

The Webmaster, that was the name he made for himself in the Kingdom of Asala , but that wasn't the name he was called when he was at the height of his power as a warlord. He was known as the Bloody spider then.

He didn't look anything like the Bloody spider now as he filled the chair he sat on and if one didn't know him, they wouldn't know he was the webmaster either. His eyes were beady and had sunk low in the fat of his face while his mouth had mostly disappeared with his chin unless he opened them, like now.

"Tell what you know about this master sage, about this woman sage that killed the shadow fighter the Black fangs sent to that village," his voice was soft as if he couldn't be bothered with anything but his eyes, sharp like the webs he spun said otherwise.

The webmaster put out his right hand and immediately a woman appeared by his side as if she had been at his side all along, as if she and two others weren't in the room's corners, hidden and awaiting their master's orders.

The woman placed a red-black apple on his right meaty hand but the Webmaster didn't bit into it, instead, he fixed his eyes on the one he had just asked a question.

The man– a farmer from the village the woman sage master just killed a shadow fighter – fidget with his hands, his small eyes darting around the small room.

The Webmaster waited, he had learned to be patient to get what he wanted.

Finally, the man opened his mouth, shifting nervously on the small chair he had been given, "They said she was sent by the King and th...he killed the shadow fighter and stopped the evil Black fangs...."

The man looked at him, wide eyes afraid he had said something to upset him but the Webmaster's eyes had focused, sharpened but not on the farmer. He hated being kept in the dark, as the one that controlled the biggest and only underground spy operation in the kingdom, it made him impatient that he couldn't find much on the Black fangs and their plans.

He waved with the apple still in his hand, "what do you know about her? Her name? Her family? Tell me her history."

The man opened his mouth and closed it again, already sweat had started gathering on his forehead, "We didn't know much about her, my Lord. Only that she just resently became master."

The Webmaster narrowed his eyes, the Black fangs and now this woman now in the play? He didn't like to informations to be out of his control and he certainly do not like new players on the board without him been prepared.

"Tell me then about her sages? How many sages does she have?"

"We.. I ... No one was there at the time of the fight.. I don't know how many Sages she has."

The Webmaster's mood darkened further, so the fool didn't even know the number of Sages she has? Maybe she didn't even she have any sages... He shook his head, no battle Sage can be master without having Sages. Lesser and upper Sages. And she can't have killed that shadow fighter if she wasn't a master.

The Webmaster frowned or tried to do as there wasn't much difference on his face, "Aren't you one of my spiders? A spider that couldn't spin information is useless."

He bit on the apple then, the dark juice running down his chin.

"I don't need a useless spider."

He focused a little and tap into the power of the Sage he was known by– the demon spider Sage, Akun. The power flowed through him as if thousands of tiny spiders were climbing his inside and it felt as if his blood were moving slower, colder. He waved again but this time something spun from his hand, a thread so thin it was almost impossible to see. The thread warped around the man's neck much like a rope.

The man clutched his throat, "My Lord...."

The Webmaster pulled the thread– the tread that had now became hard as steel but also supple– and the man's head detached from his neck as easily as if it was a sword that took it off and his body collapsed, lifeless.

"Who's finding this type of stupid sliders for me? Why are new spy so stupid? Get me the name of the spider in charge of that village, I have few words for him."

"Listen," his voice had gone so so soft but the four men and women hidden around the room's corners straighten, "One of you should call me Femi– The shadowed one."

The room seem to chill at the mention of the name and even the darkness perked up as if at attention to that name. The Webmaster didn't like that but even he couldn't deny the power of The Shadowed One and his mastery on his Sages, especially on that one Sage.

The Webmaster smiled and put out his tongue to lick off the blood that was smeared on his chin. Blood and juice mixed together and he shivered in excitement as if thousands of spiders were stirring in his inside. Maybe they are, he is host to the Spider Sage after all.

Things are about to get interesting, he thought.
