
The Summoned Hero

Andrew was just a normal boy with a boring life until he was a summoned hero summoned to stop an unknown threat. What is this threat? Who shall he face in the battle field?

The_Unforgetable · อื่นๆ
17 Chs


"He had a strange but terrifying aura... Ah! He has a familiar tattoo on his forehead! Just like... Sanadu's..." I get quiet and look at Minerva.

She looks devastated and starts tearing up. I don't know what to do until I look at her father and he embraces her.

"It's going to be ok." He whispers softly.

"I want you three too prepare for the upcoming battles as for now Sanadu is our enemy and Sanadu is a powerful man so you must become stronger." Lord Beru orders.

"We should go back to Kydina for now." Katrina suggests.

"Yes I think we should inform the kingdom of the possible war." I agree.

We set off and I notice a church while walking and a man walks out. He has short black hair and looks like he's in his late 40s. Everyone except me looks at him in shock.

"Soh?! The previous summoned hero?!" Katrina yells.

"Previous hero?" I say confused.

"Ah hello there I'm Soh the old hero who flight against the old demon king." He introduces himself.

"Ah! The old hero? I'm Andrew the newest summoned hero!" I say quickly.

"Hero huh? That means..." He trails off.

"Yeah we found our culprit and we're going to track him down." I say.

"Ah I see! That's good however are you sure you're prepared for this? They could likely be another war for all we know." Soh asks.

"Ah! Sir if you're the last hero then could you help us on our journey please!" I ask beaming.

"Ah sorry young man but I don't think I'll be much of use to you now that I'm an old man. However I could train you if you'd like." Soh suggests.

"Yes please sir!" I exclaim bowing.

"So young man what's your power? Mine was to be able to enhance my physical abilities." Soh says chuckling to himself.

"Ah! I can control time!" I say loud.

"I see do you know your limits to your power?" Soh asks.

"I'm fairly certain that it takes up my energy sir!" I exclaim.

"You can stop with the sir and come with me." Soh says walking towards a plain grass area as I quickly follow.

"Young man can you slow down time for normally this would take months however we'll only be training for a few weeks." Soh says calmly.

"Uh slow down?" I say confused.

I suddenly see birds moving slowly Soh smiles and takes his sword out.

"Now young man I'm going to teach you to control your power and I'll train your physical stats. Now get to the ground and do 100 push ups!" Soh yells.

"Alright!" I yell dropping to the floor.

I'm doing the push ups while Soh stares at me smiling and nodding. I'm soon done and Sih comes to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Alright boy your training routine shall be 100 push ups 150 sit ups 200 squats and a mile run with 5 kilogram weights on your arms and legs. After you complete that each day I'll train you to use your sword and your power." Soh says smiling.

"I see alright then I'll do my best!" I say smiling.

~6 weeks later with the girls~

"Do you guys think that Andrew can endure Soh's training? These been training for quite a while now" Katrina says.

"I'm sure he'll be fine after all we all believe in him right?" Elaine says smiling.

"Jeez of course he'll be fine he is Andrew the summoned hero after all." Minerva says smiling confidently.

"You guys sure believe in him." Katrina says smiling.

All of a sudden a big man jumps out attacking Katrina. I move abnormally fast stopping him and dash behind him slashing him in the back. Soh's training has made me powerful I think to myself as I dash everywhere striking him at the same time. The man tries to get away however my speed is won't allow him. He soon grabs me and kicks me raging with anger. I dont panic because I'm confident I can beat him as I assume the stance that Soh taught me. As he runs towards me I attack throwing in three slashes while he's busting block I jab my sword into him and uppercut him. Then I punch him a few times and kick him to the ground grabbing my sword. I then finish him off and look at the girls with a big smile.

"You girls alright?" I ask.

"We are because of you. You've improved so much Andrew!" Katrina says wrapping her arms around me.

All of a sudden a figure jumps out infront of us. It's Sanadu! He looks at me with anger in his eyes.

"You bastard I trained that man for 16 months and to think you defeated him so easily... It makes me mad." Sanadu says with an intimidating voice.

"S-Sanadu!" Minerva says sadly.

"Tch of course your here you little brat." Sanadu says clearly pissed off.

"Why are you doing this?!" Katrina yells.

"Because! humans and demons at peace? What kind of stupid choice was that?" Sanadu yells.

"My father wants peace for the world!" Minerva yells.

"Your father is a fool. Demons and humans can't get along which is what the old demon king knew. He isn't a fool which is why I'm going to bring him back to matter the cost." Sanadu says disappearing.

"Dammit!" I yell.

"Guys do you really think that... a war will start?" Elaine says scared.

"Don't worry I'll protect you guys at all costs." I say mad.

I soon walk off pissed that I couldn't stop him right there and now. I think to myself about what to do. I dont want the girls to be hurt at all but some of them might die in this...War. I'm confident that a war will happen theres no guarantee but I'm confident. I'll protect them no matter what even if I have to ditch them to fight in the war alone. Theres no way I can let Sanadu win I will definitely stop this...war.