
The strong who came out of the nuclear explosion

The strong are fearless, the strong are fearless, the strong are invincible, and the strong are the strongest. The development of science and technology brings the end of the warrior? But... When Li Qiuxian walked out of the nuclear explosion center unharmed, the world was shocked!

KenyattaPeng · ไซไฟ
97 Chs

Chapter 86 - Martial Arts Combat

"Haha, the wild mountains, but also encountered a high level beast tyrannical bear, a death is too normal."

Li Bo let out a loud laugh, the bag on his body a shake fell to the ground, while a short knife of about half a meter was held in his backhand.

"No nonsense, battle duel!"

Taylor shouted lowly, striding forward, following closely after the kill.

"A newly promoted Hua Jin who is not even a Herald is just that."

Cissy was a little disdainful, but she still stepped forward with her stab and joined the circle of battle, chasing after Li Quxian who was retreating in a big step.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.


But ...

Li Quxian's flying retreating figure lasted less than a moment before his right foot stomped backwards violently and came to an abrupt halt.

He held his sword with both hands, raised it high on his shoulders, and stabbed out lightning, the blade of the sword and the air rubbing fiercely, forming an ear-piercing whistle, causing the onrushing Taylor to look aghast.

An inch long, an inch strong.

The chase to Taylor holding a dagger, the face of Li Quxian heavy sword stabbing body fierce side avoidance, heavy sword blade carrying airflow stirring, nearly Taylor's body clothes cut to pieces.

But for this threat at hand, Taylor face no change, avoiding Li Quxian a sword brakes waist a twist, with the force of the twist a throw hand in the dagger lightning zap out, straight stabbed Li Quxian neck vital.

An inch short, an inch dangerous.

His speed is fast, Li Quxian's speed is even faster.

In Taylor to avoid his heavy sword stabbing and also towards his own close, Li Quxian did not hesitate, body a sink, the strength of a pressure, in the next moment boldly forward, big step impact, shoulder ruthlessly hit towards his stabbing Taylor.

The downward pressure of the power in the impact hit the moment of full explosion, like a bent bow tensed up, along with his body tendons a light sound, this burst out of the power through the whole body, a flat river, through the impact of the shoulder blasted into the chest of Taylor.

Taylor's face changed dramatically.

The sudden change did not allow him to have any reaction, seeing that there was no way to avoid it, his eyes burst out with a fierce light, while concentrating all his strength in front of his chest, the other side of the stabbing down the dagger degree soared!


The narrow road!

Even if he was hit, he would still cut a piece of flesh from his enemy's body!


Bones shattered.

Taylor's entire chest collapsed, the ribs inside did not know how many broken, it was as if he was hit by a rushing car viciously thrown five or six meters distance, hitting the ground heavily, splashing a burst of earth debris.

The dagger that he was knocked out by Li Quxian at the same time, his dagger had already stabbed Li Quxian's neck, because the moment he stabbed Li Quxian's neck his body had been knocked away, and finally the dagger just tore through Li Quxian's neck, blood shot, staining the collar red.

If this thorn then half a minute deeper ...

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

This is a martial artist fight.

A line of life and death.

The power of winning a silk, you can turn life and death.

Li Quxian's eyes did not change half a minute, hitting Taylor while he had coldly stepped forward, holding the sword with both hands, the heavy sword turned into the left hand, while the muscles in the left hand position surged, boiling qi blood like a mighty river, through the arm, the heavy sword in the hand raised high upwards.


Fire light burst out.

Raising a sword is blocking Li Bo's chopping down short sword.

At the same time his right hand lightning cut out, almost close to the physician Sisi stabbing military spikes, relying on arm length advantage five fingers clasped her wrist.


Five fingers in the clasp Xi Xi's wrist moment, as if into steel and iron, instantly Xi Xi's entire wrist bones all crushed, the intense pain even Xi Xi such a battle-tested pioneer still can not help but out of pain scream.

"Give me death!"

Seeing this scene, Li Bo let out a wild roar, his body blood boiling, as he roared out, from his hand short sword burst.

Li Quxian was holding the sword alone, the power was quickly suppressed when Li Bo exploded, the sword blade was unable to resist the pressure of the short sword towards Li Quxian's upper body ruthlessly cut.

"Roll away!"

Li Quxian fiercely inhaled a breath, heart burst, qi blood shock, aimed at the suppression of chopping down Li Bo a wild roar.

Bloodshed Thunder Sound!

Sound shock like thunder, the airflow in the void as if by this dramatic roar shattered, forming a bunch of white lines, rumbling.

When the impact of the Li Bo chest a severe pain, the body's blood in this roar was all shaken apart, the force of the chopping down a thousand.

Taking advantage of this opportunity Li Quxian clasped Xixi's wrist right hand strength burst, with her right hand as the support point of a brazen shake.


Xi Xi's entire arm was shaken off by this shaking force, the arm is like being torn off from the shoulder raw.

The left foot kicked upward and stabbed, hitting the military spike that had slipped from the hand of Xi Xi because her wrist was shattered.

Just like ...

The shuttlecock.

But the force contained in Li Quxian's foot is much more than just a light and simple kick at the shuttlecock, and the ...

It is not a harmless shuttlecock.

It was a Mitsubishi military spike!


The sound of breaking air.

Li Quxian raised his foot kicked the military spike as if a sharp arrow shot from the string, instantly from the Xi Xi chin pierced into the skull at an angle of fifteen degrees, an inch of the blade swept a spray of blood from the back of the head through out ...

"Ah, go to hell!"

Seeing this scene, Li Bo let out a wild roar, the body's qi blood forcibly urged, boiling away, raw from the weakness of the Bloodshed Thunder Sound struggled out, the short knife in the hand once again fierce cut down.

But this time Li Quxian's right hand has been struggling out from the pull of Xixi, in Li Bo this knife again forced to cut down the moment, the sword blade a cross, the right hand flung, tendons and bones sounded, a punch out, heavy landing on the sword in the hands of the sword, the point of impact ...

It is the location of the short sword chopping back!


Sword and knife together.

The mountain is hitting the bull!

The shocking force was transmitted to Li Bo's short sword through the body of the sword, causing Li Bo's right hand, which was holding the short sword, to crack the tiger's mouth and nearly lose its grip on the hilt.

"Not good!"

Li Bo's short sword was shaken nearly out of hand when he realized the crisis, did not hesitate to retreat.

The moment he retreated, Li Quxian's sword tilted upward, swift as a stream of light, the cold blade tore a gaping hole in his front clothes, leaving a bloody scar on his chest.

If he hadn't retreated in time, this sword upward ...

It was enough to split him in half from the chest up.

"Damn ... how can it be so strong ..."

Li Bo looked at the captain Taylor, who was knocked away by Li Quxian's collision, and until this moment could barely gasp to stand up, and swept a glance at Sisi, who was gashed to death by a military spike through her head, and made a split-second decision to turn and run.

"Go? Too late!"

Li Quxian's eyes shone with a fierce light, a step forward, the landing place of earth debris directly sink, and in the next moment exploded, forming a more than a foot of earth pit.

With this force, he was like a crossbow arrow bursting out, sweeping the suffocating wind and air pressure, in an instant pounced behind Li Bo, before the sword, contained in his body that is enough to crush Li Bo's life flame of fierce aura has made his heart almost stop beating, fear seems to jump out from the throat, shouting.


Li Bo, who was running wildly, let out a roar mixed with fear, and his body twisted violently in a vain attempt to throw Li Quxian away by changing direction.

"Shattering Star!"

At the moment when Li Bo's body changed direction, the energy flowing in Li Quxian's body violently hit a qi-blood star in his body, causing the qi-blood star to explode on the spot, turning it into a qi-blood force that was integrated into the energy dao, not only increasing the power of the energy dao, but also increasing the speed of operation by 10% with the impact of the star's explosion.

And then, the increased power is like a tsunami, carrying a huge momentum continues to roll forward, instantly hit the second qi blood star, and then the second qi blood star detonated ...

The power of the second star into this vast rushing force, and, the impact of the explosion of the star plus the rushing degree of this force, once again crashed into the third star ...

These subtle changes were all born in Li Quxian's body, said to be slow, in fact, just a moment.

It's like the time it takes for a human being to raise his or her qi from the lower body to the upper body.

The three stars were integrated into his power, causing Li Quxian's already violent and swift speed to soar by 30%. The heavy sword in his hand was like a cannonball out of the chamber, with an ear-piercing whistle that shattered the air waves, ruthlessly blasting into Li Bo's skull.


The huge force crushed, Li Bo's head is like a watermelon hit by a hammer, burst open, his body with inertia ran forward for a moment, and fell down.

Li Quxian slowed down his body shape, exhaled a long breath, his body shape turned ...

eyes fell on Taylor.

And then ...

Carrying this blood-stained great sword, towards Taylor, step by step.

Taylor just by Li Quxian that hit the whole chest are sunken, ribs do not know broken a few, and even pierced into the internal organs, no longer have any further fighting power.

Seeing the arrival of Li Quxian, the fear in his eyes was instantly magnified ...

"Li Xu Xian ... you can not kill me, I am one of the three vice captains of the Ke family Herald squad, you want to enter the Ke family to become the Ke family Herald, you can not lay hands on me, otherwise once I have an accident, the Ke family will definitely not give up... ...I ... I can promise you that today's incident, will never mention to anyone, Xixi, Li Bo are dead in the hands of the tyrant bear ... even if ... Even three raw fruits I will pretend not to have seen ... you ..."

Li Quxian face expressionless, carrying the sword directly to the side of Taylor.

The blood from the wound on his neck stained the upper half of his body, and with this expressionless look, it made the aura on him terrifying to the extreme.

"Heh ..."

Taylor looked at the indifferent Li Quxian seemed to understand the direct downfall, suddenly a miserable laugh, no longer begging for mercy: "I can not imagine that I Taylor did not die in the fight with the ferocious beast, but killed in the hands of his own people ... greed... ..."

Li Quxian raised the great sword in his hand ...

"Haha ... ahem ... you should not be too complacent, the Herald ... will not live long... ...Even if you can successfully carry out the mission once, twice, three or four times, as long as there is any failure, it is inevitable that you will eventually be buried in the belly of the beast ... Li Quxian ... I am waiting below... ..."

Li Quxian stabbed out with a sword.


The big sword instantly pierced through Taylor's throat ...

The sound came to an abrupt halt!