
The shadows that daunt the night.

A demon from a different realm finds itself in the bridge of the human world and it's world. In it's quest for freedom it releases the gods of grief and anger, tilting the two worlds out of balance. Can he regain his power and restore balance to the universe.

Edgar_Mwila · สยองขวัญ
6 Chs

It ends now!

"My father was killed because he believed in me, he believed in the human world. I'll keep his belief alive. But first, what were those two doing in the human world?" "They learned the secrets of how to enter the human world. But they have no good intentions at all. They intend to enslave that world and rule both worlds. They have been trying to enter that world for years but they never had the power to get through without being destroyed in the process. When you rematerialized, a large gust of energy ran through this world and strengthened every being here including those two. They used the power to cross over. They are your father's successors."

"So I will have to gat ride of them before I get the throne." "They won't be as easy Timeo. They have been in the human world for long enough to have amassed great power. I suggest you wait and strengthen yourself." "The more time I take, the powerful they become and worse the more havoc they unleash on the world." "It will take us some time to prepare a path for you to cross into the human world."

Timeo's face looked distanced from the words of the hags at this point. He took a long gaze at his hands then stretched out out and a bright beam of light shined before all of them. He had created a portal that led straight to the two co rulers of the underworld. The hags looked on in astonishment at the raw power of the young prince that stood before them. Timeo looked in some satisfaction at his power and walked straight through the portal. The two had been harassing people in a neighborhood close to the graveyard where they had first encountered each other. They had grown is size and by the looks of the bright glow of their eyes, they had grown in power as well.

They looked at him in contempt and disapproval. They came at him in full force with intent to finish what they had started. But Timeo looked them straight up. No fear or even the hint of it was in his disposition. "Be gone with you!" Timeo shouts with great authority and much power behind his words. At once the two begin to fade. Each one looks at the other and then back at himself after which fear overtakes them as they fade into nothingness. within a second, they are nothing more than a memory.

The three hags were watching all these things unfolding from the portal that Timeo had made and wondered among themselves what was the source of the power that Timeo had just exercised. Then the one in the middle had a brain storm. "Could it really be?" She said almost to herself. Then she ran much to surprise of her two companions to the throne on which Timeo had been seated when he awoke. She prostrates to eat before casting a sort of spell that brought out a book from the thrones crown. "The book of power!" Her companions said as they came up behind her in unison. "You don't honestly believe the young prince has achieved the ultimate power. Do you?" "I have never seen the power before but I knew that I would know it when I saw it. And that was it. There is no other power that could grant him the abilities we have just seen."

All the while Timeo was undoing the work that the two had brought on the world. The destruction that they caused and the fear that they had instilled into the hearts of their victims. Timeo undid it all as though he had reversed time itself. He could reach into the hearts of men and rip the fear right out of them, setting them free. Then he returned to the place he woke up at the beginning of it all. The house where he accidentally murdered Frank. Frank's wife and son are still crying over the body as he enters the room. They stop their weeping for a meer moment to glare at the man who had murdered a man so dear to them. Frank's wife holds her son back, trying to shield him from directly viewing the man that stood before them. He looked her straight into the eyes and at once all her fears were gone. Her grief of her husband's death was gone. Her tears ceased to pour out and her soul was at peace.

The boy however was not swayed. He was not in fear but his mind wouldn't let go of his father's death as easily. Timeo could sense it. He felt it through the eye contact. He turns his head from the boy and turns to the corpse lying lifelessly on the floor. His face turns stern and a look of determination comes over him. He stretches out his hand and just like that, all the blood surrounding Frank's corpse returns to his body. His lungs refill with air and his heart pumps once more. Frank lives again. His wife and son welcome him back to the land of the living with a hug so tight they almost kill him themselves. When the kid and the woman turn their heads back at where Timeo stood, he is already gone.

Timeo returns to the underworld but not into the cave he was before. He walks himself into the king's palace. All are in unexplainable astonishment at seeing the prince. You'd think they wouldn't recognize him but by some means oblivious to even them, they know that the king has returned. Timeo stands right before the throne, looking at it with longing intent. Then he stretches his hand out and there, right on the throne, light forms, brighter and brighter it glows until all those looking on are forced to look away to avoid blindness. But when they look back, they see their king, Timeo's father, in his godly flesh and mighty glory he seats on the throne. His son is the first to bow his head, then all the rest follow suit and bow to the returned king. The king asks his son to rise as he too rises from his throne. "I dub thee, king" he says sternly holding his son on his shoulder. immediately, Timeo is recovered in royal clothing and a crown of great power. "You foresaw all this?" Timeo says to his father. His father nods in response and bows to the new king.