
chapter one

I don't feel anything.I see nothing but darkness.What happened.Oh yea... the storm... I don't remember anything else.HELP!!!! I cant open my mouth?Why can't I move?Wait where am I? Am I still alive?

You must be wondering what's happening.Well I'll start from the beginning.

I, Lila Vivian am now boarding the ship that will take me back from my vacation in the Carribeans.I'm an archaeologist studying ancient statues that were found in a collapsed cave.I have determined them to be from 300 A.C. from the ancient civilization Corlian. They were a civilization that specializes,from our research,in peace.They tried to resolve everything in a peaceful way.That's why their race died out.They wouldn't lift a weapon even when there was a massacre amongst their race. I was quite sad when I was informed of this, as I felt a great surge of respect because even in the end they stayed true to their beliefs and didnt raise a single weapon even in death.

Even in death they were so true to their beliefs.So i guess that's why i felt a surge of pride, because i am much like them.I've been stuck in my ways since senior year of highschool.

When i was little i always wanted to be a doctor but then i found archaeology.I was amazed at how delightful it is to read about.I was fascinated in the thought of study past lives from different cultures of all sorts.I've been to many sites, and have studied many many statues and artifacts.

I was coming back from my excavation/vacation in the carribeans to london to bring my latest findings to my lab to study further.I was bringing back a very old statue that was very well preserved.I've sent it back before me with orders for my team to not touch it.Though i doubt they've listened.In fact right now they are probably waiting for it to arrive.

I finally get to the front of the line and gave the captain my ticket, as he allowed me on i spot my companions Louie and Ricardo. They are fellow archaeologists.I go over to them to find them deep in a conversation about our next excavation."im telling you Louie i want to go to the amazons.Maybe we will be able to find an ancient temple in the rainforest that belonged to the Faerers!" Louie shakes his head at Richardo."no what we need to do is go to the wilds in italy and find the ancient city of the Tiliets." they go back and forth about where we should vist and which one was better. I let them go on for awhile before i interrupt them " Maybe we should worry about getting home." Ricardo looks like he wants to say something but doesn't. "yes i agree let's leave this conversation for when we get home.In the meantime let's go to bed." i nod agreeing with Louie.

this takes place in 1700s

lavenders_bookscreators' thoughts