
The Super Lazy System

Effort brings great results. A man and an ambition. Mateus strives for a bright future, and amidst it, he still dreams of a fantastical life. One day, he is rewarded by a system that doesn't quite match his personality. Will he find new ambitions after gaining the Super Lazy System? Follow Mateus on his journey through a world forged by laziness. ----------------------- My first time writing, so don't expect too much, be kind. English is not my primary language, so please understand that I'm making an effort. Wish fulfillment. Writing to try to improve my English and my writing. Update schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Rafa_s · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

Rescue in the Shadow

First of all, I apologize for the previous chapter. Due to my negligence in previous chapters, I did not make it clear that the ability God's Senses is an active ability and that Mateus only uses it in necessary situations, like what happened with Mahiru. I probably didn't write it well, so it seemed like Mateus initially already knew that Mahiru had been kidnapped, but he didn't. He didn't know, and as he imagined she was at school, he looked for her without using the ability to respect others' privacy. So keep that in mind. I hope you forgive me for the mistake.

Finally, enjoy the chapter.


Darkness enveloped Mahiru like a suffocating shroud. She woke with a start, her eyes straining to adjust to the faint light filtering into the dark chamber where she was imprisoned. The air was heavy and humid, thick with an oppressive sense of danger. As she attempted to move, she realized her wrists were tightly bound and a gag covered her mouth.

Fighting against the rising panic, Mahiru tried to piece together the events leading to her current predicament. Her memories surfaced in disjointed flashes: hooded figures, a cruel gleam of magic, and the harrowing sensation of being dragged away from her home.

Fear clutched at her heart, but she knew she had to remain calm. Her first thought was of Mateus, but she knew that, like anyone else, he could not help her in her current state. She was utterly alone.

Outside the chamber, voices murmured in a language Mahiru couldn't fully understand. She could, however, sense the gravity of her situation. The kidnappers, members of the Khaos Brigade, were clearly plotting something sinister. Their leader, a fallen angel with cold, calculating eyes, appeared to be in charge. Fragments of conversation reached her ears, with Mateus's name coming up repeatedly.

"Someone help me!" Mahiru's muffled cries were lost to the gag. Her chances of rescue seemed slim, but she refused to give up. Each passing minute felt like an eternity, and hope was her only anchor.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the underworld, a sinister plan was taking shape. The Khaos Brigade's mission was to use Mahiru as bait to lure Mateus, exploiting the deep bond between them.

A fallen angel named Dagon observed the unfolding scheme with a cold smile. His eyes, filled with calculated malevolence, gleamed with satisfaction. Tall and imposing, Dagon's black wings seemed to absorb all surrounding light.

"Mateus will come for her," Dagon said, his voice echoing through the chamber. "And when he does, we'll be ready."

Mahiru concentrated, desperately searching for any sign or clue that might help her escape or aid anyone who might find her. Her mind raced, even as fear threatened to overwhelm her.

Mateus's anger was a roaring tempest. The image of Mahiru in danger fueled his desire for vengeance. Determined to thwart the Khaos Brigade's scheme and make them pay, Mateus vowed to punish those who had harmed Mahiru.

Taking a deep breath, Mateus closed his eyes to focus. He invoked his most powerful ability, God's Senses, which allowed him to locate any person or object with precise accuracy. Visualizing Mahiru in his mind, he felt their shared connection. A surge of energy coursed through him as the ability pinpointed her location, illuminating his path with divine clarity.

After what felt like an eternity, Mahiru's image appeared before him, revealing her exact location. She was confined in a dark chamber surrounded by malevolent auras unmistakably belonging to the Khaos Brigade.

Without wasting a moment, Mateus teleported, breaking through space with a burst of light. In an instant, he materialized at the chamber entrance. The surrounding darkness seemed to retreat before his presence, and his aura radiated with an intensity that would make even the bravest tremble.

Before him, Dagon, the fallen angel responsible for the kidnapping, rose, his cruel smile fading upon seeing Mateus. "You arrived sooner than I anticipated," Dagon said, trying to conceal his surprise.

"I didn't come just to rescue Mahiru," Mateus responded, his voice icy and laced with restrained fury. "I came to end you and everyone who dared to harm her."

With a swift motion, Mateus advanced, his supernatural abilities turning him into a blur of light and shadow. Dagon barely had time to react before being thrown against the wall with devastating force. The impact resonated through the chamber, and a cry of pain escaped the fallen angel.

As Dagon struggled to recover, Mateus rushed to Mahiru. With a precise gesture, he cut her bonds and removed the gag. "It's okay now, Mahiru. I'm here," he said softly, his voice carrying a promise of safety.

Mahiru, still dazed and frightened, nodded, tears of relief streaming down her face. "Mateus..."

Turning his attention back to Dagon, now a mere shadow of his former self and burning in eternal flames, Mateus's rage blazed uncontrollably. "You will pay dearly for this. And this is just the beginning."

The confrontation had only begun, and Mateus was resolute in ensuring that those who threatened Mahiru would never have the chance to harm anyone again. If they even survived this eternal torment...

---- ---- 

This chapter was really bad, I had to rewrite it

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Rafa_screators' thoughts