
The strong who came out of the nuclear explosion

The strong are fearless, the strong are fearless, the strong are invincible, and the strong are the strongest. The development of science and technology brings the end of the warrior? But... When Li Qiuxian walked out of the nuclear explosion center unharmed, the world was shocked!

KenyattaPeng · ไซไฟ
97 Chs

Chapter 81: The strongest to the strongest

The words are not amazing.

Li Quxian's words, Huo Donghua was stunned, Huo Bei was stunned, Bu Lai was stunned, and everyone else in the hall froze on the spot.

One against three ...

Challenging three masters?

Including two pioneers!

What does he think he is, a Dan Jin master?

For a while, almost everyone in the hall looked at Li Quxian with a madman-like look.

What kind of uncaring person must be to say such arrogant and ignorant words?

But ...

Just almost.

There are still a few people in the hall who don't have a half-hearted sense of sarcasm in their eyes, instead ...

Their eyes were filled with caution.

One of the curator Li Wei, who learned about Li Quxian's details, one of the curator Fan, one of An Oro, who thought of something, and, the challenged one, Huo Donghua, the director of Longquan Martial Arts Center, and the current pioneer Bu Lai.

"Li Quxian ... you arrogant ..."

The atmosphere in the whole room was strangely stagnant for a moment, and was finally interrupted by Huo Bei's voice full of humiliation and anger.

This deputy director from the Longquan Martial School's main hall shot up in anger.

However, before he could reprimand Li Quxian, Huo Donghua stopped Huo Bei with a false hand.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Li Xuxian, his expression likewise becoming grave and solemn: "Master Li, are you serious?"

"Not bad."

Li Quxian looked at Huo Donghua: "Give your best, fight with me, life or death."


At this time, An Dao Sheng also seemed to see what was going on and exhaled a long breath.

Not only him, many of the veteran chemical jin and dark jin martial artists in the field also thought of something, and looked at each other, looking at Li Quxian's gaze was no longer like looking at an ignorant junior arrogant and arrogant, but ... cautious in ...

With a touch of respect.

The kind of respect for the kind of single-minded martial artist, the heart without distractions.

Although they do not know ...

what Li Quxian was seeking was not the ultimate in martial arts.

"If this is really what you want, Master Li ..."

Huo Donghua met Li Quxian's gaze, as if to see the true thoughts in the heart of this man Li Quxian, pausing for a few seconds before he rejoined, "I promise you!"


Li Quxian answered heavily, and his gaze turned to Bu Lai.

"Don't know how to live or die, if you really have this kind of courage and boldness ... I'll make you whole!"

Bu Lai followed and said.

It was Huo Bei, who looked unsure: "Curator, Mr. Bu, what's going on, this kid is crazy, how come you guys are also crazy along with him? Challenging three of our masters at the same time? Who does he think he is? A Dan Jin master who has become a Dan Jin master?"

"Alright, Huo Bei, you should not interfere in this matter."

Huo Donghua said.

An Dao Sheng, who had vaguely understood Li Quxian's character, hesitated for a moment, but still re-inquired, "Gentlemen, is this really the way to settle this matter?"

Huo Donghua and Bu Lai did not speak, but turned their gazes to Li Quxian.

Obviously, the choice was in Li Quxian's hands.

And Li Quxian ...

"I'm sure."

"Huh ..."

Seeing Li Quxian who cautiously made this request, Bu Lai sneered, "Dao seeker? Just don't know if it's a real seeker, or a flowery man who doesn't know the sky is high, but whether you're a real seeker or a fake seeker, I just know that such people generally don't live long."

"Seeker of the Way?"

Some of the martial artists in the audience who originally did not understand and still felt that Li Quxian was too uncaring were stunned at the same time when they heard these three words and instantly understood what these three words represented.

"Master Li ... Seeker of the Way?"

"Actually ..."

"Senior brother, what is a Dao seeker?"

"Dao seeker ... is a more svelte way of saying it, another way of saying it is called ... martial arts nerd!"



An Daosheng's voice sounded again, suppressing the other voices of discussion among the hall: "Since the three have decided, then, please come with me, here also can not let go, and the fight can not be enjoyed."

As he spoke, An Daosheng led Li Quxian and his group to the courtyard where the disciples specialized in martial arts practice.

This courtyard was spacious compared to the place where An Daosheng lived in the city of Char, and was hardly inferior to a small playground, enough for any martial artist to do his best on it.

"I do understand how Master Li can have this kind of achievement at the age of less than twenty."

Li Wei looked at Li Quxian who looked calm, but his eyes were full of battle intent, and sighed with heartfelt emotion.

"I can't believe that after three years, I can still see a Dao-seeker exist."

Long Sky Martial School's Fan likewise said, "Unfortunately, the path of a Dao seeker ... is too difficult ... some Dao seekers do not die in a match duel beyond their limits, but are killed by someone with a concealed gun... ...Such seekers of the way, offended some people's interests, some masters, and even patriarchs can easily become famous to sit and enjoy the prestige, worshiped by others, but was beaten to the door by seekers of the way ... those famous masters if they win does not mean anything, the other party does not relent, defeated ... a lifetime of operating a great reputation since then destroyed ..."

Li Wei looked at Li Quxian.

Martial artists in the martial arts circle to this kind of seeker ...

Respect is mixed with disgust.

Respect for them to be able to do everything for the sake of martial arts, disgust for them to be unreasonable for the limit of martial arts.

From Huo Donghua's attitude, it seems that he is mostly respectful to the seekers of the Way.

But Bu Lai ...

is definitely disgusting mostly.


Li Quxian said to Huo Donghua and Bu Lai.

But Huo Donghua and Bu Lai seemed to reach some kind of consensus, and Bu Lai did not move, but Huo Donghua stepped forward.


"You alone are not my opponent."

Li Quxian looked at Huo Donghua and said seriously.

Huo Donghua frowned.

As the chief director of the Longquan Martial Arts School, a master of chemical jin who had been famous for many years, back then, he had even gone on exploration missions in the wilderness with a team of pioneers and had fought incomparably fierce fights with ferocious beasts, but with such experiences, he was bluntly claimed to be no match by a person less than twenty years old ...

"Although I have not witnessed you and Master An Oro fight, but your previous video I have seen, although some time has passed, but I think ... I have the ability to fight you head-on."

Huo Donghua said.

"Well, curator Huo, since this Master Li has such confidence in his own strength, what harm can we do to make him whole."

Bu Lai, however, impatiently stepped forward, while directly saying, "Are you ready? Don't say I'm mean and sneaky like Jaz when the time comes."


Li Quxian said.


Bu Lai bellowed in response, and in the next moment, his qi and blood surged, as if a calm volcano, from stillness to movement, suddenly erupted.

The moment his qi and blood erupted he had already fiercely lunged towards Li Quxian, originally only a trace of overflowing fierce and fierce aura rose to the sky, making him in an instant as if he had transformed into an ancient fierce beast, suffocating killing intent rolled and swept to the face.


The moment he strikes, he does his best.

The next hand is full of killing moves.

If you want to kill a ferocious beast, any fancy and vain moves will not be useful, you can only rely on one word - strong!

Stronger! The strongest!

This is the style of the Herald!


Faced with Bu Lai's hand, Li Xuxian exhaled a long breath, his body half crouched, and his feet even moved back and forth, as if a long bow was fiercely stretched out ...

And then, the right hand clenched fist, such as pulling a sharp arrow ... in front of the lunging fist of Bu Lai, when the upper body leaned forward, the body strength in this leaning, as if with the force of the collapse of Mount Tai condensed in the right hand, shot out boldly.


Strong against strong!

Hard against hard!

No retreat, no dodge!

It was as if the two men were not masters of chemical jin at all, and their moves were not even as good as those of Ming jin martial artists.


The fist power contained in the two fists and the airflow squeezed by the fist power crashed together fiercely, exploding out a circle of airflow shock waves visible to the naked eye, and even emitting a muffled thunder-like boom.

The ground on which the two men were based collided with each other with a bang, and a wave of air burst out between the two collisions, sweeping the dust and sand, spreading in all directions, the whole field was like a small storm, sand and dust filled the air.

Li Quxian's body pressed down fiercely.

From the arm through the force, with a hot pain, most of his body slightly pressed when he guided directly from his right foot into the ground, so that his foothold sunken a footprint.

And Bu Lai ...

Worse than him.

The penetrating power of Li Quxian's fist blasted into his body along his arm, not only will his entire arm blood vessels, tendons and veins cracked, the invasion of his body in the power of half of his body almost lost consciousness.


After removing most of the energy, Li Xuxian let out a low cry and spat out his breath like thunder.

The divine astral body!

His body shook violently, and a crackling sound was emitted from all over his body, not only did he dissipate the remaining half of Bu Lai's power in this punch, but his body also exploded with a vast power along with the tiger leopard thunder sound.

"Limit - Collapse!"

Li Quxian's body was suddenly forward, thick energy through the left hand, curled into a fist, so that his left hand lightning pierced the air, with a burst of gas-like roar straight towards Bu Lai.

"Not good! Bu Lai danger!"

Huo Donghua, who was originally reluctant to join forces with Bu Lai to deal with Li Quxian, let out a shriek when he saw this scene and took a big step forward with lightning.

"Take my punch!"

Before he arrived, a compelling essence had already erupted from his body, paving the way, the fist energy carried a terrifying will that scared people's hearts, like a tarzan pressing down on the top, straight to the heart and soul.

"Fist intent! Well done!"

Li Xuxian's gaze turned, the fist that struck Bu Lai did not have a half-hearted change of direction, aimed at Huo Donghua's fist energy that was mixed with fist intent and collided with it, this kind of precise control of the right dao to the extreme, even An Oro, An Dao Sheng, Ou Bi Wang, these masters of chemical jin all looked wide-eyed.


Following the head-on collision with Bu Lai, Li Quxian's left-handed Avalanche also collided with Huo Donghua once again, and a muffled sound no less than the one just now erupted from their colliding fists.

The sand that has not yet settled down, in this force of the shock impact swept again, blowing in all directions.