174 Unexpected Help

Rory looked up. Her insides were trembling out of fear and her brain was not operating at its full capacity. It was hard. 

"Dignity," She said looking up. She wanted his gun. But she cannot tell him that. Her lips curled as she stared him in the eye. 

The eyes are the windows to the soul. And there is something different in the eyes of a psychopath. She was stupid to not see it before. The blank stare Jake was donning was eerily similar to the look she saw on Lennon. 

As she smirked, maybe her brain thought that she had the upper hand and her heartbeat slowed down. 

Jake chuckled. It was just a short chuckle that sounded like someone stirring an iron pot with a metal spatula. He stared down at her.

Rory didn't know what he was thinking. But he removed his coat and placed it on her shoulder. 

Rory furrowed her brows. She wondered if it was deliberate that jake forgot about the gun he had in his coat. 


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