
the Cafe

Sitting in a small cafe, looking almost staring at the couples outside and sipping some much needed coffee. I look around and write all events and everything i see because I love telling stories. While I am scribbling down a few things, this human figure almost like an apparition of my childhood crush, walks down the road i was staring at and disappears at the end of the road.

Now I am thinking is it the same guy or was i imagining things? i remember how tall n attractive he was back then. Masculine, sensitive too but u get too close and you will be burnt. i didn't want to be consumed by this fire hence i always kept a distance. The whooshing of the wind, the slight change in the weather, a little chill and i felt the urge to go look for him. I quickly pick up everything and start walking as fast as I can without being noticed, something catches my eye
