good student he is.

Waiting to leave his apartment and meet his neighbor, Mateus begins his journey to school. However, as coincidences don't happen regularly, Mateus doesn't encounter anyone when leaving his apartment. Starting the day on a lukewarm note, Mateus thinks that today may not be the best of days. "Perhaps today isn't my lucky day." With unstable thoughts, Mateus heads towards school.

— — —

Arriving at the usual time, Mateus heads to his classroom. 'Maybe I'll chat with some classmates to pass the time.' Looking for someone to talk to, Mateus finds the cutest tsundere he knows, Maki Shijo. Mateus remembers well the first time they talked. Back then, both were third wheels regarding the class couple. But today's situation is different; Mateus simply wants to chat with her to pass the time. And so he does. Greeting her, Mateus starts talking about trivial matters.

After a few minutes of conversation, Mateus feels much better than before. 'Talking with friends always helps.' If their relationship can be classified as friends, that is. But what matters is that Mateus is feeling better now. Forgetting a bit about what was bringing him down, Mateus doesn't even notice time passing, and the morning classes begin.

While classes are in session, a specific devil sends a message to Mateus, saying that tomorrow Rias and the others will be available for training. Confirming with a beauty emoji, Mateus affirms that tomorrow he will train Rias in the morning.

Perhaps Mateus was right when he thought today would be lukewarm because it is. Nothing special has happened so far, and probably nothing will. Even the person he wanted to spend the break and lunch with is having lunch with friends.

With no plans for lunch, Mateus decides to go with the flow and see if something good will happen. With these thoughts, Mateus just stares into space and waits for time to pass. And as time doesn't stop, the break time arrives. With not much to do, Mateus decides it would be good to have lunch somewhere in this school. 'Maybe on the rooftop.'

Mateus then heads to one of the most well-known places in anime, the rooftop. Generally, it's where romantic things, misunderstandings, and everything you can think of happen. When I said everything could happen, that also included nothing happening. And that's what happened, nothing. 'How can nothing good have happened today?'

Indignant, Mateus feels the need for something good to happen to him. 'Maybe I'll spend lunch somewhere else.' Perhaps he'll travel to another world just out of boredom. And it's quite likely that he will do something like that. "Whatever. I want some joy." And what better place to have fun than in another world like Konosuba?

Mateus already has in mind where he will spend lunchtime. He prepares to go to another world. Mateus doesn't even bother changing clothes or adapting to the place he's going; he just wants to have fun. So, using his skill to travel between worlds, Mateus decides to leave his world for a bit to have fun in the world of Konosuba.

In a completely different world than usual, one that could be described as a "fantasy world," a team is having a conversation around a table. A young man with brownish-amber hair is talking with his group, consisting of three more members. A woman of beautiful appearance with light blue hair and eyes of the same color. The other one is a young girl with shoulder-length dark brown hair and oddly languid crimson-colored eyes. The last one is a young woman with graceful features and long blonde hair.

The group seems to be discussing trivial things while eating. But unlike the women in the group, the only male member seems a bit irritated. Who knows what this young man is going through? Anyway, the group seems to be discussing something important, perhaps the financial problems of the young leader of the group.

Meanwhile, seemingly out of nowhere, a man appears with the uniform of Shichiin Academy. He has messy black hair and intense purple eyes. This is none other than Mateus, who traveled to another world just out of boredom. (Image here)

But it seems that Mateus didn't calculate very well where he would end up. In fact, maybe this is intentional, who knows? The fact is that he now finds himself next to the protagonist of this world, Satou Kazuma.

Speaking of Kazuma, surprise couldn't even describe the young man's face. Maybe it's a big shock for him that someone appears out of nowhere? Perhaps not, but rather the fact that this person is wearing a school uniform. That indeed surprised him a lot.

Since Mateus is bored, he'll just go with the flow in an unusual way. "Oya oya? A goddess and a reincarnate?" Uttering these words, Kazuma and Aqua react with surprise, as if someone easily knew their secret.

"That was surprising indeed, but I don't want to stir up trouble. Can I sit?" Not being consistent and just being surprised by the people in front of him, Mateus asks if he can sit at the table, to which he simply does.

But in Kazuma's mind, what surprises him the most is the fact that he recognizes the boy's uniform. He knew this school in his past life. Asking Mateus, Kazuma says, "Do you study at Shuchiin Academy?" Mateus is surprised by this development; he didn't expect Kazuma to know his school.

Mateus then replies, "That's right. By the way, where are my manners? Let me introduce myself first. I'm Mateus Santos, nice to meet you." Speaking to the guy in front of him, Mateus introduces himself, to which Kazuma does the same.

"Have you also been reincarnated in this world?" Asking Mateus, Kazuma wants to know if anyone else from his world has been brought here.

"Not really." Mateus's response leaves Kazuma thoughtful, 'if he hasn't been reincarnated, how is he here?'

As if reading Kazuma's thoughts, Mateus says, "I came directly to this world with my powers. You may not know, but magical powers have always existed in your world." Going with the flow and the idea that Kazuma lived in the same world that Mateus is in now, he responds to Kazuma's thoughts.

"That's a bit surprising. Who would have thought the supernatural always existed?" Having a momentary shock due to the information casually dropped in the conversation, Kazuma gets lost in his thoughts.

"To be honest, Kazuma, I came to this world just because I was bored. I wanted to order something for lunch; what do you recommend?" Stating the reason for coming here, Mateus asks Kazuma for his recommendation.

"You were bored? Alright... Well, if you want something good, you can try this." Pointing at the menu, Mateus orders what Kazuma recommended.

"So, you can use magic?" Curious about Mateus's existence, Kazuma seeks to know more about him. Meanwhile, Aqua just listens to the conversation like a good, useless goddess. As for the others, they catch bits and pieces here and there.

"I can; after all, how would I come to this world without magic? And how could I tell what Aqua and you are?" Responding as if it's the most obvious thing, Mateus gives a satisfactory answer to Kazuma.

"That's true." Feeling a bit foolish for the question he asked, Kazuma falls silent for a moment.

The food Mateus ordered has arrived. He thanks for the meal and starts eating while the group in front of him continues their conversation.

In an audible whisper, even for Mateus, Aqua asks Kazuma, "Who is this guy?" Shamelessly inquiring about a person right in front of them. Impressed with this, Mateus can't help but think, 'Coming to this world was the right choice.'

Close to finishing his meal, Mateus realizes something, 'Damn! How am I going to pay for the food?' Realizing he has no money from this world—Mateus has never seen any, by the way—he wonders how he'll pay for the food. The answer is right in front of him.

"So, Kazuma, I just remembered. Since I'm not from this world, I don't have a penny with me. Can you pay for this meal for me?" Without a hint of shame, Mateus asks someone to pay for his food.

But, of course, Mateus is not a man who doesn't repay favors. In fact, he wants to see how Kazuma will react.

"What!?" Enraged, Kazuma wonders how shameless this guy is, who just appeared in his world and now asks him to pay for his meal.

"Relax, man, I was just joking. You can pay for my meal, and in return, I'll give you this." Creating a gold bar with his creation magic, Mateus hands it to Kazuma.

"I have to go back to my world. Afternoon classes are about to start. Keep this as payment for my meal. I'll be off, but I'll be back." Bidding farewell to Kazuma and his group, Mateus simply disappears into the air, just as he appeared.

"Kazuma, who the hell was that guy?"

"That's right, Megumin, who was that guy?"

Poor Kazuma, now he has to answer several questions because of a certain someone who, at this moment, is back in his world and thinks, 'That was really a good thing to do. Maybe I'll visit other worlds more often. The fact is, I'll certainly go back there someday.'

Thinking so, Mateus returns to attend the afternoon classes. A bit excited because of the physical education now in the afternoon, Mateus goes back to his normal day.


Sorry for the slightly different chapter. I'm hanging out with some friends, so I wrote something lighter and simpler for today.

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Rafa_screators' thoughts