
Mars Leaves

Chapter 13

Mars wakes up and washes his face, then goes to make breakfast. It has been one whole month since he had made it to Konoha, and he has slowly gotten used of life here. He's also gotten most of the place memorized, as he doesn't need directions when he does the D rank missions anymore. Mars routine had changed over time as he had been going to the library to read up on the history, after training, and about ninjas. He then, over time, learned a new view of what happened in the shinobi nations, as well as the ranks of ninja which are Genin, Chunin, Jonin, S-Rank, and then there's Kage. He has even read on the chakra system in one's body and the placement of a few of the chakra points. He also read a few new medical books, ones with plants and information he had never seen before. Mars wrote down a summary of each book he read in a notebook and then reviewed them at his home.

Mars finishes thinking about these things as he washes the now empty dishes, from breakfast, as he then dries off his hands. He then makes his way outside, where there seems to be some kind of event going on. He ignores it for now and goes off to the woods to train for 5 hours, counting his run. Afterwards he heads back to the town center and begins to ask around, trying to find out what was going on, he is then told it was the finals of the chunin exam. Mars thinks back to a couple of days ago to when Obito was going on and on about the Chunin exams and how he was going to pass to catch up to Kakashi. It had totally slipped his mind as he makes his way to the arena the Chunin exams were in and looks out to see Guy and Obito are fighting. It seems he was late though, as both sides seemed to be sweating and tired out. "Ay, your late, don't even want to support your friends huh." Mars hears a voice say from behind him as he turns to, see Anko standing there with some popcorn. Mars sweat drops at the scene, thinking she was taking it a bit easy, seeing how he had read on how cruel the chunin exams could truly be. "Stop standing there come on." Anko says while holding her popcorn in one hand and grabbing onto Mars arm with the other dragging him to a seat where the others he had met during that 'Kakashi' mission sere seated.

"Oh, hey Mars, you missed most of the fight, what have you been up to man, it was some good stuff, pass the popcorn Anko." Kotetsu says while holding his hand out. Anko just clicks her tongue and sits down, ignoring Kotetsu and glares at Mars. He feels a chill run down his spine as he quickly sits down next to Anko. She then nods and begins to eat her popcorn, not sharing with the guys, only allowing the girls to have some. Mars looks down to see Guy and Obito in a tajiustsu match and he was impressed by Guys hand to hand combat. Most people just used their Taijutsu as a last resort or some kind of distraction, but it seemed that Guy was different, as he slowly begins to overpower Obito. Obito grits his teeth then jumps back while making hand signs then puts his hand to his mouth while saying "Fire Style: Flamethrower Jutsu" as he begins to shoot a torrent of flames out of his mouth aimed at Guy. Guy dodges by running quickly to the side, but Obito just keeps spitting out the flames and turning making Guy run more.

Obito then stops after a few second and begins to catch his breath as guy stops then rushes forwards. Obito smirks while making a hand sign causing an explosion to happen in front of him. After waiting for the smoke to go away, everyone sees Guy standing behind Obito with his hand near Obitos neck. Obito sighs as the proctor announces "Guy is the Winner of the Chunin Exams." as Guy and Obito shake hands. Mars looks around to see everyone excited and happy about the results, except for some people who began to walk out. Mars could see a circle with a whirl pattern on their back when they walked out. Mars ignores them as he looks up to the higher stands to see the Hokage standing there calming the crowd.

He then begins a speech which Mars doesn't really listen to, but he hears him say something about "The will of fire". After the speech there was applause as everyone begins to leave the arena. Mars follows behind his friends as they head out. They meet up with Guy and Obito outside of the arena and head to a diner to celebrate. Obito seemed down on the walk there so Mars slows his walk to walk by him and then begins to laugh. "Was my loss really that funny." Obito says glaring at Mars. "Not that, it's funny you don't seem to know that you don't need to win the Chunin exams to make Chunin." Mars says smiling at Obito to which he replies "I know, but if I can't beat Guy, how can I even beat Kakashi." as he looks down at the ground. Mar smiles at this and stops walking and looks at the sky. Obito stops as well, when he hears Mars stop, and then turns to look at Mars confused.

"You know, I was once told never to dream small, that a dream is what guides us, gives us a goal to reach. So Obito what's your dream, to beat Kakashi?" Mars says while turning to look at Obtio who replies "No, my dream is to be Hokage, the strongest shinobi in the village." as he looks up at Mars in determination. "Then instead of feeling down, you should be happy, you've taken another step closer to your dream, well maybe you did, I couldn't tell with that last fight." Mars says with a chuckle as he dodges Obitos incoming punch. "Hey watch it." Obito says with his signature smile as he chases after Mars. They both laugh as the run past the group heading towards the nearby BBQ Diner. Rin smiles, as she sees Obito was back to normal. After the group makes it there, they see Obito trying to catch Mars right outside the doors but having no luck.

"Alright quit it, no worries Obito, Mars will be paying for our celebration." Anko says while grabbing the back of Obitos collar. Mars opens his mouth and to protest to which Anko glares at him and says "What you don't want to, who was the one that was late to the exams, maybe if you cheered us on we would have done better, and you're the only one here that did not participate you should pay for us." as she nods her head at her reasoning as the group nods their head in agreement. Mars looks around then sighs, knowing he won't hear the end of it if he refused, so he gives in and nods as everyone cheers then walks into the diner.

They then begin to tell Mars about the Chunin exams, how hard it was, and how draining it was, trying to make Mars feel for them, so they could order more food. Sadly, for them, Mars stands firm as he spends 3000 ryo on food for the group. Tho it wasn't much for a celebration, everyone was excited as they knew Mars were one of those penny pinchers, saving up every ryo he could and spending very rarely. Mars joins in as everyone has a good time. After eating their fill everyone then says their goodbyes then heads in different directions. Mars head to the Hokages office. After getting there, the receptionist smiles at Mars and says "Hokage-samas in a meeting you can sit here and wait tho it shouldn't be too much longer." to which Mars smiles back and nods as he sits at a nearby chair.

After a couple of minutes, the door swings open as a man with bandages over his right eye and forehead comes out followed by two other people who Mars didn't know. The one-eyed man looked at Mars for a second then walks past, while the two behind him followed quickly behind. The receptionist then waves Mars in as he nods at her and heads in to see Hiruzen smoking his pipe. Hiruzen turns to see Mars walk in and smiles at him while says "Ah Mars, how are you doing these days." as Mars gives Hiruzen a small bow then replies "I've been quite good Sir, thanks for asking, this village is quite peaceful and to my liking, reminds me of home." as he smiles at Hiruzen. "Good, Good now im sure you didn't come here just to compliment the village huh." Hiruzen says with a laugh then takes another puff of his pipe and blowing out the smoke.

"Yes sir, I've come to tell you I plan to leave the village." Mars says with a smile, Hiruzen face blanks for a moment then he asks "But, I thought.." to which Mars laughs and says "Sorry sir, that was a bit misleading, what I mean is ill be leaving for 6 months, I have something I want made and its best if I go myself instead of writing it down, it's a bit complicated." as he looks at Hiruzen with a smile. Hiruzen sighs at the boy's antics blaming them on Obito, as he looks seriously at Mars and says "Can it wait, I don't mean to scare you to stay, but there is a war coming, and it could start anytime, how about I send a team with you." as he looks at Mars worriedly. Mars feels his heart warm as he watches the kage of a village worry about his safety. "Thank you for the warning, but I'll be fine by myself." Mars says while taking out his wallet pulling out 24000 ryo and placing it on Hiruzens desk "This is so I'll have my apartment when I get back. "Mars says with a smile then walks out waving at Hiruzen. Hiruzen watches the boy then sighs as he looks out the window and wonders if Mars had chakra, how great he would've been.

Mars makes his way to his apartment and packs some clothes and his notebooks. He decides to not pack food, as he can just hunt on the way, as he grabs a rolled-up paper placing it at the top of his bag. He then zips it up and places it by the door before heading into his room and grabbing his sword, placing it on his waist then grabbing his bow and pulling on the string making sure it was still fine. He then checks his quiver, and the arrows in it, then nods as he heads to the door and put his backpack on then putting his bow on his left shoulder and then tying to the back of his waist, making the sure end of the arrows are accessible to his right hand. He then heads out and locks the door behind him as he walks down the stairs and to the woods.

After walking a while Mars comes up on a clearing where he sees Obito and Kakashi sparring, with Rin and Minato to the side watching. Minato notices him first nods at him then turning back to the fight. Mars just walks up to Rin with a hi, ignoring her questioning look as she looked at his backpack and watched the fight, just as it was ending, as Kakashi throws a kunai that Obito dodges that poofs into smoke revealing Kakashi behind him with a kunai to Obitos neck as the Kakashi that threw the kunai poofs into smoke.

"tch ill win next time." Obtio mumble as he clicks his tongue then looks to the side to see Mars and begins to run to him, but notices the backpack, and wonders what's up. "Mars what's with the stuff, you're not leaving are you." Obito says with a smile to which Mars sighs and says "Actually I am Obito, but no worries, I'll be back in 6 months." as he smiles at Obito. Obito frowns at this and begins to look at the ground not sure what to say when Mars speaks again "Don't feel down Obito, when I get back ill teach you a secret technique to defeat Kakashi no worries." as he smirks at the sneer Kakashi. Rin begins to tear up as Mars begins to say his goodbyes to the 4 of them, asking them to relay the message to his friends. He then waves while walking back to the forest heading towards the village gate and the outside world.

sorry forgot to say it earlier but i had plans today so only relsesing this chapter, know it late apologies.

jakstridercreators' thoughts