
The Second Lead Ever After

The only world that I know is where she is. Her smiles, warmth and her everything I want to be part of it but I know that I am not the one she loves but not in this world. I will not second guess, I will not be reluctant to show my feelings and I will not be the second lead anymore.

RanzLucille · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


Chapter One

The putrid smell assailed his senses as he heavily opened his eyes. The stickiness feeling that he felt from his face made him shudder as it totally disgust him to no ends,

"What the hell is this?" He muttered as he tried to wipe the thing on his face but he was surprised when he felt a kick in his stomach. He gasped out of breath and forced himself to look up to whoever kicked him in the gut.

"Oh my, What's with the nasty look?" a girl that she is not familiar with looked down at her with a disgusted look. There are two other people that surround the girl who are just simply watching while not trying to hide their snicker.

He squinted his eyes and carefully stood up. He carefully surveyed his surroundings and frowned when he noticed the familiar name of the building that he was in.

"What the hell am I doing here?" He said while staring at the all familiar building of his alma mater. How long was it when he was in Saint Ives University?

"Julie, I think you hit her so hard that makes her more pathetic as she is." One of the girls said smugly .

The girl who they called Julie simply approached him and without any second thought slapped him in the face. He felt the tingling sensation on his cheek and the ringing in his ears didn't stop as he was slumping on the floor.

"Who the hell are these people?" he said to himself as he composed himself and tried not to raise his hands to a girl.

He never ever felt in his life to be violent to a girl but that woman could be the first one.

"What do you think you are doing?" He asked angrily.

"Look at this bitch. . Margareth, you think you are someone's big because Riley chose you as her muse." A red haired girl spat as she viciously grabbed his hair.

Pine can't hide the unsettling feeling as he hears the name that he was called on and realizations hit him as he recognized the faces of these people.

"Margareth, You called me Margareth?" He asked incredulously.

The one named Julie raised elegantly her eyebrows and grimaced as if she was looking at a bug.

"Julie Rose?" He muttered as she recognized the face of his former client. She's alot younger than the last time that they met but he will never forget the unapologetic persona of that woman.

"How dare you say her name?." A girl with a ponytail tried to slap him again but he easily held her hand and pushed her. The girls were utterly shocked by his actions and that gave him time to think.

"What the hell is happening? The last thing I remember is Perry's car exploded and I tried to turn back but my car's brake didn't work. Perry is also dead. I need to calm down. First, I need to know why I am with these people."

He swept his hair and he momentarily paused when he noticed the long black hair and the unfamiliar thinness of his arms. He quickly patted his body and noticed that there are things that should not be there and things that are not where it should be.

"What the hell?" he angrily shouted as his hands were firmly crossed on his chest that now had a squishy feeling .

The three girls were just gawking at him as if he was losing his mind but he didn't give a damn care.

"You are really out of your mind." Julie said.

Pine just stared at her and smirked.

"Julie Rose, I never thought in my life that you can be this cute and what's with this child play?" He paused and studied her hair. " Rotten egg and flour?. Cute but if you are not going to stop in the near future you will really end up in jail." He warned and left them stunned.

"What should I do?" He muttered as he stared at himself in front of a mirror. He is currently inside of a restroom where he examines his current appearance and gives a nod to himself as the girl reflected in the mirror is someone who is beautiful and innocent.The long straight black hair and big doe eyes that gave her a fragile look. The dainty nose that gave matched the brown eyes.

"Margareth, where did I hear that name?" He continued to ponder but he was interrupted when the door from the women's comfort room was opened abruptly and a stunning woman entered and hugged him fiercely.

"You are really here." The mysterious woman exclaimed.

He pushed away the woman slightly and gave her a puzzled look.

"Do I know you?" He asked.

"Pine, it's me. Perry."

"Perry as in Perfecta?

The woman just nodded and hugged him again but he stopped her.

"What is going on?" He asked as he was totally confused. "Why is Perry here and she also looks different and worse why am I a girl?." She inwardly lamented as he observed that Perry looks older than he is right now.

Perry paused and sighed heavily. "Let's talk somewhere else. This is not a place for that kind of discussion."

He simply nodded and followed the woman who introduced herself as Perry.