
Chapter 1: The choosen one

Who will it be?

4 years later

The Naekra tribe is known for their unique cultural practices and social structure. In their society, it is customary for the god to choose women from the tribe to be his wives. This is seen as a significant honor and is believed to ensure the continuation of the tribe's lineage. Similarly, the kingship of the Naekra is passed down through generations, with the current king choosing a successor who will inherit the throne. Understanding these cultural practices is essential for comprehending Mirem's decision to choose a wife. Meanwhile, Graddho's focus was on strengthening his citizens to ensure the prosperity of the tribe.

The next day

In the Kingdom of Naekra, it was a long-standing tradition for women to compete for the title of the god's wife. The god, Mirem, was believed to choose his wife based on certain qualities or skills. On this particular day, 50 women had gathered outside the castle, hoping to become the chosen ones. Each woman knew that they would be asked a series of questions to prove their worthiness. The stakes were high, as the chosen woman would not only become the god's wife but also the first female queen of Naekra, and only three girls passed the questions: Lexia, Jelieah, and Micra. The first to answer was Lexia, who said,

 "Your majesty, I deserve to be your wife and claim the throne for my beautiful appearance." 

followed by Micra, who said, 

"Your majesty, I believe I deserve becoming your wife and Queen of Naekra for my abilities to be able to take care of child care."

 and the last one was Jelieah, who answered Mirem with confidence about her answer. 

"Your majesty, the king and god, I am confident of being your queen and wife. I will make sure that I will love you with all my heart and mind. I will take care of your needs and will surrender and obey you with your words."

The role of the god's wife was highly esteemed and considered a position of great honor and power. It was believed that the god's wife possessed a direct connection to the gods and played a crucial role in religious ceremonies and rituals. Therefore, when Mirem was called to hold the crown and wear it on the right person, it signified that she was chosen as the god's wife and would assume this esteemed position. Furthermore, Jelieah's selection as the first female queen in Naekra was a groundbreaking moment in the kingdom's history. It represented a significant shift in gender roles and challenged traditional notions of leadership and power.

After the coronation,

The people gathered because of the first queen of Naekra, who was being celebrated for her accomplishments and contributions to the kingdom. This gathering was a momentous occasion, where the people of Naekra came together to honor their beloved queen and show their gratitude for her leadership and guidance, but Mirem seemed to have noticed a man wrapped in clothes, and as if he wanted not to let anyone know who he was, this man noticed that the god had seen him and immediately left. God ignored this man's absence because he needed to focus on the people who were going to the gathering.

The man Mirem saw returned to Heltra to inform Graddho about the celebration at Naekra. 


 His news was crucial because it provided Graddho with valuable information about the events and activities taking place at Naekra, allowing him to formulate a plan.

After the celebration,

The people have finally left. Miren asked Jelieah,

 "Jelieah, are you comfortable with me?"

 Jelieah, a wise and supportive partner, smiled at Miren, expressing her happiness at having him by her side. Miren, touched by her presence, reminded Jelieah not to let her divine status make her arrogant or distant, urging her to maintain a humble and approachable attitude.

1 week later

Mirem went out of his palace to walk around, and when he was seen walking around with a smile on his face, the people in the kingdom were curious and wondered what had happened to make their ruler so happy. Little did they know, Mirem had an important announcement to make. Jelieah, Mirem's wife and the queen of the kingdom, said, 

"Hello, felo citizens, we liked to announce that Jelieah is... pregnant!"

 This news was not only significant for the royal couple but also for the entire kingdom, as it meant the potential for an heir to the throne.

We already know what that means: the man wrapped in clothes is there again and immediately leaves and informs Graddho. 

"Your highness, the queen is pregnant."

 Little by little, Graddho's plan is slowly taking shape as more information about the gender of the child becomes clear. Mirem and Jelieah, eager to know the sex of their child, consulted the doctor of Naekra. The doctor revealed that their child said, 

"Congratulations, your majesty, it's a twin!"

 and both were boys. Mirem was so happy because his dream had come true.

10 Months Later

The twins were finally born. The twins were born inside the god's palace. The couple named their sons Crimson and Criston. Mirem and Jelieah were very happy because both were born healthy and strong. The birth of their twin sons, Crimson and Criston, is seen as a fulfillment of the prophecy and a cause for great celebration among the citizens of Naekra.

The next day

Graddho had heard rumors about the god Mirem having twins and wanted to congratulate him personally. Mirem wondered why he found out and asked how it was. Graddho pretended that he was visiting Naekra and did not inform Mirem that he was going, and Graddho only heard that Mirem had twins. Mirem agreed but was still having second thoughts about how he found out. While Graddho was leaving Naekra, he said in his mind, 

"MUAHAHAHA, my plans are slowly taking shape."

1 month later

Crimson and Criston are twin children born to Mirem and Jelieah on April 10, 3072. However, in the early hours of the morning, Cristos is mysteriously abducted by an unknown person. When Mirem wakes up and realizes that Cristos is missing, Miden shouts and says, 


 He becomes distraught and begins searching for him throughout the palace with the help of the maids. Jelieah is also devastated by the loss of his son and is seen crying alongside Mirem. Jelieah was crying so hard because he had failed his husband's request to have twin children. Jelieah once said,

 "I'm sorry, majesty, I couldn't fulfill your wish to have twin children because Criston is missing." 

You could see the tears falling on the floor.

The Next Day

Mirem and his wife, along with their disciples, are desperately searching for their missing son, Criston. They decide to approach Graddho, who is an influential figure in Heltra, for help. 

"Graddho, can you help us find my son? He disappeared in the early morning. We didn't see him in the whole of Naekra, so we thought that he was here and that someone had stolen my son,"

 hoping that they can search the palace and the entire city to find Criston. Graddho, surprised by their sudden appearance, agrees to assist them, and they begin their search together. Some time passed, and they did not see his son. They immediately left. The thing they don't know is that Criston is at the bottom of Heltra, and it's the Nephar.

1 year later

On the 1st birthday of the twin, they celebrate the birthday of the twin. By having food and inviting the citizens of Naekra, one year had passed since Criston went missing, and the couple continued their search for him. However, after a while, they finally gave up hope and decided to focus on ensuring the safety of Crimson, their other child. Meanwhile, in the town of Heltra, a man named Graddho had taken Crimson under his wing and considered him his own son, and he changed his son's name to Trixan. Graddho will teach his son Trixan to fight when he is 10 years old.

9 years later

The day that Graddho was waiting for, Graddho, a skilled warrior, believed that it was important for his son Trixan to learn how to fight. In their village, it was customary for children to start training in combat when they reached the age of ten. This training was seen as a rite of passage, preparing the children to defend themselves and their community against potential threats. Graddho called Trixan and explained that it was time for him to start his training.

 "Trixan, this is the day that I was waiting for; I'm going to train you to protect our citizens,"

 and Trixan agreed, teaching him the necessary skills and techniques to become a proficient fighter.

Graddho notices that Mirem is becoming Trixan's habit, meaning that Mirem is mimicking Trixan's actions and behaviors. On the other hand, Mirem notices that Crimson is changing his behavior and that Graddho is becoming his habit, indicating that Crimson is also copying Graddho's actions and behaviors. The two gods remembered each other's behavior back then, so they said it was his brother's behavior. This exchange of habits between the twins is causing confusion for the two gods. The two gods didn't care because they thought that their son's behavior would also change.

The next day

Jelieah, a mother, was teaching her son when she noticed that her son's room was completely on fire. Alarmed, she called Mirem for help. Mirem had been deep in thought but was slowly becoming aware of the situation; he could see his brother's power and attitude. Meanwhile, Graddho was teaching his own son how to fight when he noticed his brother's power and attitude in his son. Despite recognizing the similarities, Graddho decided to ignore it since there was nothing he could do about it, as it was Mirem's son.

Mirem could not sleep because he was thinking about his son, who has been exhibiting the same behavior as his brother, Graddho. Mirem knows that something significant will happen in the next few years in Naekra, or at least when the signs of it appear, and this disagreement between her sons will not be easily resolved.

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