
The Story About Me and the Girl Who Asked Me Out ver.2

So basically this is the story about our Mc, Matsuki Satoro and this girl Kira Miyoko. Kira asked him to go out with her, but , Matsuki hates the opposite gender. Matsuki accept her confession due to his own selfish and unreasonable reasons and that reason is, he wants to get his revenge on all girls. While Matsuki plans to use her as a stepping stone along the way for his goal, something went incredibly wrong. What could have possibly happened along the way? Will he be able to execute his plan or will someone get in his way? Find out by reading "The Story About Me and the girl who asked me out" [Note from the Author] This is the second version of the story I once wrote as a pantser, now I wrote it with plot, although I don't know if it is better or not, hope you find it enjoyable read despite my lackings Cover is mine

sm_yesa · สมจริง
36 Chs

Chapter 13: what's going to happen to me now?

[2023- November 19]

. Sunday.

Reflecting on the past few days spent with Kira, I couldn't help but notice the positive changes within myself. I didn't felt nauseous when I was around her, and those nightmares that haunted me seemed to have vanished. I even found myself able to interact with the woman who asked me some direction earlier without the usual annoyance and disgust I usually experienced.

"Is the food not to your liking?" Toka asked, observing as I pushed the food back onto my plate.

I was unsure if it was just in my head, so to confirm it, I decided to accept Toka's invitation to eat with her, and surprisingly, I dont feel uncomfortable.

Could it be that I had finally found someone who could lift all of the shit?

But... I thought what Rina San said is nothing but a lie. It's these thoughts that has been bugging me since the day I left Kira's house two days ago.

"No, it's just... I'm not really in the mood to eat," I replied, keeping my mouth open as I continued to speak, wanting to confirm my thoughts.

"Toka," I began, only to be interrupted by her mouthful response.

"Mhm... Yes?" she replied, sounding like a child.

"Don't answer with your mouth full," I chuckled.

"Are you sure it's okay to close the bar so early? It's only just past 8 pm."

"Hmm... The manager said business is doing well because of us and gave us this break," Toka explained.

"I see,"

But allowing us to take it easy, this is the a first time...

Conversing with Toka now felt natural and comfortable. We were sitting at the same table, eating together. If this had been just a week ago, I would have already been in the bathroom, throwing up some shit and feeling sick.

"Ah, right..." Toka put down her spoon and looked at me. "Sir, he asked you to run some errands for him."

"Hmm... What is it?" I asked, curious about the task at hand.

"Uh... he wants you to pick something up at this address." She passed me a piece of paper with an address written on it, placing it on the table in front of me.

"Hmm..." I picked up the paper and read it. "So, I just need to get something from this place?"

"Yes, it's something like a new flavor of drinks," Toka replied.

"Can't it wait until tomorrow?"

"Eh... um... He specifically asked for it to be done today," Toka explained.

"Hmm... Okay," I said, making up my mind. "Then I have to go now. I need to take care of this."

"Ehh?" Toka exclaimed, her mouth full of food. After swallowing, she looked down at the ground, appearing somewhat worried. "Okay, I'll just spend more time here. You can go." She forced a smile, but to me, it seemed forced and uneasy.

As I was about to leave, Toka stopped me and handed me an ID card with a lanyard. "Uhm... Take this. I noticed that yours was torn apart, so I asked the manager to give you a new one. Remember the real purpose of it in case something happens, okay?"

"Uh, got it... thanks,"

"Make sure you don't lose it on your way," Toka reminded me.

"Yeah, yeah,"

And just like that, I made my way out of the bar, leaving Toka behind.


As I continued walking towards the designated place, a sense of suspicion crept over me. The streets were eerily empty, and the dimly lit surroundings added to the unsettling atmosphere. Is this really the correct address?

I glanced at the paper once again to confirm, and indeed, it matched the address. I pushed aside my doubts and refocused on the purpose of my visit.

"Argh! What bad luck," I exclaimed as I realized that I had forgotten to put my ID back on with my belongings. I sighed and carefully removed the tangled laces from the almost wilted branches. It seemed that my ID had gotten caught on them.

The place appeared completely abandoned, with dying trees and neglected plants. It was no wonder, no one seemed to be taking care of them after all. However, a nagging thought lingered in my mind. Was this truly the location where the old man had asked me to retrieve his new drinks? It didn't seem like it. Yet, I double-checked the address and confirmed that it was indeed the correct one, so I continued walking.

As I made my way through the hallway towards the destination, I decided to store my ID in the bottom side pocket to prevent it from getting in the way. I flicked on the lights, only to be greeted by an empty and desolate space. Cold emptiness filled the air.

No one is here, huh, nothing but cold emptiness…

When I realized that neither the negotiator nor the drinks were present, frustration welled up within me.

"Haysss..." The negotiator nor the drinks is not here What the hell? I've worked myself up over nothing. To think no one i----

"Hmmp!!" I let out a muffled cry as a hand suddenly covered my face and forcefully pulled my head back. A sharp, searing pain shot through my neck, causing me to gasp. Another hand grabbed hold of my wrists, twisting them with such force that I feared they might break. I was yanked backward, lifted off my feet, and dragged across the darkness. Panic surged within me. What on earth is happening now?

I desperately pumped my arms, attempting to strike my assailant with my elbow. I made contact, but the blow lacked any significant force. I tried to twist out of the grip, but the man swiftly snapped my head back again, intensifying the excruciating pain.

Struggling, I reached out my hand in a futile attempt to break free. However, in the next instant, I felt myself being forcefully shoved into a chair, and rough ropes were swiftly tied around me. "Shit!" I cursed under my breath as my hands were bound tightly behind my back.

The hand that had covered my face momentarily released its grip. Before I could even turn my head, a heavy cloth was abruptly snapped over my eyes and pulled tightly, obscuring my vision completely. I strained against the ropes, attempting to move my arms, but they held me firmly in place. Within a matter of seconds, I was rendered completely helpless and blind to the world around me.

"Mnnn!" I grunted in frustration, my voice muffled by the cloth covering my mouth.

".....Mnnnmp!" I continued to make incomprehensible sounds, my frustration and confusion growing with each passing moment.

"What the hell is happening?!" I clenched my fists in frustration and gritted my teeth. "Damn it! What the hell is going on? I can't move!"


*Creek... What was that sound? I strained my ears, hearing a creaking noise echoing around me. It seemed like someone was moving something on the other side of the hallway. The damp blindfold was lifted from my head, and I blinked several times, my eyes stinging from the cloth that had been tied tightly over them. I shook my head, trying to clear my vision. The sudden brightness of the lights was almost blinding.

Sensing the presence of the assailants behind me, I turned my head, but my vision was still obscured. I looked forward, finally able to make out shapes, and my eyes locked onto someone sitting across from me. Who were they, and what were they planning? Shit! I had no answers, but I knew it couldn't be anything good. My body ached, as if it had been subjected to a beating.

As I focused my gaze in front of me, I noticed something chilling. In a chair, bound by ropes, was the lifeless body of a man, his head hanging limply to one side. It sent a shiver down my spine.

"Hey!" A bulky bald guy near him slapped him, jolting him back to reality. "Wake up!"

He came into his sense and suddenly, jerked himself violently in his chair, tipping himself over, falling hard on the concrete. His head hit with sudden force. And it seems like he almost blacked out.

"...?.." I managed to catch a glimpse of the person sitting across from me, and I heard him mumbling something. "I told you... *cough! I came...he-re. for..." he said in a frustrated tone before closing his eyes.

"You brat!" The bald guy wearing a black suit wondered aloud as he stomped on the fallen man's face.

"I told you not to be so harsh on him. Now we can't even ask him anything." A matured, high-toned voice came from behind me, "He's pretty much useless now. Can't you control your rage or something,. honestly it's a pain."

I looked over my shoulder and saw a suave, yet not extraordinary, long haired man. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end, as if my body was warning me about the approaching danger. I locked eyes with him, and the first thing I noticed was the coldness in his gaze. They held no emotion, as if they were looking right through me, sending a chill up my spine. I blinked, and the intense look vanished, replaced by a slight smirk on his face. It was almost as if he was planning something sinister.

I surveyed the surroundings and noticed that, apart from myself and the man sitting across from me, there were only two other individuals in the room. One stood in front of me, while the other was positioned behind me.

As I looked into their eyes, I observed their weary expressions, almost resembling vampires. Their eye bags were prominent, and they appeared to be in their 30s or 40s. With their beards and intimidating presence, they seemed like some sort of criminals. Who the fuck were they, and what was their motive? Could it be that my earlier suspicion about the manager engaging in shady activities was correct, and now these guys had turned against him?

No, that didn't matter at the moment. What I needed to focus on was finding a way to escape. My hands were tightly bound, and these individuals seemed highly skilled and professional.

"Hey?" I felt a heavy force on my head, forcing me to look up. I saw a large hand gripping my head as if it were a basketball in the hands of a player. "You're Matsuki Satoro, right?" the man asked. "Based on the description I received from the boss, you fit the profile. But from what I heard, you were supposed to be here earlier..." He tilted his head, leaning closer to my face, his gaze fixed on me. "What caused the sudden change? Did the boss really mess up the timing?"

"..Maybe he did," the bald guy replied.

"But it's a first. We've been waiting here because of this guy," the other man added.

"Forget about that. He's already here. Let's just wait for him..."

What is going on? And what's going to happen to me now?

As those thoughts began to creep in, a sudden chill ran down my body, sending shivers down my spine.