



This conversation starting verry interesting. but Anna cannot cover her nervous. Harry keep looking at her with intimidate. Her heart is beat so fast. No one ever look at her with that passion. She know this person is so atractive but.... It is not the time. She is still feeling sad and alone inside.

Harry notice the different in ana face.

Harry : "Are you alright...?"

Anna : "i think i need to go to the bathroom. Will you execuse me."

Harry : "alright."

When Anna start to leaving just a few minute ago, Harry ask his asistance.

Harry :" Do i get her attention mr.david...?"

Mr. David :" i think You are sir. But remember she is in the bad situation. Her mother was sick. Soo don't get too far and to fast too her."

Harry : "what are you suggesting..?"

Mr. David :" i think you should try to make her remember you. That's all"

Harry think for a second. And standing go straight to the bathroom.

Mr David hold Harry hand for a while.

Mr. David : "What are you trying to do sir..?"

Harry : "Get Anna in private conversation..?"

Mr. David take a deep breath. Thank God he is been loyal to the duke lincorn for the past 15 tears. Soo he knows the habits off his young master.

Mr. David : " Just wait until 10 minute. Then you can go see her."

Harry : "on the ladies bathroom...?"

Mr.David just look at his young master face. He just taking his breath try to stay calm.

Mr. David : "please sir... Just meet her on the hall when she get out from the bathroom. And then you can ask her to the private rooms."

Harry : "ok then. I Will do it."

Harry just near to stand up again. Mr.David hold his hand again.

Mr. David : "sir..it is not been 10 minute yet. Please wait for a while."

Harry : "ooh."

Then Harry go to sit back. Quite for a second.

Harry : "but why have to wait until 10 minute..? Why just not now..?"

Mr.David : "please sir... You didinot want her to figoure out that you are atractive so much with her. You need to calm down and make her get curios and thinking off you alot."

Harry : "That's good idea."

Harry smile and imagine Anna Will think of him day and night.hmmm...But what if its not.

Harty : "Mr. David..."

Mr. David :" yes sir"

Harry : " if its not the way it turn out to be as your plan. I'll cut you bonus this year."

Mr. David take a deep breath. He get used to with the habits of his young master. Her father also do the same when he is trying to ask how to get attention from his wife long time ago.

Mr. David : " trust me sir."

Mr. David thought (your father also do the same with your mother and its turn out to mariage)

Harry :" ok then.. I'll wait....."

Harry play his finger on the table. Soo booring just waiting for 10 minute.

Mr. David watching his young master behavior. That is the spirit off a young person.

Mr. David : "i think.. it is already 10 minute.. sir.. you can .."

Harry standing and go to the hall near the ladies bathroom before his asistance finished his Words.

Mr. David only take a deep breath and enjoy his tea. Haaahhh... Just 10 years again and i Will be free with my entire time. Imagine about his sweet home in the village and bonus from the duke Lincorn.

Harry ia about to get to the ladies bathroom door. Anna is still didinot come out. What took her so long..? The train officer comes to him. Offering a help.

Train Station : "is three anything that i can do for you sir...?

Harry : "do you see the girl with the blue dress and blue hat is go to this bathroom..?"i

Train officer : "with the brown hair and blue eyes sir...?"

Harry : "YESS.. how do you know..?"

Train officer just smile. Train officer thought (You are not the only one that have attention to that beautiful lady sir. I already have 3 tips from couple off Duke who trying to get information about her.)

Train Officer :" i suggest you wait for her on the hall at the corner. I Will give you a signal when she comes out from the bathroom. "

Harry : "ok I'll wait on the corner off the hall".

Train officer received money from Harry. Well It iS the bigger one than the other duke. Soo ilL support him. The officer train just make his mind.

Harry wait on the hall and wait for the signal. He get nervous how to speak and start conversation before asking Anna to the private room.

