
Sad wifey= Murderous Hubby

Hikari then pulled my paws away from my face. "I couldn't hear you~" Hikari teased me. "You... H-Heard me!" I replied bashfully while trying to escape from his embrace once again and... Failing misrablely at doing so. "Just date already Gosh!" Kage playfully teased us and had heard the whole conversation. "WHAAAAAAT?!" Both Hikari and I said in unison. "Are they feeding you dog food again Kage? Oh you poor innocent soul!" Kurai joined in while wriggling his... Eyebrows...? As he walked into Hikari's hut. "Ohohoho! What's this? The Princess has become of age?" Yoru mischievously chuckled. "H-Hey! Stop that! If you keep going Hailey is gonna-" Hikari warned everyone buuuuuuut it was too late. Everything then turned black.


"Awh! No fun! She passed out before we could do anymore!" Kurai pouted. I then laid Hailey down on my bed so that she was comfortable. "But seriously, Hikari, when are you going to date her?" Kage asked me. "I mean, it's so painfully obvious that you like her and that she likes you too! Just date already!" Kage encouraged me. "I... Might wait a while... She just went through some traumatic events just now." I explained. "What do you mean? At most she was only kidnapped, right?" Yoru asked. "No, the reason why I didn't stick to the plan is because I saw her being raped! The dead look on her face...Was horrible... She just.... Shut down completely." I answered Yoru. "Hikari when are we forming an alliance with the Volcano tribe and fighting the Eeveelution tribe?" Kage said while seething in anger. "You have full permission, go obliterate the village by next week. Leave no survivors." I commanded Kage. "Understood Shefu Hikari!" Kage replied and ran off. I then glanced at Hailey. "Sleep well" I said as I gave her a light peck on her forehead. I then proceeded to write her a note and gave it to Yoru. "Hey Yoru, give this to Hailey when she wakes up and make sure she gets home safely." I asked him. "Sure, I'll watch over her until she is safe and sound." Yoru assured me. I then bolted out of my hut.

I had changed my mind, well, not completely. I still wanted the tribe obliterated, but I wanted to finish off Dāku myself. Once I had caught up with Kage, he had already formed about half an army. "Kage, change of plans. I want you to bring Dāku to me alive, in what condition he's in is up to you." I instructed Kage. "Gladly." He replied, clearly reading between the lines. "I will be headed off to the Volcano tribe now, do not attack or form any strategies until I return, just form the army." I ordered Kage and then ran off towards the Volcano tribe.


Authors notes (in case you're lazy and don't read them, like me lol):

Heya everyone! Sorry it's been awhile, but I'm back! I think I will just post weekly for now, if I change it back to daily I'll just be burned out again.

Also! I have edited all of the previous chapters (From the first to this one) I highly recommend re reading them as they improve the storyline greatly. Yes everything is told in past tense for a reason. What reason is that? Well You'll see when we begin traveling through the multiverses at least 20 more chapters away

Whelp, see ya! (^_^)_/

Heya everyone! Sorry it's been awhile, but I'm back! I think I will just post weekly for now, if I change it back to daily I'll just be burned out again.

Also! I have edited all of the previous chapters (From the first to this one) I highly recommend re reading them as they improve the storyline greatly. Yes everything is told in past tense for a reason. What reason is that? Well You'll see when we begin traveling through the multiverses at least 20 more chapters away

Whelp, see ya! (^_^)_/

Vermilion_The_Voidcreators' thoughts