
The Soldier Husband

Having left his hometown with shattered relationships due to his decision to join the military Matthew Rong returns after nine and a half years, uncertain of how people will treat him. Lexi Yao, the only person who supported his decision, left less than two years later leaving her family and her child. Just weeks after the birth of her child in an arranged family marriage her husband of less than a year died, putting her in a position that she could not cope. Eventually, when she was ready, she returned to her hometown to resume full-time care of her child bringing her now successful fashion business with her. Matthew had never forgotten the promises Lexi made to marry him prior to and in the twelve months after he joined the military, despite her marriage and becoming a widow. He hoped that he would be able to marry her and secure for them both the future that they had believed was there for them as teenagers. Just after Matthew’s return, having reluctantly agreed to drive Matthew home after a celebration for not only his return but the engagement of their brothers, Lexi and Matthew were kidnapped by the terrorist who helped make Matthew’s career seeing his rapid promotion to General. To protect Lexi, Matthew knew he needed to use changes in the law to protect her and their assets that the Terrorist sought to exploit and committed to her through a forced marriage ceremony at the hands of the Terrorists. For Matthew this was the one thing that had kept him going, and for Lexi she only agreed to protect herself believing there was no legal validity in the ceremony. On their rescue Lexi was confronted with the truth of another forced marriage and was determined to escape this to have her own life, free from domination by men. Matthew not only was left to fight to secure the love of his life but to protect his friends and family from the terrorist who decided that they were fair game in the pursuit of his goals. Can Matthew succeed and win? Can Lexi learn to trust and forgive Matthew? Will the one secret that she has been keeping for eight years drive them apart? This is the story of their journey, with their friends and family along for the ride. Note – for those who have read my first story Offer to the CEO, our favourite couple makes appearances here, with Anna becoming a huge supporter and friend of our Female Lead. Extract: “Matthew, you b*stard. You knew our marriage would be valid, and you forced it on me. You are no better than my parents who arranged my first marriage?” “What did you want me to do? Let you be killed?” “You should have thought about me, not your own selfish needs. Get the hell out of my sight and let me be I'm going to stay away from you.” “Forget it. You are the wife of a military officer. You will live in my villa and forget about going anywhere without my permission. It is not safe.” “Safe? I am not safe from you, everyone, everything and everywhere else is safe!” Please note the cover artwork is not mine. Also while at the start of this story it may seem that the lead is male, in fact the lead is a female lead (be patient for this to be shown)

klmorgan · สมัยใหม่
998 Chs

What does the intelligence mean? (2)

December 27, City K Military Base

Opening the files, and after reading for about twenty-five minutes Matthew knew that he needed a second opinion. David Dang, Joseph Wang and Ben Pang had, over the years developed a common sense when it came to intelligence analysis and could always be counted on for a second opinion, but more importantly to tell him if his analysis was off.

Joseph, from his recollections was on duty at the Capital City Base, and Matthew picked up his secure line before dialling the direct number for him. "Major Wang speaking."

"Joseph, it is me."

"Colonel Rong …"

"Someone in your office?"

"You have that right."

"Can you get rid of them; I need your opinion on some analysis I did not get finished before I was deployed."

A couple of minutes later, Joseph returned to the call "Matthew what is it. You are missing us already or hating being back in City K?"

"Well you know you are all coming back here within the next few months, and no it is neither. You know the issues and why I requested you three specifically to come here. I cannot run anything this sensitive past any intelligence analyst here, particularly when I am about to dismantle the unresponsive special forces intelligence division on the base."

"So, the Devil Expert needs some assistance," responded Joseph with a laugh.

"Stow it my friend."

"Give me a minute and let me get into those files, but tell me your concerns, as I am getting in and reading some of the information."

"I have been reviewing the recent information and looking back at the historical information on the attacks that we believe are connected to the Devil and his minions, from after I first noticed his potential existence. We have that attack about seven years ago, from that group referring to themselves as Al Martya X. We know they were inspired by Al-Qaeda, and for both notoriety purposes and money ambushed and abducted a bus load of teenagers from elite schools in the capital going into poor regions in the West of the country to help those in needs for a month. Before that attack they were what we all called a disorganised rabble, but they pulled that off in a highly organised manner. Eventually we had a tip that lead us to their base …"

"And we found the pattern you had determined after we eventually got our way in."

"Yes, it was like the group had become a liability for the Devil and his minions, so this was to get rid of them."

"Then there was about five years ago to in City J there was that coordinated bombing that brought down four government buildings and two five-star hotels killing around two thousand people. I cannot remember the group name, but they were like Al Martya X, and it was like we had a leak about three months later that led us to their base, and that same scene. Then there was the criminal organisation in City W, that became very disciplined for about three months, raked in a lot of money and then everyone the police connected to the group disappeared, but they could not find their money or assets. Now we have that Islamic State inspired group…"


"That one. They over the last eighteen months have become more prominent, and better organised, achieving success in attacks in rural areas south of here…"

"You are believing that the Devil is now with them, using them for his purposes of state destruction like the other groups he has made use of."

"You have it, they became too organised too quickly without having someone like the Devil and his minions involve with them."

"I do, I know it is a gut feeling, but I need a fresh eye on the material. Are you willing Joseph?"

"You have to ask. You know I had the feeling that last raid you went on was somehow connected to the Devil, but it was generally unsuccessful."

"You have that right. There is one thing, though that seems out of the norm for ISX. There was a little information in that raid that they would be targeting some fashion designer who they believed because of their work was even worse than non-believers."

"That seems out of the norm for anything connected to the Devil."

"I agree, but my gut is telling me that maybe it is more about the Devil and his plans rather than ISX, but ISX do not realise it."

"Let me have a look. It might take a few days, but I will see what other intelligence there is to see if we can confirm your suspicions."

"Thank you, my friend." Matthew paused before continuing "When are you due to be deployed here?"

"In the next couple of weeks. The joint-chiefs told me of your request for the three of us to join you, but given my twins are in school, the decision was to deploy me there first, as the twins can start the new term at a new school rather than part-way."

"And Monica is looking forward to returning home to City K."

"She is, but we are not telling anyone anything until we return back. She is coming down on Monday with the twins to sort out accommodation, and then I will be down a week later when I finish my work here."

"Tell her that she can stay at my Villa, or I can organise with my brother for her to stay at the Rong Family Villa if she does not want to stay in temporary officer accommodation on base is she does not want to go to her family's place?"

"Will do, but I need to go."

Matthew hung up, realising that someone was re-looking at his analysis. He just hoped the information would not be too late to prevent an attack, but the problem was it did not fit ISX actions right.