
Nostalgic Memories

"Loki, you do have your bags packed?"

"Yes mother."

"Good, we will leave in an hour."

I nodded as I watched my mother left my room. As I turned back to take one last look at my bedroom, I noticed a letter my mother left on my table. She must've forgotten it when she left my room. It was from my grandmother. She'd recently passed away, so my mother inherited her house in Maine. I glanced at the blue walls, and sighed. I was going to miss my room. I was going to miss my rock collection, my closet of clothes, my baseball cards, and my little peach tree.

Everything here used to belong to a normal 14 year old boy, but not anymore. Now these items were useless. Pieces of trash. I walked away from my room. If I was in that room any longer, the accident would happen again. The one thing I've been trying to avoid would happen all over agin. The one thing that'll haunt me for the rest of my life.

As I thought about my new life in Maine, I didn't feel any sorrow from the fact that we'd be moving. I was always the outcast at school, so I never really had any friends. I blame the accident for that too. After it happened, the news spread like wildfire. I was now the avoided child, all alone with no one to support me. Well, everyone expect my mom. The accident affected her reputation too. Every since it happened, we've both been struggling. My mom with her jobs, and me with school.

We never were really rich. We actually were pretty tight on money, but it was enough for us to survive comfortably on. My father was a firefighter, while my mother worked as an accountant. Due to my father's job, he was rarely home. Though whenever he was home, we'd laugh happily while the fireplace crackled with joy.

One night, on my 13th birthday, just as we were about to blow he candles out, my father received a call from work.

"Robert, there's been a huge accident at the nearby gas station. We need you here ASAP!"

"Calm down, Mark, what exactly happened? Also, I thought we agreed that I'd have the day off today? It's my son's birthday…"

"Robert, please, an oil truck suddenly drove into one of the gasoline pumps there. It exploded, causing all the other pumps too explode too, which is now resulting in a forest fire."

That night, I heard my father sigh, and give me the guiltiest look. "Son, I'm sorry, but there's been an accident at the gas station…" I still remembered the disappointment I felt that night. Without thinking, I ran out of the house and towards that gas station. It was dark but I didn't stop running. I wanted to see for myself, if this little, stupid, fire was really worth ruining my birthday.

"Loki, please, go back home!" My father had caught up with me in just 2 minutes. He was fast, that I had to admit, but I ignored him and kept running as fast as my legs could go. "It's not safe, and you might get sick from this rain!"

"Your almost never home, and guess what, on the one special day your home, your stupid job get in the way again!"