
Day One

Dear Diary,                  11-27-20

I've never seen a more beautiful building than St.Andrews Memory Care. Its an old convent, 4 stories high, and a lot of the inside structures have been preserved.

Today was my first training day. I discovered somethings that I just had to write down.

Each floor has a side wing that has been cleared out and shut off as a covid wing, however the second floors wing is empty... So I thought...

Our wing has the only bathroom on the second floor. No one is allowed in the wings unless they are covid specific caregivers, but like I said our wing was empty, and I really had to pee. I told my trainer I'd be right back and tipped toed away to the locked door at the end of the hall.

The door is a large double framed, keypad locked door with a big red stop sign on it. Thankfully they hadn't changed this code yet. After double checking no one was around I punched in the code and slowly slid in. It was dead quite and eerie, you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched.

I started to speed walk through the winding hallway trying to remember the way I was shown during onboarding yesterday. I finally came upon the baby gate style door and looked up the steep stairs to the break room, which use to be the nurses quarters if I remember correctly.

After safely reaching the bathroom and flicking on the lights I stopped dead and held my breath. I swore I could hear footsteps in the hall downstairs. I panicked for a minute thinking I had gotten caught, I closed my eyes and strained to listened for the footsteps.

After an excruciatingly long second or two they disappeared. Suddenly the deafening silence crept back in. I quickly finished up my business and returned to the cold, winding hallway. Ever aware of the hair raising feeling of eyes on me. I shook my head and walked faster back to the locked doors that lead back into the safety of the main halls.


The second thing I discovered was a small, stone hallway that lead from the kitchen to the back doors. The room was cold and had stone walls and floors. NY coworker rushed me through the dark hallway to return the kitchen carts and practically ran back out. It was hard to take in my surroundings in a hurry. It looked like something out of a scary story. Gonna have to go back and check it out later.

Thats all for today. I'll check back tomorrow if anything weird happens.


                 Luna Aster