
The Super Lazy System

Effort brings great results. A man and an ambition. Mateus strives for a bright future, and amidst it, he still dreams of a fantastical life. One day, he is rewarded by a system that doesn't quite match his personality. Will he find new ambitions after gaining the Super Lazy System? Follow Mateus on his journey through a world forged by laziness. ----------------------- My first time writing, so don't expect too much, be kind. English is not my primary language, so please understand that I'm making an effort. Wish fulfillment. Writing to try to improve my English and my writing. Update schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Rafa_s · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

Quiet Days

Matthew was heading home after a busy day at school. The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink. As he walked through the quiet streets, his thoughts turned to what he could prepare for dinner.

He enjoyed cooking, finding in culinary arts a way to relax and experiment with new flavor combinations. Additionally, preparing a good meal always gave him a sense of satisfaction.

"Perhaps something simple, yet flavorful," thought Matthew, mentally reviewing the ingredients he had at home. "Maybe a chicken curry with vegetables and rice. It's nutritious and not too complicated to make."

As he walked, he entered a small market to buy some fresh ingredients. He picked up some carrots, potatoes, onions, and a bottle of coconut milk to give a special touch to the curry. Satisfied with his choices, he headed to the checkout to pay.

Upon leaving the market, with bags in hand, Matthew spotted Mahiru walking in the opposite direction. She seemed surprised and happy to see him.

"Mahiru! What a coincidence to find you here," said Matthew, smiling.

"Hi, Matthew! What are you up to?" asked Mahiru, curious to see the shopping bags.

"I just picked up some ingredients for dinner. I was thinking of making chicken curry with vegetables. What do you think about having dinner with me tonight?" invited Matthew, hoping she would accept.

Mahiru smiled, a little surprised but pleasantly. "That sounds delicious! I would love to."

"Great! Let's head to my place then," replied Matthew, excitedly.

The two walked together, chatting about the day at school and plans for the future. When they arrived at Matthew's house, he led Mahiru to the kitchen.

"Make yourself at home. I'll start preparing everything," said Matthew, organizing the ingredients on the counter.

Ophis, who was on the couch reading a book, looked up when the two entered.

"Hello, Mahiru," said Ophis, with a slight smile.

"Hello, Ophis!" replied Mahiru, returning the smile. "Let's prepare dinner together."

"That sounds fun," commented Ophis, closing the book and getting up. "Do you need help, Matthew?"

"Of course! Mahiru will wash the vegetables, and you can help me prepare the chicken," replied Matthew, grateful for the help.

Working together, the kitchen soon filled with the delicious aroma of curry cooking, mixed with fresh vegetables and coconut milk. The conversation flowed naturally, and everyone laughed and enjoyed themselves while preparing the meal.

When dinner was ready, Matthew set the table, and the three of them sat down to enjoy the result of their teamwork.

"This is amazing, Matthew!" praised Mahiru, after tasting the first bite.

"I'm glad you like it. We did a great job together," replied Matthew, satisfied.

"I agree. It's delicious," added Ophis, enjoying the dish.

They continued talking about various subjects, from school stories to dreams and ambitions for the future. The company of Mahiru and Ophis was comforting, and Matthew felt that dinner was a special moment that would further strengthen the bonds between them.

After dinner, they headed to the living room and settled on the couch. They continued talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. Time passed quickly, and before they knew it, it was late.

"It was a wonderful evening, Matthew. Thank you for the invitation," said Mahiru, getting up to leave.

"I'm the one who thanks you for coming. It was great to spend this time with you," replied Matthew, accompanying her to the door.

"Good night, Ophis. Thank you for everything," said goodbye Mahiru, waving to Ophis.

"Good night, Mahiru. Come back whenever you want," replied Ophis with a smile.

Matthew and Mahiru left the apartment, and he accompanied her to the door of her apartment, which was next door.

"Have a good night, Mahiru," said Matthew, smiling.

"Good night, Matthew. See you tomorrow," replied Mahiru, entering her apartment.

Matthew returned home with a smile on his face, feeling happy and grateful for the moments he spent with Mahiru and Ophis. He knew that those small moments of companionship were important and made a difference in their lives.

After saying goodbye to Mahiru, Matthew returned home feeling satisfied with the evening he had spent. After tidying up the kitchen and making sure everything was in order, he prepared to sleep. The warmth of the memories of that dinner and the pleasant company of Mahiru and Ophis helped him relax.

Lying in bed, Matthew reflected on the day. He thought about the classes that had passed monotonously, but also about how much he enjoyed studying and learning, even if there weren't many challenges for him at school. With these positive thoughts, he eventually fell asleep quickly, enveloped in a peaceful and restful sleep.

The next morning, the alarm clock rang promptly at six thirty. Matthew stretched and got up, feeling refreshed and ready for another day of school. He walked to the kitchen and prepared a simple but nutritious breakfast: an egg sandwich, fresh fruit, and a glass of orange juice.

"Good morning, Ophis," greeted Matthew, seeing his friend already awake and sitting at the table, with a book in hand.

"Good morning, Matthew," replied Ophis, looking at him over the book. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, very well. And you?"

"Also. I'm ready for another day," said Ophis with a smile.

After breakfast, Matthew went to his room and began to get ready for school. He dressed in his uniform carefully, making sure it was impeccable. He brushed his teeth, tidied his hair, and grabbed his backpack.

"I'm off to school, Ophis. See you later," said Matthew as he walked towards the door.

"See you later, Matthew," replied Ophis, nodding before returning to her book.

Matthew left home and walked alone to school. On the way, he thought about what the day might hold, especially about the possibility of meeting Mahiru during lunch break. Upon arriving at school, he greeted his classmates with a nod and headed to his classroom.

The morning classes passed quickly. Matthew, with his remarkable intelligence, absorbed the content easily, even though nothing really challenged him. He used the extra time to review subjects and help classmates who had doubts, always willing to share his knowledge.

During the break, he met Miyuki and exchanged a few words about recent events in the Student Council. Matthew was intrigued to notice a certain sparkle in Miyuki's eyes, as if he had something important in mind, but the topic didn't go beyond casual conversation.

Returning to the classroom, Matthew felt a slight anxiety about the meeting he would have with Mahiru during lunch. There was something special about sharing moments with her that made him look forward to these small breaks in the day.

When the lunch bell finally rang, Matthew packed up his materials and headed to the agreed-upon spot to meet Mahiru. They had decided to meet in the school courtyard, where there were outdoor tables and a beautiful garden, perfect for a quiet lunch.

"Hi, Mahiru," said Matthew as he approached, smiling.

"Hi, Matthew," she replied, returning the smile. "I brought something for us to eat."

"That's great! I also brought some things," said Matthew, showing the lunchbox he had prepared.

They sat at a table under the shade of a tree and began to share the food. The conversation flowed naturally, full of laughter and small everyday stories.

"How were your classes today?" asked Mahiru.

"Quiet, as always. Sometimes I miss a greater challenge, but it's good to be able to help others with their doubts," replied Matthew, taking a bite of a sandwich.

"That's one of the things I admire about you," said Mahiru. "Always willing to help others."

"Thank you," said Matthew, feeling his cheeks warm slightly. "And you? How were your classes?"

"Normal too. But I like how you always see the positive side of things. It inspires me to do the same," said Mahiru.

They continued talking about their classes, friends, and interests. Matthew felt more and more comfortable in Mahiru's company, appreciating how easily they could talk about any subject.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you!" exclaimed Mahiru suddenly. "Did you know Miyuki was elected president of the Student Council?"

"Yes, he mentioned that in passing earlier today," said Matthew. "I'm happy for him. Miyuki is a great friend, and I'm sure he'll do an excellent job."

"I agree. And who knows? Maybe you could be part of the Council someday too," said Mahiru, jokingly.

"Who knows?" replied Matthew with a smile, although he didn't take the idea too seriously.

Time passed quickly, and soon the bell announcing the end of the break rang. Matthew and Mahiru said goodbye and returned to their respective classrooms. The afternoon classes followed the same pace as the morning: quiet and without any surprises.

At the end of the day, Matthew felt satisfied with another productive and pleasant day. He packed up his materials, said goodbye to his classmates, and began to walk back home. As he walked, his thoughts wandered between the memories of the day and expectations for the future.

Arriving home, Matthew found Ophis reading in the living room.

"Hi, Ophis. How was your day?" he asked, sitting down next to her.

"Quiet. And yours?" she replied, closing the book for a moment.

"Also. It was a good day," said Matthew with a smile.

He knew that, regardless of the challenges or monotony of classes, there would always be special moments that made each day unique and memorable. And with friends like Mahiru and Ophis, he felt ready to face whatever the future held.

Matthew prepared for another night of rest, knowing that the next day would bring new opportunities and moments to be shared with those he valued most.

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Sorry for the slow chapter, the next ones will have more action.

But if you're looking for action, give my original story 'Legacy of the Dragons' a read, you might even enjoy the story

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Rafa_screators' thoughts