
Chapter 5: FIVE SILVERS?

I woke up feeling refreshed. The bed wasn't all that comfortable but it would do for now.

I sat up on the bed to check my belongings. I still had my status page, the dorm key and my medal.

I continued to search my pockets.

Until I took out a sack.

This was the sack of coins the priest had given to me .I wonder how many coins the cheapskate putted into it.

I shook out the coins on the bed, and started counting.

Three silvers and 200 bronze coins.[1]

That would be....

Five silvers! What the heck? How does he expected me to survive on 5 silvers .I barely carried any clothes with me. How could he be so heartless. He will pay for this.

No use crying over this. Just got do what I have to do.

I started observing my room.

It had a bed, a chest, a closet and dresser with a mirror. The wood quality; well it wasn't inferior.

The closet and the dresser had some clothes which include a uniform.

This uniform was a black robe trimmed with white and with a large bronze cross at the back completed with a White shirt and a black pants and a bronze belt to keep it all together.

I tried on the uniform to be surprised that it was a perfect fit. There are even pockets inside the robes. The pockets were large I could even put a book in here.

I took off the uniform and put it inside the closest on a hanger.

Then only to hear a large crowd running outside my dorm.

I stopped what I was doing and went to check what was going on.

The sight that I behold was totally not normal. There was easily 1000 students running past my door. An as curiosity kick I followed behind them.

Couple doors later I arrive at dorm number 2500 . Only to find a multitude.

What's going on hear? I shouted.

Don't you see that we are waiting to use the bathroom.(Random kid)

To use then what! (Daybian)

You don't know what a bathroom now is? Well let me educate you ,a bathroom is a room that you go to............. .( Random kid)

I just ignored him for the rest of the time. I just couldn't understand why a bunch of ten and elven year olds


this is a chapter teaser So please go over to my next book and read it.

It's the same book same title same words with some editing and whole new different cover.

This for this sudden change

.1 I couldn't get to update this one for number of reasons

.2 Caught the virus.

3. I have recovered.

4. Since I have recovered I think this book need a fresh start. And that is what is going to happen. Starting now.

All chapters now are like the ones in the upcoming one decided to fix it here so you guys can see what it looks like.

thank you my dear readers.

1] So most of you would be familiar with this coin system.

100 bronze = 1siliver

1silver = $1 US.

So do the maths

3dlionkingcreators' thoughts