
CHAPTER 36 Zion's Pain

  Howard Point Of View

  "Please don't drown yourself, Zion. How many days have you been here? Huh? Your business, you've been neglecting it! Get organized and fix yourself, dude. You're going to kill yourself just because of a woman?" I stopped Zion with ten bottles of wine.

  We are here again at the bar to pick him up. It's been three days since Crystal left and Zion is just drinking alcohol every day.

  He drank straight from the last bottle of beer and then looked at me darkly.

  "You don't care, Howard! You don't know how I feel!" he shouted.

  It's a good thing the music is really loud in the whole bar. Otherwise, we might be the focus of the audience now. The owner can't do anything because Zion has made a big investment in it.

  When he dropped the bottle, he called the waiter again and ordered another bucket. Aish! The stubbornness.