
The Seed System Project:Reborn

"In the mystical realm of Orth, Luke Enderson awakens to a world of ancient prophecies and untapped potential. Guided by the enigmatic dwarf Brolin, he discovers a radiant seed with the power to reshape the fate of the world. As Luke navigates Orth's history, encounters the elven prophet, and unlocks the secrets of the World Tree, he must forge bonds, uncover hidden talents, and unravel mysteries. With echoes of ages past whispering through the wind, Luke's journey becomes an epic odyssey of rebirth, discovery, and the enduring force of hope. 'The Seed System Project: Reborn' is a tale of prophecies fulfilled, bonds forged, and the transformative power of one young man's journey to awaken the dormant potential of a world." PS:this is a temporary sypnosis,since im a newbie. if you want to know the well being of this author,gladly check my facebook account:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092844812988.

PugeEcho · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Chapter 22: The Dungeon Cores with unspoken plan

In the aftermath of the explosive climax, the battlefield lay in a state of chaotic stillness. Luke's gaze shifted from the scorched ground where he had summoned the powerful Mana Shield to the surrounding area, his senses slowly adjusting to the newfound calm. It was as if the very air had taken a collective breath, releasing the tension that had gripped them moments earlier.

He walked over to the crater where he had conjured the Mana Shield, the ground still scorched and bearing the scars of their battle. Memories of the confrontation flooded his mind—the intensity of the fight, the unity of his allies, and the sheer power they had unleashed. Luke's fingers traced the ashen earth, a silent tribute to the resilience they had displayed.

With a deep breath, he turned his attention to the ruined dungeon that stretched before him. The mutated dungeon, a realm of constant challenge and danger, now lay in shambles. The devastation was a testament to the battle they had waged, but it also hinted at something deeper—an opportunity.

Recollections from the books of the academy resurfaced in his mind. This was a mutated dungeon, and within it, there should be a dungeon core. The concept intrigued him. A dungeon core was a source of great power, a catalyst for change, and a potential key to reshaping Orth. He had read about their properties and potential, but now, standing amidst the wreckage, he realized that he had a unique opportunity to harness that power.

With determination etched in his gaze, Luke began to search the ruins, every step a deliberate exploration. The shadow wolf and its pact, as well as Sylvie, joined him in this quest. They combed through the debris, their keen senses attuned to any sign of the dungeon core.

The search was methodical, a collaborative effort that exemplified their unity. As they moved deeper into the dungeon's remains, the air grew heavy with anticipation. Luke's mind raced, contemplating the implications of what they might find.

It was Sylvie who, in her boundless curiosity, inadvertently triggered a hidden mechanism. With an accidental press of her gooey form, a subtle clicking sound echoed through the chamber. Startled, Luke, and his companions turned their attention to the source of the noise.

As they watched in surprise, two thrones that had gone unnoticed before began to shift and then, with a deafening crash, they collapsed to reveal their true nature. Each throne concealed a dungeon core, spherical in form and pulsating with an otherworldly energy.

The sight left Luke in awe. These were the very cores he had read about in the academy—a source of immense power, potential, and change. A sense of responsibility settled over him as he regarded the cores. The question of what to do with them weighed heavily on his mind.

Luke contemplated the possibilities. The dungeon cores had the potential to alter the course of Orth itself. With their power, he could initiate changes that would benefit not only his allies but the entire island. However, he also understood the gravity of the decision he was about to make. The fate of Orth rested in his hands.

As the shadow wolf and its pact, along with Sylvie, began to recover from their exhaustion, Luke's thoughts turned to the starry night sky above. The stars shone brightly, and the full moon bathed the world in silver light. It was a moment of quiet reflection, a time to contemplate the path he was about to embark upon.

He felt the weight of his choices, the responsibility of leadership, and the potential consequences of his actions. The island of Orth, with its unique challenges and dangers, needed change. It needed someone willing to take bold steps and make difficult decisions. Luke realized that he was in a position to be that catalyst for transformation.

With newfound determination, he made a silent vow to himself. He would not only harness the power of the dungeon cores but also use it to reshape Orth, to bring about a new era of prosperity and harmony. It was an ambitious goal, but Luke was no longer the inexperienced mage he had once been. He had grown, both in strength and character, and he was ready to embrace this challenge.

But for now, as the night sky continued to twinkle above, he knew it was time to celebrate their hard-earned victory. The dwarves, the shadow wolf, its pact, and Sylvie had all played crucial roles in this battle, and their efforts deserved recognition.

Luke turned back to his allies with a smile, a shared understanding passing between them. He gestured for them to return to the dwarves' underground fortress, where the celebration awaited. It was a joyful atmosphere, with cheers and songs filling the air as they made their way back.

The dwarves greeted them with exuberance, their voices raised in celebration. The underground fortress was alive with merriment, a testament to the bonds that had been forged through adversity. The shadow wolf and its pact were welcomed as honored guests, their presence a symbol of unity between two unlikely allies.

As they joined the festivities, Luke couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude. This victory was not his alone; it was the result of the combined efforts of his diverse group of allies. They had faced the trials of the dungeon together, and now, they would celebrate together.

The night wore on, filled with laughter, music, and camaraderie. It was a moment of respite, a chance to savor their hard-fought triumph. But in the back of Luke's mind, the dungeon cores pulsed with untapped potential, a reminder of the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

As he looked at the stars and the full moon above, Luke knew that the journey was far from over. The fate of Orth, and the destiny he had set in motion, awaited him. But for now, they would celebrate, for in this moment of unity and joy, they found strength and purpose.


The festivities had drawn to a close, and Luke found himself in the comfort of the inn's room. The warm, rustic ambiance provided a stark contrast to the battlefield they had left behind. He sat at a table, his mind still partially consumed by thoughts of the dungeon cores and the future they represented.

As he contemplated their potential, a soft knock echoed through the wooden door. Luke's brows furrowed in confusion. He wasn't expecting any visitors at this hour. "I'm not ready," he called out instinctively, assuming it might be one of his allies.

The door creaked open, revealing a slightly flustered Yara standing in the doorway. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at Luke's words, and her eyes widened as she caught his surprised expression. Without a word, she turned on her heel and made a hasty exit, muttering a frustrated, "Idiot," loud enough for Luke to hear.

Luke's confusion deepened. He hadn't anticipated this encounter, and Yara's reaction left him bewildered. He watched her retreating figure for a moment before she disappeared down the hallway.

Three minutes passed, each one feeling longer than the last as Luke tried to make sense of the situation. What had brought Yara to his room at this hour? What had he misunderstood?

Just when he was about to dismiss the encounter as a bizarre misunderstanding, another knock came, this time more deliberate and authoritative. Luke rose from his seat, his curiosity piqued. He opened the door to find Einar Stoneforge, the elder dwarf, standing in the hallway.

Einar's expression was grave, and he wasted no time with pleasantries. "May I come in, young mage?" he asked in a tone that brooked no argument.

"Of course," Luke replied, stepping aside to allow the elder dwarf entry. Once inside, Einar took a moment to survey the room before turning his attention back to Luke.

The dwarf's eyes bore into Luke's, and his voice took on a serious tone. "You have the allegiance of the ingenious people of this island, the dwarfs, and the shadow wolf pack. Your victory today has proven your worth and your leadership." Einar paused for a moment, his gaze unyielding.

Then he posed a question that carried the weight of their entire conversation. "What is your plan next, young mage?"

Luke considered the question carefully. He had been contemplating various possibilities regarding the dungeon cores, but he hadn't yet solidified his plans. A sly grin crossed his lips as he replied, "I have a plan, Elder Stoneforge, one that I believe will go beyond your expectations."

Einar regarded Luke with a mixture of curiosity and approval. "Very well," he said, nodding. "Your potential is evident, and it seems you have a vision for this island."

With that, Einar Stoneforge turned to leave. He reached for the doorknob, ready to depart, when something seemed to nag at the back of his mind. He stopped, his hand still on the doorknob, and turned to Luke once more.

In a voice barely above a whisper, he murmured, almost to himself, "I guess the plan failed."

Luke furrowed his brows in puzzlement. "What plan, Elder Stoneforge?"

Einar sighed as if he had let something slip he hadn't intended to. "Never mind, young mage. Rest assured, you have our support."

With those enigmatic words, the elder dwarf exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Luke was left alone in the dimly lit room, pondering the cryptic conversation he had just had with Einar Stoneforge. The pieces of the puzzle seemed to elude him, and he couldn't help but wonder if there were hidden depths to the dwarves' intentions that he had yet to uncover.

As the night wore on, he resolved to delve deeper into the mystery that now surrounded him. With the support of the ingenious people of the island and his unwavering allies, Luke knew he was poised to make a profound impact on Orth. The path ahead was shrouded in uncertainty, but he was determined to navigate it, unraveling the secrets that lay in wait, and shaping the destiny of the island.