
Chapter 14

When dawn came, Xiang Hai was staring out to the fields surrounding their castle. The beautiful grass which covered the small hills were destroyed by the flames created by warfare. He really liked those fields. He and his friends would sometime head out and play in them when they had the time. It held a few fond memories, which was rare in this new world. He couldn't believe it has already been over four years since he had eaten a Snickers bar...

He barked some orders to the generals and made sure to emphasize a few important roles they were to have. The cannons were to be shot at dragons first and foremost if they are to come. They were to not waste the cannonballs unless the enemy was within a certain radius of the castle. The frontmen were to keep the opposing forces back using their guns to kill as many as they possibly could. They had a navy, but there was no reason for them as there was no water. Therefore, they either joined the frontmen or the cannons.

There was also a regiment in which they still use the old-fashioned weapons. Those who used bows would be on the walls with the cannons to bring a ranged support to the frontmen. They would be continuously using their bows to kill the opposing army. Of course, their support could only go so far, so they are only needed when the enemies get within a certain radius. When these people join, it could be said to be a desperate attempt.

There are hardly any who use swords anymore. This class was only for those who have never gotten used to guns. They merged together with the frontmen. There were also horsemen, those who use horses as mounts and spears as weapons. They had small pistols as well so that their combat efficiency was high.

Their army was very strong. The only downside to all of this was that bullets were in high demand. Most blacksmiths were spending their time for military purposes. The group couldn't figure out how to create a factory for these weapons fast enough due to them never reading about it before. They were lucky that Nalan Pong read a bit on warfare for school projects, so he was able to 'invent' cannons and guns into this world. Cai Shengwei was the one who would read anything anywhere, but he no longer had the same resources as he had before. Therefore, he ended up becoming

a mad scientist who was always experimenting on how to create many things.

The sound of hurried steps came from behind him. "Sir, Master Cai Shengwei has finished his new experiment successfully. I was ordered to tell you that there is a supply of these new weapons on their way here."

Xiang Hai turned around and thanked the messenger with a couple pieces of gold. The man revealed an expression of excitement as he placed the coin into his pouch. "You may leave now."

"Yes." The man left without causing a hassle as he was worried Xiang Hai would take his gold back.

He chuckled at the guy's behavior. He has seen many people with this mindset. Everyone had a side of greed to them. In the previous world, people would be jealous of those who have things they want but can't have. There was a time where he had wanted the new iPhone because all the other children had one. His parents only gave him an old flip-phone and he was laughed at by the other kids because his family was poorer than theirs was. He ended up hating his life until he met his friends. He looked back at what he had done and felt it was very childish of him, but nobody can help it. It was just a part of human nature. It is funny yet sad at the same time. Even when he has nearly everything in this new world, he was jealous of those who were in his previous because they had so much more opportunities than in this one.

Being a leader has changed him so much, he realized as his old memories came to him. As he indulged in them, strong men had brought a few large crates filled to the brim with bombs. A young servant told him what they were and Xiang Hai dismissed him as he called for the footmen and horsemen generals.

"Alright, boys!" Xiang Hai tapped on one of the four creates. "Here is the new weapon. It is called a bomb as it would create a massive explosion as soon as it touches something hard enough. We don't have the technology to add a delay timer yet, so please do be very careful. You could set traps up and create a minefield, or you could throw them at the enemy via a sling. Does anyone have any questions?"

The two men nervously glanced at each other before shaking their heads. Xiang Hai nodded in satisfaction. "Good. Have a few strong men to carry these to your stations. I have a feeling they will be very useful from now on."

Xiang Hai looked back over to the fields with melancholy. He watched as his men dug small holes within the range of shooting arrows. It would be another last defense. Then, the enemy came with a loud cry. A large hoard of people came from out of the woods. The horsemen met with them before the footmen. A few of them, especially horsemen, held bombs in their hands and crazily threw them everywhere they could. Many people accidentally killed themselves as they didn't gage the distance correctly. Some didn't use them at all but was blown up by another, causing a massive chain of explosions. It was absolute chaos. Too many of his men had died my simple mistakes, but the enemy troops were dropping very quickly.

Eventually, the leader of the opposing side let his dragons loose. The cannons tried their best to kill the creatures, but their wings were too fast. However, no dragon could survive a blow when it connected. Despite Xiang Hai's army's power, they were quickly disposed of. A few hours after noon, the enemy forces had reached the castle's final defense.

Over 10k views...I'm very happy to see this after having a bit of a long weekend. I am surprised as well since most of you are pretty quiet.

Anyways, I guess it is time to add a hidden chapter bonus regarding views. We passed the first milestone(yay!). Each milestone would result in larger amounts of chapter uploads. For 10k, it will be 5-4-3-2-1-1-1.

This chapter will not count as a part of this. I will be back a few days later to give these chapters out. Enjoy.

Thanks for reading!

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