
12: Specific Condition

"So, good job, then who are the two people you brought this time? Is that Youkai from Aosagi-bi or is he from the Hara Clan?" One of the elders spoke and looked with a cynical face.

The Hara Clan is a Youkai Clan from the Aosagi-bi Race, which is one of the two Factions in Shibuya.

"Haaah... So you are the Leader and Elders of the Tashi Clan? How foolish..." Ken suddenly spoke in a low tone, but still audible to everyone in the room.

"You! How dare you say that to me!" The elder who spoke suddenly became angry.

"Yes, isn't it clear that both Clans were created to fight each other, by someone? Can't you even think about it? How foolish." Ken spoke with disdain, which made some of the elders angry.

"Calm down..." A man sitting on the highest seat, who seemed to be the Leader of the Tashi Clan, spoke.

"But Leader! This person-!"

"Calm down!" The Clan Leader suddenly spoke, with a loud voice that made the elders stop talking.

"Who are you, and how dare you speak arrogantly in my Territory!" The Clan Leader spoke and stared at Ken with a serious gaze, giving a little pressure.

"I am just a Shaman, I will help you resolve the Conflict between the two Clans, but after this, stop causing trouble! You are really annoying!" Ken spoke in a cold tone and reversed the pressure with much greater force.

"!" The Clan Leader and the elders were very surprised.

"Now tell me where your child is, I will heal her, and then I will go to the Aosagi-bi Race to solve their problem, which is the loss of their Clan's Sacred Treasure, what are you waiting for? Quickly tell me where!" Ken snapped and applied more pressure.

"Ggr... Come with me..." The man who was the Clan Leader finally stopped being angry and got off his chair, seeing that the elders also stopped resisting and followed the Clan Leader, Ken followed them along with a member of the Aosagi-bi Race.

After walking for a while, Ken was taken to a room, inside the room, there were several women who seemed to be servants there, with a beautiful woman sitting next to a little girl lying weakly on the bed.

"Darling? What's going on? Why is it so crowded like this?" The beautiful woman then approached the Clan Leader and asked.

"Just calm down, Miyu, I promise there won't be any problems." The Clan Leader spoke gently and reassured his wife.

"Is this the girl?" Ken walked towards the girl lying unconscious on the bed, seeing that Miyu, the beautiful woman, became worried, but the Clan Leader stopped Miyu and let Ken approach his daughter.

"Tell me specifically what happened before?" Ken asked in a strange tone.

"What do you mean?" Miyu asked with a confused face, but the Clan Leader spoke first.

"Before, my daughter was playing in the park, but suddenly there was a strange energy appearing, and when the guards approached my daughter, there was only my daughter lying unconscious, it has been like this for several days." The Clan Leader quickly explained to Ken.

"This girl is not injured, it's a specific condition." Ken spoke in a strange tone.

"Specific condition? What do you mean?" The Clan Leader asked with a puzzled face.

"Her body is still functioning, but her soul, as if it's asleep, this is impossible unless..." Ken took a deep breath.

"Unless what?" Miyu asked worriedly.

"Tell me! Unless what!" The Clan Leader became impatient and very worried.

"Unless certain conditions occur, the first condition is that another soul somehow exists in your daughter's body, the second condition is that your daughter's soul is being sucked by someone or something to a certain place, the third condition is that something is happening in your daughter's body, either a Sacred Item or a Cursed Item is merging with her, among all the conditions, only those three conditions are most likely at the moment."

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