
The Story About Me and the Girl Who Asked Me Out ver.2

So basically this is the story about our Mc, Matsuki Satoro and this girl Kira Miyoko. Kira asked him to go out with her, but , Matsuki hates the opposite gender. Matsuki accept her confession due to his own selfish and unreasonable reasons and that reason is, he wants to get his revenge on all girls. While Matsuki plans to use her as a stepping stone along the way for his goal, something went incredibly wrong. What could have possibly happened along the way? Will he be able to execute his plan or will someone get in his way? Find out by reading "The Story About Me and the girl who asked me out" [Note from the Author] This is the second version of the story I once wrote as a pantser, now I wrote it with plot, although I don't know if it is better or not, hope you find it enjoyable read despite my lackings Cover is mine

sm_yesa · สมจริง
36 Chs

Chapter 9: Yuri Shikawa

"Matsuki! Matsuki!"

She nuzzled her head against my body, almost like a playful cat.

"H-hey, Stop that!"

It turns out that the girl who suddenly hugged me at the entrance door was Ate Yuri.

She's really not my sister, she's my father's friend but she said I should treat her like my sister that's why I called Yuri Shikawa Ate as if she were my real sister, but In reality, she's more like a guardian to me.

Ate Yuri is twenty-four years old, making her five years older than me. If I remember correctly, she works as a manager at a company.

With her beautiful brown hair and a matured figure that resembles the onee-san characters in manga, she truly stands out. The low neckline of her bodice accentuated her curvy and alluring silhouette.

We're now at the living room.

Seated on the couch, while Kira sat on a chair in front of us, maintaining a poised and intense gaze.

"Why are you even here, aren't you supposed to come home next month?"

Probably noticing my gaze, "Mh?" she inclined her head slightly while wearing that caring sister smile of hers.

"I'm drawing a little nearer."

She happily snuggled up to me as though we were a couple. As a natural consequence, her big breasts were gently nudging the region around my elbow.

What's wrong with her? Is it because she's drunk? She looks like she's been enjoying this too much.

But there was nothing I could do about it now. sigh

"Geez! I'm worried about you! I received a call from your school yesterday and I was informed that you got bullied"

I was bullied, huh? Well, I guess that's how it looks like.

"I plan to check on you yesterday but I have an appointment I neeeed to attend and wasn't able to come to your school, soooorry..."

Huh? I guess she's worried about me, I don't know why, but I feel like my heart has skip a bit. "--It's fine, don't worry about it. .." I rubbed her hair and reassured her.

"....So, why are you drunk, you usually don't behave like this."


Ate Yuri, pulled away the black hair strands that had stuck to her cheek, releasing a scent of roses

"--I drank an alcohol, I guess."

"That doesn't explain why you're drunk!" I snapped, although it's true that you'll get drunk if you drink an alcohol, but that's not what I'm asking.

"W-well...My colleagues forced me to chug a bottle of alcohol because it's a celebration for my promotion... a-and I ended up getting drunk in the middle of the night. My colleague friends take me in their..." She looked at me with her pleasing eyes, frown and moved her lips, "Geez.. I'm tired! I don't want to explain anything! Matsuki..... Can't I just rest here?"

She plea like a baby and leaned much closer.

"I understand, but please stop cuddling onto me."

"Hummmn.. Why? It feels good."

Sigh, Who did this to her! They shouldn't have let her get drunk like this, where is my upright sister now! She's not her! Totally different from how she usually act!

"Stop it!" I pushed her away but she didn't let me and hugged me again.

"Ate Yuri, get off of me!"

"No, I won't!"

"Sigh, You reek of alcohol!"

She looked at me and pouted as if she was a child.

"Geez! Just let me do this!"

I put my hands on her shoulders, wanting to release myself from her embrace, but she immediately shook her head, stubbornly saying, "No!" and hugged me even stronger. Contrary to her childish attitude, her body was more than mature enough to give rise to some complicated feelings on my part.

Sigh, fine. Whatever. Do what you want, I guess this doesn't feel bad at al--

"Matsuki-kun!" A shiver ran down my spine as a sinister aura approached us. I turned to see Kira, surrounded by a dark aura. Intrigued by the chilling sensation, I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. I asked, "What's the matter?"

"Her," She pointed her hand at my sister who is happily cuddling onto me. "What's your relationship?"

"Ah, right. This is my sister."

"E-eh, Your sister!"

"Y-yup, you have a problem with that?"

"No, it's..." She stood up, bowed her head and then "Sorry, I didn't recognize you, Uhmmm...Uhm ah.." Àfter wavering for a bit, she continued, "Nice to meet you, It's me Kira Miyoka, I'm now Matsuki-kun's girlfriend!" I'm sorry for barging into your house without you knowi.."

"What!" Ate Yuri exclaimed, looking at Kira with a perplexed expression. "Matsuki-kun's girlfriend?!"

I let out a sigh. Did I really have to explain this to her?

"I see," my sister's eyes sparkled with interest. She then glanced over her shoulder, catching my sidelong glare.

"My Matsuki-kun is such an attractive boy, so I guess it's normal for him to have a girlfriend," Ate Yuri commented, causing me to cringe inwardly.

Nice to meet you too, Kiyara Miyokooo..was it?"

"Hmm.. but.. I feel like I've seen you somewhere though...and your name sounds familiar..."

"Um, it's K-Kira," Kira corrected her gently.

My sister's smile brightened, and she replied, "Sorry, sorry, my bad. My name is Yuri Shikawa, Matsuki's sister..."

"...And..Uhm.. I feel...siiick."

she added, her voice trailing off and abruptly slumped onto the couch and began to snore softly.

Sigh, I guess, she's really tired.

"Kira, you should start eating now, I'll take my sister to her room."

"A-uhmm, okay" She nodded. I lifted up my sister and carried her to her room.

Now I have gained new knowledge about my Ate Yuri. She's way too different when she's drunk, I must not let her drink any kind of alcohol, so things like this won't happen in the future. It's not good if she acted like this towards other people, they may take advantage of her.

I opened one of the doors alongside the corridor. The instant the door went open, I could smell the overly sweet scent of perfume.

Even though my sister had only sleep here once a month, she still keep her room clean and tidy.

The walls were covered with white wallpaper, a curtain decorated with lace, a dressing table against the wall that I didn't know before because I don't come here. And a dresser that was laden with countless makeup goods. It was obviously the room of a woman in her age.

"This room feels nice compared to mine, hahaha.." I mumbled while walking towards her bed.

On the nightstand by the bed, which had a flower pattern, there were several picture frames, each of which depicted me and her.

"Huh... was it taken before the.accident?.. Is she that close to my family to have that many pictures of me with her.. but why is it only me and her? I didn't expect her to keep some of my pictures, are though... But pictures with my father and mother is nothing to be found.."

I wondered my eyes and notice a big picture framed on the wall, there she is, this sister of mine with her family, they seem so happy in that photo..huh?

Who's that kid in that photo?... He ooked a bit too young, is he Ate Yuri's little brother? but his looks, he looks familiar...

Forget it, I'll just do What I come here to do..

There was only one bed in the room - a bed for one person only, and so I laid her there.

"Let's see.. And there, done.. Phew! You better get some rest, Ate."


She hugged the pillow and smiled brightly as if she was having a dream.

So my sister can be this defenseless and cute too, huh?

I feel like she's really different.

Whatever, let's stop staring at her and go to the living room.

I left the room, went to the living room and see Kira, still waiting for me and had already prepared the lunch on the table.

"Let's eat now!" She happily said upon seeing me.

Then I sat on the chair next to her and started chomping the food I made.

"Uhm, is your sister okay?"

"She's fine, it looks like she's just tired."

"Is that so..." Kira sighed in relief and started eating.

"Matsuki-kun is such a good cook," Kira complimented after tasting the food I made.

"Not, really. It's just a mix of egg and flour, a pancake sandwich and some appetizers." I indifferently said.

Then Kira, shook her head and happily praise me more.

"It's really good, Compared to mine it's 100% much better"

Hmm? Being complimented like this doesn't feel that bad, I guess.

"Just eat and don't talk, you're gonna choke yourself if you do so." I admonished and she simply nodded like a child.


"Thanks for the food" We said in unison after finishing the food and Kira, laughed for a brief moment.

"I'll wash the dishes."

"No, I think, you better leave now." I said.

"-Eh!! Why?.." she asked.

Bzzzzt....! Bzzzzt..! Kira's phone vibrated and rang.

"Ehh," While making a confused face, she took her mobile phone out of her pocket and answer the call.

"…Yes, it's me, Kira ."

Her expression became earnest promptly after she had begun the conversation.

"…my mother? No, I haven't heard of anything. She was at home when I left for school this morning."

As they exchanged words, her expression got darker and darker. I couldn't perceive what the caller was saying, but it was obviously not good news.

"…Yes. I understand. I'll return. Yes. I will immediately give you a call when I got there."

She cut the connection and let out a tired sigh.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

She gazed at me with watery eyes for a few seconds, hesitating.

"…my mother collapse and was sent to the hospital," she replied at last, "She is not really ill for the past years I've been with her, but they said she collapsed while working."

"So, she's sick. She will be fine don't you think?"

I voiced a cheap word of consolation.

"I wonder… he told me that he saw my mom gets sleepy at work several times. Of course, he tried to ask her if she's okay but she didn't said anything and collapsed after a few moments, so he called me, her daughter, since I might know something…"

She cut off her sentence and started to ponder, furling her long eyebrows.

I let out a sigh. Somehow I sensed that nothing but trouble was waiting for me.

"Then hurry and go to your mom, want me to tag along?."

I grabbed her cold hand firmly.


I heard her confused voice from diagonally behind.

"Seems like you're in for some trouble, so I won't stop you any longer and go," I said quickly. "—Saying that would have suited me better, I guess… but, seeing you make such a face, how should I leave you to your own devices?"

To my plain remark, she replied:

"It's fine, my mother Assistant will fetch me at the station."

"Okay," I said in a low tone.

Then Kira, picked up her bag and restlessly moved.

I guess I don't have the right to accompany her to her mother, and someone will be with her, so I guess she will be fine but after seeing her face, my body just move on its own and held her hand.

Sigh, what is this feeling?..

Whatever. we ran towards the station near my house.


"Then, be careful" I escort Kira until we reached the station and see a black car open its door behind the pillar near the burger store.

"See you later." She happily waved her hand in spite of her gloomy face.

Then Kira, Immediately ran to the car and entered it.

As for me, I started walking back to my house, "She's really different huh? A rich girl," I mumbled to myself with an empty feeling in my heart that I don't get.