

A warm sea breeze hugged Jay as he stepped on a beautiful tropical yet unknown island. The sound of the crashing waves and chirping of the birds is making its way to his system — calming his body and soul. A smile drawn to his face as he tries to imagine how peaceful this vacation might be.

His phone suddenly rings, he picked it up as soon as he see the name Alex on the screen, a non-korean friend he had in Korea who owned a private villa in this unknown island.

"I'm already here." Jay informed his friend, Alex, over the phone.

"Are you sure you can go there by yourself? I can just ask someone from the villa to pick you up."

"I'm good. I don't want them to think I'm a special person. Besides, I know I can immediately find your place with the direction you gave me."

"But if you seemed lost, you can just whistle through your fingers. It'll help."

Jay laughed, thinking how finger whistling could be a help in finding directions.

"And another thing, there's no internet there. If you can't figure things out you can just asked the people out there. You can call me but it'll be hard for you to get a good signal. Near the seashore is the best spot."

Jay nodded as if Alex can see him. "Yeah yeah. You've told me about it a thousand times, Alex. But thanks. "

Alex knows it wouldn't be easy to stay in that unknown island but Jay is up for the challenges. He is more excited to stay in a place that is foreign to him.

Jay started to wander in the middle of the woods. Tall trees were on his sight with no houses around. An hour passed and yet, still no signs of villa nearby. Sweat began to drip down from his forehead.

Should I call Alex? That's what he thought but thinking how far he'll walk to go back near the seashore made him give up with that idea.

He was left with no choice but to follow Alex' reminder. Even though it seems unbelivable, he gave it a try.

After his second attempt of producing a whistle through his mouth and finger, a loud growl echoed in the wilderness.

Run. That was his initial plan but before he could step his foot back, a huge brown dog jumped over him.

"No!!", Jay shouted as he trembled on the ground.

He covered his face with his both arms, forming a cross as a defense even though he knew it'll be useless. He shut his eyes tightly, preparing for a bite. But to his surprise, a wet slime landed on his cheek, making un upward motion.

"Chester!" he heard a voice coming from a girl. And in that cue, the dog stopped licking him and went over the girl.

Jay stood up and looked at the girl who has a hair in a messy bun, few strands were dangling on her face. She just looks like an ordinary asian but with a slim pointed nose, bigger dark eyes and a darker skin, Jay thought.

The girl looked at him suspiciously, studying his whole being.

"Who are you?" she asked in a different languange in which for Jay it sounded just like a gibberish.

"Do you know where Alex' villa is?" He pulled out the basic english he knew.

Upon hearing the word Alex, the girl relaxes her forehead which is then furrowed. She realizes he might be the foreign friend Alex is talking about.

She began walking without saying a word. The dog was walking beside her and Jay followed from behind.

At the end of the woods was like a garden-like place. The villa was surrounded by palm trees and by different flowers beautifully organized.

"I heard your name is Jay, I am Noemi Raella, the care taker of this villa", she said, as soon as they arrived, not offering a friendly hand shake.

No..Ra... Jay tried to repeat her name.

"Noemi, just call me Noemi if you're having a hard time", she said as she noticed his forehead creases, mouthing her name.

"Nora, who's that young boy with you?"

Jay automatically turned after hearing Nora's name although he knew it's impossible that his cat would've followed him.

He traces where the old lady is looking at and it went over Noemi. "You're Nora? Can I just call you Nora then?"
