

Chapter one : The music concert

The crowd was always as expected. The dim light just perfect for the atmosphere, one could imagine how anxious everyone was. Anticipating for the arrival of their hearthrob,

THE SEVEN IDOLS. Which Many of them call fallen angels from heaven.

Juliet who was just an ordinary girl who could not afford the concert entry tickets was seen in her room sitting by the window side with her eyes fixed at a particular place like she can actually see what was happening from afar. One will actually think She was seeing it.

Lost in thought she didn't notice that her younger sister walked in.

Sister Lili she called. Yes that is what

many people call her.

She turn around with her moist eyes tears almost dripping down her cheek, with the help of her right hand she quickly wipe away the tears. Her sister notice her movement and walk closer to her and ask with her voice sounding almost like a whisper. What happened sis?, Why are you crying she asked. Fighting back the stream of tears on her cheek she replied. Nothing Vicky, I am just sad that our family is so poor that I can't even afford the tickets to the concert I am really sad. You know how much I love music and going to this kind of concert and having the chance to watch in reality and not on TVs will help me Juliet replied. Seeing her sister like this Vicky felt pity for her but what can she do?. She embrace her sister and try to comfort her telling her all will be well one day.

Back at the concert the crowd was even much now, one could barely move a leg. Of course it is expected at a concert like this, because the FALLEN ANGELS were going to release their third song which everyone has been anticipating for. No one want to miss such an opportunity and watch in person for they prefer them being the ones to tell others than others telling them. Just then the light on the stage was turned off and a dim coloured light was replaced compare to the former red light, this was mixed with different kinds of colour. The M.C took the mic and announce the arrival of the seven idols.

Just then the FALLEN ANGELS Walked in one after the other. The crowd screamed, the first to step on the stage was no other than

Raymond the fans Sweetheart.

OMG!!!! Someone shouted is it an

angel from the heaven?

Another reply is that question even


I love you Ray just by seeing you I feel satisfy atleast my ticket is worth it another person added.

Thinking of my seven idols bts

which I use to make this book tittle. Seeing that everyone like bts I said let me make a book in using them as my book title.

I hope you guys like it as I have written this book for the main purpose of impressing you guys.

waiting for your support

stardion29creators' thoughts