
The road to becoming a God

The demon clan, which once ruled all realms of Hongmeng, has been lost in the years. The human race has replaced it. After burying the glory of the demon clan, it has become the new master of Hongmeng world. Ten thousand years later, the way of cultivating immortality is popular among the people, and many dormant aliens are secretly gathering strength to prepare for counterattack. An ordinary young man has opened his brilliant life through continuous efforts

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93 Chs

11.Transmission matrix

Hongmeng's main boundary is a city of 90 States, with different sizes and areas, but even the smallest state has more than one million miles of land. Shen Shi is only a young man who has not yet started his cultivation. He can't reach Jinhong mountain in Haizhou for a few years by walking alone. So after everything is settled, the butcher decides to take him from the transmission array.

At present, there are two kinds of teleportation arrays known to all in the Hongmeng realm. One is the ancient teleportation array handed down from the ancient times. It is carved on the mysterious "golden embryo stone" and immortal after countless years. It is the only way for the Hongmeng realm to lead to other realms. However, the second type of transmission method array has been around for a much shorter time. It has only been around for more than a thousand years since its birth. It is an outstanding talent in the human race. It has painstakingly studied the ancient transmission method array for many years, copied the mysterious method array on it, and created a strange thing by imitation.

However, although they are all teleportation arrays, because the ancient teleportation arrays are too magical and weird, the teleportation arrays created by the human race still have many shortcomings compared with the ancient teleportation arrays handed down from the ancient times. The first is the transmission array created by the Terran, which can not cross the border in any way. No matter how hard the talents of the Terran design and deploy the array, the transmission array from the Hongmeng main world to other alien worlds has never been successful. So far, it can only be transmitted in the Hongmeng main world over a long distance, and there is a natural limit to this transmission distance. It seems that as long as the transmission distance exceeds an unknown red line, The transmission will inevitably fail, and at the same time, some strange things will happen from time to time. For example, the cats and dogs that mysteriously disappeared when doing experiments have never been found.

In addition, the ancient teleportation array built by the golden embryo stone has the magical effect of naturally absorbing the supernatural power of heaven and earth. It can automatically absorb and fill the supernatural power of heaven and earth every two hours and launch a cross-border teleportation; However, the teleportation array imitated by the Terran can't do this anyway, and can only rely on consuming the spiritual power contained in the soul crystal to achieve teleportation. It is also because of this that the spiritual power absorbed by the two can be said to be very different. In ancient times, the transmission array could transmit more than 1000 people at one time, while the maximum number of people transmitted by the Terran transmission array at one time was only 50.

There are many similarities, but although there are still many shortcomings, which can not be compared with the ancient teleportation array like miracles, the teleportation array created by the human race over a thousand years has reached a rather mature stage and is gradually popular in the world, especially in the spiritual world. In today's world, there are 90 states in Hongmeng, and at least one of the most important cities in each state has set up a transmission array. Because of the natural limitation of distance, this kind of humanoid transmission array can only be transmitted to an adjacent state at most. In fact, the number of transmission arrays reflects the prosperity of this state to a certain extent.

Lanzhou, like Yinzhou, is a remote small state located in the southwest of Hongmeng main boundary. In terms of prosperity alone, Lanzhou is slightly inferior to Yinzhou because there are only two transmission arrays in this state, both in the most prosperous black wood city of Lanzhou.

Having made up his mind, the butcher took Shen Shi North to heimu city. After a half month's trek, he came to Lanzhou city.

During this period, Xu Shi's affair finally got the best result. The butcher and Shen Shi both relaxed a lot and chatted more with each other. From the butcher's mouth, Shen Shi learned about what happened in Xilu city these days. It was roughly that Tianyi Lou sent a batch of spiritual materials up the mountain. Among them, there were treasures dedicated to several elders of Xuanyin gate. As the only monk of Xuanyin gate in the "Yuan Dan realm", The treasures of old monster Li are naturally the most precious.

After the spirit material treasures went up the mountain, the butcher naturally could not say what happened and what the process was. In fact, what he knows now is all the information secretly transmitted through the branches of the "fairy society" all over the country. It can only be a few lines of simple and clear words. Anyway, at the end of the day, in the sight of spying on the Xuanyin gate, on the ninth night after lingcai went up the mountain, suddenly a dazzling and thick blue light column rose from the deep of the Tianyin mountain range, and then came a long, bleak sound, shaking the sky.

In the early morning of the second day, the Xuanyin gate came out and closed Xilu city. The city was covered with cables.

Hearing this, Shen Shi missed his father Shen Tai and couldn't help but ask him a question, but the butcher didn't know it. However, he comforted Shen Shi by saying, "the immortal society has always made a promise. Since the matter has been completed, it must be natural to arrange for your father to go to a small town in a small state and live in obscurity for a few years. When the matter is over, it will be natural for you to see your father and son again."

Shen Shi felt the same way after hearing this. Although he still missed his father a little, after all, he was the only family member in the world. But compared with the ten days of anxiety and fear just after he left Xilu City, now he has escaped from Yinzhou safely and has a bright future ahead, which is really satisfying.

Half a month later, the butcher and Shen Shi arrived in Blackwood city.

This is a prosperous city not inferior to Xilu city. The streets are bustling and bustling, and there are a lot of casual monks coming and going. Occasionally, when you hear the words of some monks, you can hear the focus of people's chat and discussion. It is the Xuanyin gate, a big sect of spiritual cultivation in the neighboring Yinzhou, that has suddenly changed in recent days. It is as crazy as crazy to check the past monks. The Xilu city is even more allowed to enter and leave. It has been banned for more than a month, Many scattered practitioners in the city complained. Naturally, there were also various conflicts and disputes, but the Xuanyin gate, which was relatively restrained in the peaceful days, was also unusual and ruthless. It killed dozens of scattered practitioners in more than a dozen days, and the bloody storm enveloped Xilu city for a while.

Such abnormal conditions naturally attract the attention of all sides. I don't know how many people are speculating about what happened in the Xuanyin gate. In the eyes of people who really know the inside story, such as butcher and Shen Shi, after hearing these words and news, they just looked at each other without expression and walked away as if nothing had happened.

Although the black wood city is prosperous, Shen Shi, who went far for the first time since he was a child, did not have the slightest curiosity to wander around. At this moment, in his heart, in addition to his concern for his father, he is full of yearning for the world-famous Spiritual School in Haizhou, South China.

Jinhong mountain, Lingxiao sect.

It was a top-ranking sect in the spiritual cultivation world with a great reputation, one of the "four upright sects" in the world, and a history of ten thousand years. For a young man like him in a remote small state, he would have an opportunity to worship under the Lingxiao sect, which was like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate.

What kind of magical sight will that immortal sect, that blessed place in the cave and the scenic spot in Lingshan be?

Shen Shi has imagined countless times in his mind these days, but every time he feels that his imagination is too naive, and he can't think of what a magical place it is. The butcher who accompanied him obviously didn't like shopping, and the Xuanyin gate is still frantically pursuing. Although it is a state away, there may not be any eyes and ears of the Xuanyin gate in the black wood city.

After they arrived in black wood City, there was almost no delay. The butcher led Shen Shi straight to the Xicheng where the black wood City transmission method array was located.


This is the first time Shen Shi has seen such a legendary teleportation array in his life. Although Xilu city is one of the most prosperous cities in Yinzhou, the teleportation array in Yinzhou is not set in Xilu City, but in another big city, woniu city.

Each of the two transmission arrays occupies about one mu of land, which can be regarded as a large scale. All the Dharma arrays are based on dark gold boulders. Dozens of dark gold boulders of the same material of different sizes are cut into square stones. They look chaotic but actually contain mysterious laws. It seems that an invisible spiritual force flows slowly in the Dharma array.

These dark gold stones are called "channeling stones", which are expensive spiritual materials containing spiritual power. At the same time, they are also the materials closest to those golden body stones of the ancient teleportation array that can be found in the Hongmeng realms. You should know that the most important and puzzling reason why the ancient teleportation array is mysterious is that the golden embryo stone that constitutes these ancient teleportation arrays has not been found in all the known realms of Hongmeng 108 for millions of years

It has been a mystery for thousands of years who created these magical ancient Dharma arrays that communicate with the various realms of Hongmeng and where the golden embryo stone came from.

At this moment, outside the two transmission arrays in the black wood City, many people had gathered before the butcher and Shen Shi arrived. Looking around, there were almost more than 100 people. Shen Shi followed the butcher and looked around. Seeing the clothes and expressions of the people around him, he could see that almost all of them were monks. A small part of them might be disciples of some religious schools, but most of them should be casual practitioners.

In front of these friars, two tables were placed at the entrance of the transmission array. A dozen men in the same gray clothes watched to maintain order. They divided the more than 100 friars into two rows. When they came to a table, each of them would hand over a small bag or dry crisp to the people sitting at the back of the table and directly hand over three bright stones. A long distance away, Shen Shi recognized those intact but unused soul crystals at a glance.

He frowned, glanced at the butcher next to him, and asked softly, "one transmission, three soul crystals?"

The butcher smiled and said, "what do you think?"

Shen Shi took a breath. The cost of transmitting the array was unexpectedly high. No wonder there were so many friars in the black wood city. It was the friars who came here to take the array. However, on the contrary, the monks who can come here, whether they are disciples of the Xiuzhen sect or casual practitioners, must have had a good time.

The butcher took Shen Shi over and lined up behind one of the lines.

The team kept moving forward, and the speed was quite fast. After all, those gray people in front of them just collected the Lingjing and let them go. They didn't do anything to inquire about the identity of the people. As long as they handed over the Lingjing, they could naturally use the transmission array. It seemed like a pure business.

After a while, the butcher and Shen Shi lined up at the front of the line. At this time, Shen Shi also saw two wooden signboards at the entrance of the two transmission arrays, each with the words "Yin Zhou" and "Li Zhou" written on them.

The line in which they were in was the transmission array on the Lizhou side. Shen Shi's eyes silently stayed for a moment on the wooden plate with the words "Yin Zhou" written on it, and then moved away.

Behind the table in front of him, a middle-aged man glanced at the butcher and Shen Shi and said softly, "Chenghui, six Lingjing."

Shen Shi hesitated for a moment, then turned to the butcher and saw that he had spiritual crystals on his body. But his father Shen Tai gave them to him when he parted from him, and the quantity was only three. He felt that it was not his turn to pay for them.

Just a moment later, Shen Shi's face changed slightly. The butcher standing next to him was still and didn't even mean to pay