
The shadows that daunt the night.

A demon from a different realm finds itself in the bridge of the human world and it's world. In it's quest for freedom it releases the gods of grief and anger, tilting the two worlds out of balance. Can he regain his power and restore balance to the universe.

Edgar_Mwila · สยองขวัญ
6 Chs

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He sits in the middle of the yard guilty of his crime and all he can see is the sadness that the child wore when he saw the bloody, lifeless body. He couldn't get it out of his head but still came to ponder on something that weighed on him even more. "Who em I?" he wondered to himself. He couldn't figure it out. He had no memory nor any identification since he was found naked. "Daddy!!" He hears the child screaming again. It's the same voice he heard in Frank's room. Only more faint that the first time even though this time his mind I more clear. He isn't as startled this time but is rather more uneasy. In the first instance he comforted himself by assuming that the child made the scream as he was coming up. But he could still hear the screams. He looked around and saw no one anywhere near the site. But again the screams were loud an clear. he tried to find where they were coming from but only found him running in a circle. It was a paradox to him as to what was going on.

He decided it was best to sit down and try to collect his thoughts. So he got up and went to sit under a tree that laid right in the middle of the graveyard. He suddenly felt a peace about him. He couldn't realise what it was, but for some reason he felt his mind was clearer. It was the tree. There was something about it. He got up and looked at it straight on. He stretched out his hand with his palm first and just as he touched the tree, the strangest thing happened. His hand passed through the tree as though it didn't exist. He was engulfed in fear. But as he tried to pull out something from within pulled on him. He tried with as his might but the pull on him got stronger and stronger and he was on the brink of being completely sucked I. when he shouted, "NO!!" The tree glowed a bright white which quickly turned orange, then red, then brown, then gray and the gray got darker and darker and darker until it became like a void in the middle of the graveyard. The area surrounding the tree followed suit and within a second, the area was no more than a big dark circle.

Then the most extraordinary thing occured. Right down the middle of this dark void was a apart of bright white light. It glowed so intensely that no being could look at it with bear eyes and not instantly be blinded. This light turned out to be a seed. This seed of light sprouted and from it a tree of light was born by. The entire life cycle of the tree, represented by the light flashed right in the center of this circle of darkness. It was a splendor to witness, I ever it could have been witnessed.

When the tree of light had grown to the size of the tree that laid there before, the light got less bright. the darkness withdrew and Color could be seen again. It remained quiet for a few seconds before the tree began to glow once more. Then out came our strange, lost and seemingly very powerful man. he fell, clearly unaware, straight on his face. He didn't even have a second to recollect himself when He was joined by two other bodies. They had the exact features that he had when he first was stumbled upon. Only these weren't lying half lifeless on the ground. They were floating off the ground and it didn't take any measurements to realise that these were very powerful beings.

In only a second of appearing on the surface they undertook the same metamorphosis that our star had gone through. They however looked older, not by much. Yet one could easily see the seniority of the two to the one. "Fear! You survived." one said in shock. "It seems just bearly." The other said with a light chuckle and looking down on him. His name seems to be 'Fear'.