247 The Fame of Mistress' Massage Center

A gentle breeze swept past Jane and others as they rested on the ground. Leaves floated in the air while flower petals danced along with the wind.

Morales looked at his wife to explain what was so special in the masseur center in Delta City for her to be this excited. After all, the masseurs in Landmolrie City were good in their own right. Not to mention, the city was well-equipped with advanced technology. The masseurs used the latest machinery and gadgets to relieve clients of stress and tension.

"The top masseur there is gentle," Jane said as she brushed away a trail of caramel hair from her face. "Very gentle."

Morales, Anya, and Baird stared at Jane in confusion.

How does that make that masseur special?!

When it comes to massaging the soft and frail body of a woman, isn't it obvious for the masseur to be gentle?


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