
The strong who came out of the nuclear explosion

The strong are fearless, the strong are fearless, the strong are invincible, and the strong are the strongest. The development of science and technology brings the end of the warrior? But... When Li Qiuxian walked out of the nuclear explosion center unharmed, the world was shocked!

KenyattaPeng · ไซไฟ
97 Chs

Chapter 74 Set


Li Quxian looked calm as he consumed his meal.

A moment ...

I am afraid that I need to stretch my muscles.

Then it is natural to replenish good strength.

Yes ...

In Li Kuxian's opinion, the next thing that may be born is to stretch the meridians.

On his front, after Qiu Li learned of Li Quxian's true identity, his perception of him suddenly changed.

High school students ...

Take it to the ancient times, is Wen Qu Xing down to earth.

Nowadays, although people do not superstitiously believe in this, but as a senior student, this kind of schoolmaster level figure is still like a legendary existence.

It is not easy to get in touch with such a top school bully, plus the other party is a friend of his father, Qiu Li's heart of fear slightly abated some, born a trace of curiosity.

"Eat, finish eating and go back."

Li Quxian said, "Do you live in school now or with your parents?"

"I live in the school, but ..."

"That's fine."

Li Kuxian said: "Eat and go to school, you still have four or five months before the college entrance exam, I hope you can have a good score when you finally take the exam."


Qiu Li answered, glanced at the card Li Quxian placed on the table, hesitated for a moment, but still got it in her hand.

And Li Kuxian also sped up his meal at this time.

Twenty minutes later, he put down his chopsticks.

At this time, a person hurriedly arrived at the restaurant and immediately rushed over after seeing Li Quxian: "Master Li, how are you, I am the deputy director of Flame City Pavilion, Pang Si."

Although Li Quxian's status in the Long Sky Martial School was still only that of a sitting martial master, his status as a Master of Chemical Energy made no one in the Long Sky Martial School dare to treat him as an ordinary sitting martial master, and after receiving his call not long ago, this deputy director of the Flame City Branch of the capital of Koryo Province, Pang Si, immediately rushed over at the fastest speed to be at his service.

"This one is Pang Si, the deputy director of the Long Sky Martial School."

Li Quxian spoke to Qiu Li, "In the future, if there are people from the society looking for trouble with you, you can ask for the help of Pavilion Director Pang Si."

Qiu Li was slightly relieved to hear that.

If she really wanted to be a virtuous person, the ones she had been hanging out with on a regular basis were indeed a problem.

The good thing is, this Lee ... Lee senior in front of her considered very comprehensively, and with this Curator Ponce who is also a martial artist, I believe those people won't dare to come back to her for trouble.

"Thank you."

Li Quxian nodded, while turning to Ponce and said, "I have to ask Curator Ponce to send her to school, I still have some things to take care of."

What happened next was not very convenient for Qiu Li to know, and in order to take care of her young mind, it was better to send her away.

Li Kuxian felt that he was still very good at thinking for the other party, and things were arranged comprehensively.


Pang Si sharply answered, and at the same time invited, "Master Li came to Koryo Province once in a while, our branch library is overflowing with glory, do you think you can go to the library to instruct those martial arts master disciples, so that they can see the might of a master of chemical jin?"

"I haven't finished my business yet, if I have time to visit the Long Sky Martial School when it's done, I will visit."

"Then we'll be waiting for Grandmaster Li then."

Ponce said with a smile.

Then he took Qiu Li and left the restaurant.

After Qiu Li left, Li Quxian likewise bought the bill and walked through the mall, carrying his Qi and blood and digesting the food he had just eaten.

About ten minutes later, he stopped.

Then ...

turned around and walked toward the man who looked twenty-six or seventeen.

The man was pretending to be playing with his phone, but when he saw Li Quxian arrive, he seemed to realize that he was exposed, and turned around violently to run towards the outside.

But his speed is fast, Li Xuxian's speed is faster.

Did not see what he had to add action, almost a flash of his body, he has shuttled ten meters distance, a false hand, pressed to the man's shoulder.

The man who had been running wildly for several steps plus up in Li Quxian a press, all over the body shivered like a shock, as if the bones were scattered general, all the qi in the body was all drained, limp to fall down.

"Do not worry, I will not do anything to you, I just want to ask, when will they arrive? I've been waiting for ten minutes, if they don't come, I'm leaving."

Li Quxian slowly said, the voice is not loud, but it seems to have a strange power - as if a basin of ice water poured down from the man's head, so that his body a cool ...

Naturally, it calmed down.

"Sir ... me ... I am just a small person, and please sir do not see eye to eye with me."

The man said with trepidation.

"I know, I just want to know when the people will arrive, my time is very precious, in case you do not come for three or five hours, I can not wait for you for three or five hours."

"Soon ... will be here soon, mainly because the top said a big shot was coming over, that's why it was delayed."

"Big shot?"

Li Quxian brightened up: "Kang Tan is coming?"

"Kang Tan?"

The man was a bit puzzled.

Li Quxian gave the man a look, he didn't look like he was playing dumb.

It looked like this kind of small shrimp did not have the qualifications to contact Kantan, and did not even know the name of this king of the underground world in the three provinces.

"Who are you responsible for?"

"I ... I'm a henchman of the 'Eight Masters' ..."

"Well, no matter what the eight masters nine masters, there is an underground parking lot under the Long Xing shopping mall, I will wait for them there, I will only wait for half an hour, in addition, tell them that if they want to kill someone, the security and monitoring of the parking lot, you are responsible for handling it."

Li Xuxian finished, let go of the man, turned around and left.

Watching Li Xuxian leave, the man was stunned and did not react for a while.

Especially thinking back to what Li Xuxian just said ...

This person ...

Is he crazy!

"No one in sight! Pretending not to be afraid of being struck by lightning, when the time comes, see how you die!"

After a while, the man cursed, and hurriedly took out his cell phone to report the news up.

In the process of reporting he naturally will not say that he was captured by Li Quxian, and even the leading boss was exposed, only to take credit that these are his secret probe and come.


Li Quxian waited quietly in the underground parking lot.

The underground parking lot of Long Xing Mall is huge, and Li Kuxian arrived here still wondering if the enemy could find himself.

But considering that with the power of the Silver Club, more than one person must have come, he was at ease.

And the people of the Silver Club didn't keep him waiting for too long.

Twenty-one minutes later, a clamor came from the entrance of the parking lot.


Li Quxian shouted in the direction where the sound came from, as if an old friend greeting gesture.

And the clamor ...

paused for a moment, and in the next moment, simultaneously surged towards Li Quxian.

In a short time, has rushed over two dozen.

However, did not wait for Li Quxian and these two dozen people to greet, but saw the fastest rush, lock his body shape of a few people directly from the body to pull out a gun ...

"This is no longer interesting."

Li Xuxian was speechless.

He had thought that the Silver Club should have some style, at least the president Contant had to come to a life-and-death duel with him, and then everyone let go, sacrificing their lives to fight and kill, fist to flesh, blood expansion, which thought that the other party simply does not follow the rules, directly move guns ...


The empty underground parking lot seems to be a muffled sound.

Li Quxian foothold on the concrete floor as if trampled and torn, splashed up a layer of cement crumbs, in for a few people to pull out a gun before aiming at his figure, his whole person is like a cannonball, blatantly blasted out, carrying a thunderous power, a punch on the nearest one of the gunmen.


The sound of broken bones mixed with the sound of gunshots completely shredded the somewhat quiet atmosphere of the underground parking lot.

This gunman who was hit by Li Quxian's punch was killed in one blow without any suspense, and the inertia of the terrifying force swept his body, throwing it up viciously and hitting the two gunmen who came right behind him, causing the two to fly out immediately after ...

Then ...

Li Quxian body turned ... rushed into the emergency channel ...

Ran away.


A command was given.

Several people followed at the same time and rushed into the emergency passage.


For two people just rushed into the emergency channel, a muffled sound mixed with a scream quickly came out.

Two figures have been no less than the degree of rushing into the channel flew out of it, hitting the ground heavily.

One brain was hit completely tilted, cervical vertebrae shattered, the other chest is sunk, the ribs do not know how many broken, not even a decent struggle, died on the spot gas.

Atmosphere ...

A slight stagnation!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The next moment, all the gunmen were all fearful and aimed at the emergency channel constantly shooting, the sound of gunfire in a row.

It lasted for more than ten seconds before one of the for people made a hand signal, and then two people in a team, one in front of the other, quickly chased towards the emergency channel.

But when they rushed into the emergency channel, where is the figure of Li Quxian inside?


"What time is it, still rely on brute force to fight and kill, a little brain, okay."

Flame City, a small courtyard in a quiet and elegant environment, the White Silver Association in a suit, full of successful people's atmosphere of the Green Dragon Hall Hall Master Lu Fan is clutching a cigarette, driving a two-legged, swallowing clouds and fog.

"The key is my means. Without means, without ability, what is the point of having high martial arts skills? Who below will willingly serve you?"

The famous figure in the underground world of Yancheng, "Eight Master" Zhu Ba, accompanied by a smile on his face, "Master Lu is right, the times are different, we martial artists may have a little advantage in charging into battle, but even if the most powerful experts of Chemical Energy are surrounded by dozens of guns, they will only die. A few months ago, Luo Mo what a great prestige? He was known as one of the most promising martial arts masters in Shia, but he was still killed by two teams of ASEAN guards? Times, indeed, are different."

"Not bad."

Lu Fan nodded approvingly at Zhu Ba: "Luo Mo couldn't even withstand two teams of well-trained ASEAN guards, that little guy is excellent, even if the two cowards who escaped back are talking about something mysterious, but after all, his age is there, he can't be powerful even if he wants to be powerful. I have sent three teams, which is enough to make up for the equipment advantage, counting the time, it won't take me long to send a good report to the president."

As soon as Lu Fan finished speaking, his cell phone rang.

"Look, isn't it, my calculation is not wrong in the slightest."

"Hall Master Lu is truly a master of planning and decisive."

With a smile, Lu Fan picked up his cell phone and answered the call ...

Soon ...

His smile froze.

Before he had time to roar, a loud shout was sounded outside the courtyard.

"What man!?"


(Zhu Ba, there is a word to be added after that, boundary.)