Anso heard muffling noises all around her, She could vaguely hear what they were saying. Muffin..? Work...? Rock????

Anso tried to open her eyes, but it was too heavy so she fell asleep.

The next day she tried to open her eyes again it opened ajar and she saw a simple bed with cloths on it. She tried to lift her head up but she felt really weak. Suddenly she felt like she was being carried and she headed towards a place that looked like a kitchen.

"I'm floating?.... Are my parents supernaturals who have insane abilities?" Anso thought.

Anso was placed on a soft pillow while a kind looking woman in her late 20's fed her milk from a bottle.


The schedule was like this for the next few months.

Wake up,eat,sleep,repeat. Anso was really bored but she managed she find out some more information.

Her mother's name was Eleanor and her father was Rar. She also had a older brother named William. They were commoners so they didn't really have a proper last name.

She was 3 years old right now,and was beginning to make sounds.

"Geaah eiillll leaase (get milk please)" Anso said.

"Aww.. little An' is trying to talk!" exclaimed William.

"Awww.... That's nice hey honey look at Anso!" Eleanor awwed.

Rar came out of the bedroom and stared at Anso. Anso thought it was kinda creepy.

"Hey! Are you a dimwit? Don't stare at the child like that! Your gonna scare her!" huffed Eleanor indignantly.

"Sorry sorry..." chuckled Rar.

After that more talking happened but Anso was tired so she rested.


A few years have gone by. Anso is now 6 and is able to communicate with her family. She found out they were living in the empire of Naz, located in the middle of the continent. Magic aptitude was usually based on eye color. Anso's eye color was blue so her power was related to water.

Anso was out shopping with her mom and brother when...

"Hey! Get me anotha' beer won't cha?" A man in his 40's exclaimed.

There was bickering with the man and the bar owner. Eleanor or El for short, took Anso away to avoid exposing her evil.

"I might not seem like it but i'm a noble!" shouted the man.

Everyone was listening and looking at the man. Anso was confused on why this was happening.

"Leook *hiccup* at this insignia here." And with that the man pulled out a badge that had some sort of dog with a cat tail on it.

Everyone froze then they slowly backed away from the man. Anso wanted to ask questions but thought now was now a good time.

After going away Anso asked,"Why did we back away like that?"

A moment passed by before El replied," Most nobles are corrupted with evil. There are a few but they're rarely seen.

Anso thought it was weird but she should grow up before trying to ask her deeper questions. So with that she skipped off to her home and fell asleep.
