

The world finally finished warping up, and the entire realm broke up into fragments and revealed a sinister black void behind it. Aria felt her consciousness fade away, and she let the realm's shift carry her back to reality.

The Noel in her Tower. It was time to go back to the adult Noel that couldn't depart safely to heaven and was left chained up instead.

When she woke up, she was back in her original body. She could feel the connection with her spirits and could also see her status. She let out a relieved sigh and looked upwards.

Noel was there. Her heart instantly felt a pang of pain as she struggled to get up from her fallen state.

"Noel." Aria said, dry tears streaming down her face as she had not only experienced severe pain in the trials she had went through in the realms, but the realization that struck her hard was also starting to cause her heart to ache.