
The Super Lazy System

Effort brings great results. A man and an ambition. Mateus strives for a bright future, and amidst it, he still dreams of a fantastical life. One day, he is rewarded by a system that doesn't quite match his personality. Will he find new ambitions after gaining the Super Lazy System? Follow Mateus on his journey through a world forged by laziness. ----------------------- My first time writing, so don't expect too much, be kind. English is not my primary language, so please understand that I'm making an effort. Wish fulfillment. Writing to try to improve my English and my writing. Update schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Rafa_s · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

A New Prospect

Mateus woke up to the sound of his alarm, blinking sleepily as he reached to turn it off. It was Monday morning, and the start of another week at school. He lay in bed for a moment, thinking about the day ahead and the memories of the wonderful Sunday he had spent with Mahiru. Smiling to himself, he got up and began his morning routine. 

He showered quickly, letting the warm water wake him up completely. As he dried off and dressed, he chose his school uniform: a crisp white shirt, a navy blazer, and matching trousers. After making sure everything was neat, he styled his hair, recalling how Mahiru had smiled at him yesterday. The memory made him feel a little more confident. 

Downstairs, the house was quiet. Ophis was still asleep, and he didn't want to wake her. He prepared a simple breakfast, eating quickly but mindfully, knowing he needed the energy for the day ahead. He also made an extra sandwich for lunch, planning to enjoy it with his friends. 

As he was about to leave, he glanced at his phone and saw a message from Mahiru: "Good morning, Mateus! I hope you have a great day at school." Her words filled him with warmth and determination to make the most of his day. 

He left the house and started walking to school. The fresh morning air and the quiet streets gave him a chance to clear his mind and focus on the day ahead. Mateus was a student at a prestigious high school where students from various worlds of fiction gathered. 

As Mateus entered the school grounds, he noticed the familiar hustle and bustle of students preparing for another week. He waved to a few friends from different classes, feeling a sense of belonging in this diverse environment. 

His first class was literature, one of his favorites. The teacher was known for their engaging lessons and passion for the subject. Today, they were discussing classical Japanese literature, and Mateus was eager to participate. 

During the lesson, he couldn't help but glance at the clock occasionally, thinking about when he might see Mahiru again. His friend, Miyuki, who sat next to him, noticed his distraction. 

"Everything okay, Mateus?" Miyuki asked, his keen eyes observing him closely. 

"Yeah, you seem a bit out of it today," he added with a smirk. 

Mateus chuckled, scratching the back of his head. "Just thinking about yesterday. Had a really nice day." 

"Oh? With whom?" Miyuki's interest was piqued. 

"Just a friend," Mateus replied, his cheeks reddening slightly. 

The conversation shifted back to literature, and Mateus found himself immersed in the discussion, his earlier distraction fading away. 


--- ---- --- 



When the bell rang for lunch, Mateus headed to the courtyard, where he often met with friends. He saw Mahiru sitting under a tree, her face lighting up when she saw him approach. 

"Hey, Mahiru," he greeted, sitting down next to her. 

"Hey, Mateus. How's your day going?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with genuine interest. 

"It's going well. Literature class was interesting, but I kept thinking about yesterday," he admitted. 

"Me too," Mahiru said softly, smiling at him. 

They shared their lunch, talking and laughing about the small things that happened during their morning classes. 

"So, what did you think of the literature class today?" Mahiru asked, taking a bite of her sandwich. 

"It was pretty engaging. I love how the teacher explains the themes in classical literature," Mateus replied. "How about your classes?" 

"Not too bad. We had a math quiz, but I think I did alright," Mahiru said, her eyes twinkling. "You know, you seemed really into that book you were reading the other day. What was it about?" 

Mateus's face lit up. "Oh, that one! It's a mystery novel. The plot twists are incredible, and the character development is so well done. I'm really enjoying it." 

"I'll have to borrow it from you when you're done. I love a good mystery," Mahiru said, smiling. 

"Absolutely, I'd be happy to lend it to you," Mateus replied, feeling a warm sense of camaraderie. 

They continued eating, the conversation flowing easily between them. They talked about their favorite books, shared funny anecdotes from their childhoods, and even discussed their dreams for the future. 

"Do you have any plans for the weekend?" Mahiru asked. 

"Not yet, actually. I haven't thought that far ahead," Mateus said with a shrug. 

"Maybe we can figure something out together," Mahiru suggested, her cheeks tinged with a slight blush. 

"I'd like that," Mateus replied, feeling his own cheeks warm. 

As they finished their lunch, Mateus leaned back against the tree, looking up at the sky. "It's such a nice day. Makes me wish we could just stay out here and talk." 

"Yeah, I feel the same way," Mahiru said, glancing at her watch. "Unfortunately, lunch break is almost over." 

Mateus sighed. "I know. But I'm really glad we got to spend this time together." 

"Me too," Mahiru agreed, packing up her lunch. "Let's do this more often." 

"Definitely," Mateus said, standing up and offering her a hand. "Ready to head back?" 

"Ready," she replied, taking his hand and standing up. They walked back to their classes, still chatting and enjoying each other's company until they had to part ways. 

As Mateus headed to his next class, he bumped into Miyuki, who was just coming out of a meeting. 

"Hey, Mateus!" Miyuki called out, walking over to him with a broad smile. 

"Hey, Miyuki! How's it going?" Mateus replied. 

"Pretty good. I was just finalizing some things for the Student Council," Miyuki said proudly. "You know, ever since the election, things have been hectic but exciting." 

"Yeah, congratulations again on becoming the new Student Council President," Mateus said, genuinely happy for his friend. "That's a huge achievement." 

"Thanks, Mateus. I appreciate it," Miyuki said. "We're planning some new events and activities. I'd love to get your input on some of them, if you have time." 

"Sure, I'd be happy to help," Mateus replied. "Just let me know when and where." 

"Great! I'll send you the details later," Miyuki said. "By the way, how was your weekend? Did you do anything fun?" 

Mateus smiled, thinking about his time with Mahiru. "Yeah, I had a really nice day with a friend." 

Miyuki raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile spreading across his face. "Sounds interesting. You'll have to tell me more about it sometime." 

"Maybe I will," Mateus said with a chuckle. "But right now, I need to get to my next class." 

"Alright, see you later, Mateus," Miyuki said, giving him a friendly pat on the back. 

As Mateus walked to his next class, he felt a sense of contentment. He had good friends, interesting classes, and the promise of more time with Mahiru. It was shaping up to be a great week. 

As the afternoon classes began, Mateus found himself once again in a familiar routine. However, the material presented in his classes hardly posed a challenge to his intellect. 

In physics, the teacher discussed basic principles of motion and energy, topics that Mateus had long since mastered. He found himself doodling in his notebook, his mind wandering to more complex scientific theories that piqued his interest. 

Language arts proved to be equally unstimulating for Mateus. While his classmates struggled to analyze literary works and grasp writing techniques, Mateus found himself bored with the simplistic assignments. He longed for the opportunity to engage in more intellectually stimulating discussions. 

In mathematics, Mateus breezed through the equations and problems presented by the teacher. His mathematical prowess far surpassed that of his peers, and he often found himself finishing assignments well before the allotted time. 

Despite the lack of challenge in his afternoon classes, Mateus remained attentive and respectful to his teachers. He understood the importance of education and strove to maintain a positive attitude, even when the material failed to engage him intellectually. 

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Mateus gathered his belongings and made his way out of the classroom. Despite the lack of intellectual stimulation in his afternoon classes, he looked forward to the freedom of the afternoon and the opportunity to pursue his own interests outside of school. 



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In the student council room, Miyuki, Kaguya, Fujiwara Chika, Yu Ishigami, and Miko Iino gathered around the table, engaged in a discussion about the future of their team. 

Miyuki, embodying his role as the Student Council president, leaned forward with determination. "Team, I believe it's time for us to consider expanding our ranks. We need fresh perspectives and new talents to elevate our initiatives." 

Kaguya, the vice president, nodded in agreement, her sharp eyes focused. "Absolutely, Miyuki. We must ensure that our council continues to lead with excellence." 

Fujiwara Chika, known for her cheerful demeanor, chimed in eagerly, "I agree! With the recent elections behind us, now's the perfect time to think about bringing in new blood." 

Yu Ishigami, the treasurer, interjected, "I've been mulling over potential candidates, and there's someone I believe would be a valuable addition: Mateus." 

Miko Iino, the auditor, raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Mateus? What makes you think he's suited for the Student Council?" 

Yu Ishigami explained, "Well, Mateus is incredibly sharp and respected among his peers. He's got a knack for leadership and a genuine commitment to our school's well-being. I believe he could bring some serious firepower to our team." 

Miyuki nodded thoughtfully, considering Yu Ishigami's words. "I've observed Mateus myself, and I couldn't agree more. He's got the qualities we're looking for in a council member." 

Kaguya leaned forward, her expression contemplative. "Before we proceed, we should invite Mateus for a discussion. It's crucial to gauge his interest and ensure he shares our vision for the Student Council." 

Fujiwara Chika nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, let's extend an invitation to him. I have a good feeling about this!" 

Miko Iino added, "But before we make any decisions, we must also determine what role Mateus could play within the Student Council. We need to ensure he fits seamlessly into our team dynamic and can contribute effectively." 

With their discussion concluded, the members of the Student Council agreed to reach out to Mateus and explore the possibility of him joining their ranks. They recognized the importance of selecting candidates who not only possessed the necessary qualifications but also shared their passion for serving the student body. As they prepared to extend the invitation to Mateus, they felt a sense of excitement about the potential for their team to grow and thrive with his inclusion.