
The strong who came out of the nuclear explosion

The strong are fearless, the strong are fearless, the strong are invincible, and the strong are the strongest. The development of science and technology brings the end of the warrior? But... When Li Qiuxian walked out of the nuclear explosion center unharmed, the world was shocked!

KenyattaPeng · ไซไฟ
97 Chs

Chapter 51 Seduction

Li Qiuxian walked on the street with integrity.

It seemed that he was worried that the people from the Sirius team would not be able to find him, and he chose a commercial district with a high traffic flow.

After walking around the commercial district for an hour, Li Qiuxian seemed to feel something.

This is a mysterious and mysterious sense that is indescribable, vaguely seeming to "see" someone peeping at him.

Since he witnessed Romer, the top Huajin master, being beaten to death with firearms by more than a dozen soldiers of the ASEAN Guard, he has paid special attention to the third stage of martial arts cultivation since then.

This layer of realm needs to continuously temper the spirit and enhance the sense of the soul. After the spirit is strong to a certain level, the light of the soul can be ignited, and the hostility and gaze of any living being can be sensed.

Li Qiuxian's spirit is still a long way from the level of igniting the light of the soul to generate telepathy, but after all, the other self has had the experience of stepping into the third level of the martial arts realm, and he has been continuously researching the mystery of telepathy this month. , from time to time already has a similar ability, but it is uncontrollable, sometimes ineffective.

The current feeling...

Nine times out of ten, the people from the Sirius Squad have already been eyeing him.

"The state of firearms in complex terrain is greatly affected. The best place to fight is the old city, but the people of the Sirius team may not be able to attack me in the old city considering factors such as retreat..."

Then, the land of mountains and forests is left.

Li Qiuxian thought of the location in the mountainous area where Romer planned to break out, and immediately turned around and walked there.

It's just that Li Qiuxian obviously underestimated the courage of the Sirius team.

When he came to the dilapidated community in the mountain, his eyes habitually glanced at the high-rise building where the sniper who killed Romer was located by the ASEAN Guards. After looking at it, he saw that there seemed to be people shaking there. , it seems that the snipers of the Sirius team have passed, but they are not ready for sniping.

"very good."

Li Qiuxian turned around and disappeared directly in the alley, avoiding the sight of the sniper.

Seeing this scene, Bai Lang, the captain of the Sirius Squad, immediately reacted: "We are exposed, we can't snipe, and we will kill them head-on."

"Captain, it seems that this kid is trying to lure us here. Could it be a trap?"

"No, according to my investigation, this son rented a small yard here to practice martial arts. He should come here to practice martial arts. Four of our dark power masters, several firepower points, and even Master Hua Jin have been sniped by us, not to mention a dark power martial artist."

After the white wolf finished speaking, he waved his hand: "Go up, red wolf, black wolf, each of you two will lead someone to block his retreat, lest he escape, you and I, wild wolf, face each other."

"Yes, Captain."

The two masters who received the order rushed to the nearby alleys with the two team members. The white wolf also quickly stepped forward to pursue them. In addition to the knives that could be pulled out at any time, they also had firearms in their hands.

Obviously for them, firearms are the real killer move, as for martial arts...

Just one of the means used to increase killing efficiency.


The white wolf and the wild wolf were about to pass through an alley cautiously, but at this moment, the white wolf seemed to hear something, his heart beat fiercely, and he shouted without thinking, "Wild wolf, retreat!"

At the same time, he held out his gun and pointed it out.

Almost at the moment when he shouted, Li Qiuxian's figure suddenly appeared. He was originally hidden above the wall. At this moment, he fell from the sky and slaughtered, and the speed was extremely fast. Even if the white wolf responded in time, he was still slapped by Li Qiuxian. On his wrist.

The strength burst out in one shot, not only nearly breaking the white wolf's wrist, but the firearm in his hand suddenly flew out.

When the other elite wild wolf reacted and planned to shoot in time, his right foot swept out and landed on the pistol that he had slapped before, and the pistol suddenly hit the wild wolf like a sharp arrow. 's head.



But this shot fell directly into the void.

Taking this opportunity, Li Qiuxian completely ignored the white wolf who had lost his pistol wrist, and his body suddenly leaped forward, his feet were surging, and the old cement floor was cracked, and Li Qiuxian stepped on it when he stepped on it.

With the help of this power, his body suddenly became violent, and he instantly crossed the distance of less than four meters between the two, and then...

Punch out.


The wolf's head was hit by Li Qiuxian head on, and with a click, the skull cracked and died on the spot.


When the white wolf's angry punch came after him, Li Qiuxian turned sharply, his right hand shook, his strength exploded, and he brazenly met the white wolf's blow.

The extremely precise power control made him condense his own strength into a line when he turned his body, just like an open big bow, and the punches he punched were sharp arrows.


The two fists collided head-on in the void.

There seemed to be a flash of blood on the surface of Li Qiuxian's fist, his body shook slightly, and the cement floor he was standing on quickly fracturing.

However, the right hand of the white wolf that collided with him seemed to be hit by a hammer. Waves of blood ripples rolled back on his hand like ripples. His sleeves shattered and exploded into pieces of cloth under the force of the rolling. At the same time, his arm, which can easily shatter even bricks and stones, was blasted open.


The white wolf let out a painful roar, and his body burst back.

But when his figure exploded, Li Qiuxian was already striding a meteor, and the second blow followed without any charge.


The air in the void was blown up by Li Qiuxian's punch, forming a visible air wave in front of his fist, as if there was an invisible force tearing it apart.

"Secret, blood howl!"

At the moment of life and death, the white wolf roared wildly, and the qi and blood all over his body seemed to be detonated in one fell swoop under the roar. He was flying back, and he took the opportunity to burst out a vast force, facing Li Qiuxian who burst the air. One punch.

The fists collided, and there was a muffled thunder-like roar in the void.

With the power of Li Qiuxian's punch, although the white wolf was hit hard again, his body suddenly retreated, and at the same time, he swept his hand again, and the short knife on his waist suddenly fell into his hand...

Li Qiuxian wanted to continue chasing, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught something, his figure suddenly slanted, and then he turned his toes, his energy exploded, and he slammed towards six meters away.


Almost at the same time, gunshots sounded, whizzing past Li Qiuxian's side, hitting the wall behind him and flying stone chips.

It was the red wolf who arrived with the two of them.

If Li Qiuxian didn't have the dodging action just now, he would have been shot at this moment.

The alley is not wide and the distance is not too far. The red wolf missed a shot and didn't have time to aim again. Li Qiuxian had already slaughtered it.

However, just when he was about to kill the red wolf with one blow, a feeling like a light on his back emerged at the heart of his heart. For a time, the figure he slaughtered moved sideways, and at the same time, it exploded, accelerated, and slammed into the red wolf. Wolf chest.


Not surprisingly, gunshots rang out.

The bullet flew past Li Qiuxian's chest, tearing his shirt, leaving a hot black blood mark on his chest.


The red wolf actually used his body as bait to lead Li Qiuxian to attack, providing the team behind him with a fatal blow.

Unfortunately, his strategy didn't work. On the contrary, under the impact of Li Qiuxian, the terrifying force slammed into his chest through his shoulders, and the three ribs in the red wolf's chest were broken, the bones pierced the spleen and lungs, and he died instantly.

But this is just the beginning.

The red wolf who was hit by Li Qiuxian and should have flown out, as he turned hard, changed the direction of the flying out and smashed directly at the other two team members who shot, forcing them to dodge quickly, but before they dodged it was too late to open. At the time of the spear, Li Qiuxian followed the corpse that flew out of the red wolf, like a mad dragon going out to sea, with a deafening roar, killing one of them.


Li Qiuxian grabbed his right hand and grabbed the neck of one of them on the spot. With his five fingers, the cervical vertebra on the man's neck was crushed by him, and he died on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the corpse was advanced by him with one hand, like a shield, blocking the gunshots of the remaining one.

Seeing this scene, the white wolf, who was holding back his injury in the distance, shrank his pupils: "Ghost wolf, back, back, fast back."

And he himself roared and slaughtered, and the sharp blade in his left hand flew in an attempt to stop Li Qiuxian's killing.



Li Qiuxian killed the team member, slapped his palm at the front of the team, slammed his head into his neck, and then turned halfway, grabbing the dagger that the white wolf assassinated as fast as lightning...

"Your so-called record of besieging and killing Master Hua Jin relies on firearms sniping? What about your own strength?"


While speaking, the left wrist of the white wolf holding the knife had been crushed by him.