
The secret of my family

About a young girl who went through so many lies and as a result started investigating

Daeli45 · วัยรุ่น
4 Chs

The revelation

With all this though in my head I didn't know who to belief so I planned to run away but in the action my brother caught me and told me we should wait for the police to take care of the matter but didn't even trust him anymore so I didn't listen now all that was in my mind was to run so I was always alert but one day I heard my dad talking on the phone about my brother I was first confused what happened to my brother so I decided to go check there room then I found adoption documents and it says they adopted a boy surely that was my brother but as I was about to pack it up and leave the room my parents enter a caught me red handed I didn't know what to say but instead of reacting they said they needed to tell me something they start by saying that my brother was adopted as a child just to give him a better life but when he found out he was adopted, he started doing all sorts of things including stealing and smoking cigarettes they tried to warn him but he never listen until I was born he soften but they didn't know he had joined a cult and that they just found out about it they said they engaged him in so many things so he won't do bad things but to no avail and right now as we were speaking my brother has a Court case waiting for him then I started to tell them all what my brother told me about but before I could finish my brother walk into the room holding a gun