
Learning the Past

Jon Snow POV 294 AC: Winterfell Crypts

Stumbling back, I tripped and fell onto my ass. With a loud thud as my hands shook, Kade stood in front of me next to a statue of Lyanna Stark, the person he said was to be my mysterious mother. At first a thought of fancy and laughter till his eyes told me the whole story. The story of a woman and how she had given birth to a boy on her dying breath, how her brother had swept off into the night with the young child and claimed him as his own. It was just naysay, a fanciful dream and a dream it was for no reality of it made sense to me. 

Kade held the torch in hand as his large frame flickered in illumination from its flames, dancing and almost licking his flash. If I squinted through the forming tears, I almost saw what I pictured as a Targaryan, like the fabled Aegon the Conqueror. His hair had been growing out reaching down to his chest as he held my gaze. His voice is clear and yet like a whisper to the back of my mind. 

"Your parents were obscured in mystery and too many lies, Aegon, it took so long to find the truth and bits of truth to uncover the scheme of your parents' downfall. For now, know that I will uncover it all and soon whatever you choose, I will be there just as your family will be there."

The tears had fallen, and my voice was beginning to choke. As Kade spoke furthermore on the details, I stared in horror upon my mother's statue, her beautiful face and how her eyes must've shined so. Her nature on display through the word play Kade used so often in his dialect. How her letters and words of mouth to ear were taken and skew so far from the truth that it caused so much death. Petyr Baelish had taken her words and turned them about to Brandon's ear. Her letters were burned all but one at the hands of a weasel, a trout, and an eagle. His hands clenched and his teeth grinded as Kade continued down his story of the century. 

"Robert knew of Lyanna's choice and chose to keep quiet after hearing of Brandon's and Rickard's fate, he chose war over telling Eddard, your uncle at the start."

What came next was Kade's darker held secrets into the Targaryan's themselves, of poison, treachery, shadows, fire and blood. Before the first unveiled secret could see the light of that held torch, I could hear footsteps rushing down the crypts towards us. Hearing the sound of a sword being drawn. I looked back to Kade and saw he had his famous black sword 'Nightsong' and had gone to his knees.

Kadderon Frost POV 294 AC: Winterfell Crypts

The thundering of footsteps against the cold hard ground, my knees sunk into the very ground as my arms went outward. I knew what I had done wouldn't go over well with the prince, but I had no choice because I would leave on the marrow. Looking up only when silence prevailed, and the room was full of a dozen people. I locked silver eyes with gray, a battle of the mind and of the spirit. Only to see Eddard scowl and walk up in two strides to backhand me so hard, I almost rolled backwards. 

Jon caught his breath in that moment of all times and spoked, almost yelled just as Eddard and lined up for another blow.

"Is it true…?"

The hit never came as Eddard looked over his shoulder to Jon, his last restraint gone, the hit came faster than the last. This time, my sword was knocked from my hands and thrown across the crypt's floor as I was hit once, twice, and so on till my face was bruised, bloody and my left eye swollen shut. Yet, I made no move other than the slight breathing and up and down of my chest. Eddard's bloody and busted knuckles dripping to the floor to the horror of Jon and shock to his soldiers with a terrified Cat following just behind. I wheezed and slumped forward, coughing and wincing from the pain in my face. 

"That's all you got my prince?"

Spitting a glob of spit and blood from my throat to the ground, I looked at Jon.

"Don't let anyone take the truth from you Jon, No one, you hear me?"

Eddard stared blankly to me and then to Jon who now looked conflicted till he drew his sword. A startled gasp resounding from everyone as he pointed it to Eddard.

"Stay back or I'll fight to my last breath for the brother not of blood but by truth."

It felt nice to have someone believe my words without too much hesitation, but I knew Eddard too well to this point. No blood would be spilled further if he could help it.

"Put away your sword Jon… All of you, back to your posts, now! Cat, please get the maester, I'll explain later."

The guards needed no further words before leaving but Catelyn wouldn't budge till finally a few moments passed and the only sound was of the echo from the drops of blood hitting the ground. Eddard soon collapsed onto the side of the crypt, back to the wall as he heaved a sigh and motioned for Jon.

"Is it true?"

Jon's words were no longer frail or meek but now held a weight to them. I found my feet and stood, grabbing my sword from the edge of the room as I nursed my pounding headache. Eddard's eyes darted to me before looking downward in shame or remorse perhaps. His anger wasn't so easily flared so it surprised even me the wrath he would deal out. 

"You have to understand my son…"


Eddard looked up to the standing Jon and lowered his head.

"Yes… Your mother is Lyanna Stark as your father is Rhaegar Targaryan."

Eddard's words were low and stretched far more than even a wheezing man like me could do at the moment, a pain inside a man's heart it seemed.

"What about the lies, deceit, schemes, and acts deployed by others?"

Eddard looked perplexed as I stepped up.

"I do not believe Lord Stark knows of such things, Schemes and spying are not common in the North, not nearly as much as in the South."

Jon looked troubled and spoke again with a slightly heightened pitch while looking at Lyanna.

"When were you going to tell me?"

Eddard looked up to Lyanna again before about to say something and then became quiet once more. A few moments passed before Eddard sighed and spoke true this time.

"I wasn't going to if I could've helped it. I would've kept you as my son, legitimized you in a few years time and given you a keep to govern as your own unless you wished to stay in Winterfell, in that case possibly master of arms or something similar. I couldn't bring myself to tell you something I had no power to change or do anything about truly."

Jon looked saddened but resigned and I just looked at the pair before beginning my trek to the entrance to make sure no one would overhear them. The next words caught my interest as I had essentially thrown most of my eggs in one basket.

"I think the best thing to do to right the past would be to correct it and to fix the kingdom as I know if the stories were true, then my father would have wanted to better the kingdom… I will take the Iron Throne...father."

While the last word father wasn't to Rhaegar, even without looking back, I could tell Eddard was stumped and honestly, so was I. Here a young boy just said he would take the Iron Throne. A small curve of my lips arched up as I thought of the future for house's Frost, Stark, and now Targaryan.

Kadderon Frost POV 295 AC: Whitegaard Castle Private library

'3000 BC:

House Dustin planned an assassination on the heir of House Frost around this time to curb their explosive growth with all their ports against their one being the Salty Port. The plan had failed and even showed their collaboration to be in hand with House Bolton though the proof was little, and the claim was dropped though it was heard that House Frost and House Bolton had strained relations at best afterwards. Once the culprit was found, House Frost declared for blood and the fallout turned into a rebellion. One that was put down before even House Stark could come. House Frost marched onto House Dustin and had defeated them in one battle, the battle of Barrow's Hall. While the numbers are unclear, it is recounted that House Dustin had roughly 1000 men to call upon within the short amount of time. House Frost later had all the men either killed or sent to the Wall. The women were scattered among different houses, but the eldest daughter Dyana Dustin married Rolan Frost, younger brother to the current head of House Frost. The lands belonging to House Dustin came under House Frost but were managed by the new vassal House Whitespear. 

The first changes were making the lands around the new house defensible and profitable, which with all the new farms starting up and the castle being turned into a citadel of sorts surely brought upon the results they wanted. The abundance of food from the lands around House Whitespear provided for most of the central houses within the North alone while House Frost provided for the Western coast. A new canal project was to be placed along the fever river to connect the east and west coasts of the North. This project alone would provide an increase in trade at least five times the original amount if not more. Along the Canal would be stone watchtowers surrounded by stone walls. The walls and battlements were almost 100 feet high while the towers themselves were twice the height. The entrance to the canal would be barred by two massive towers at 250 feet high and a massive chain link connecting the two that would be raised for friendly incoming ships.

The Eastern entrance would hold two giant marble statues placed upon foundations, the statues themselves to resemble two massive weirwood trees with one having a joyful expression while the other would show its sorrow. The leaves were made out of some kind of metal but seemed to be painted before being coated with some mixture that would reflect the sun in a way that would make the two new landmarks to be not of this world. Just beyond the two statues was a grand lighthouse the size never seen before for such a structure. Its light shone not only for the boat's beacon to land but also to show the water surface and any who meant ill will. On the Western coast was another marvel to see.

With the Northern Giant at Blazewater Bay not so far from the canal's entrance. A fire pyre was added to the Northern Giant coming from the fortress in his hand and within the lighting bolt, a fire that would never go out as some say. How they are able to keep it going at all times is a wonder for many. The lightning bolt was redesigned to have a hollow inside and to use a material similar to glass though it's unsure exactly what was used for its creation. The two towers at the entrance to hold the chains were designed to have giant wolves carved in a spiraling fashion from top to bottom with its face coming out a few feet to hang over the canal and stare at the ships that passed. Many have said if you look at the wolf, you'll see red and hear its snarl.

1000 BC:

House Frost grew and grew and wouldn't stop as their power surpassed even House Stark even though House Stark was gaining taxes from many lords. With this, a grand council happened and with it, marriage talks happened. With three sons and one daughter, House Frost had many suitors lined up. The talks turned into a feast and House Frost ended up having betrothals lined up for their sons from houses Umber, Glover, and even Stark while their one daughter would be sent to house Reed. The matches turned out to be a joyous thing since the betrothed seemed to be very happy with their matches. House Ryswell, vassal to House Frost rose up in rebellion after Rickard Frost killed Rodrick Ryswell in a duel after being challenged by Rodrick for the hand of one of the betrothals. Being the only living child from the current head of House Ryswell, when the rebellion was put down. House Ryswell ceased to exist other than through the blood of others. The seat for the now Gone House Ryswell was offered to Rickard's brother Marlaw who took to the name Whitewolf. 

50 BC:

The trade provided from the new canal propelled the North into a new age of prosperity for once not just in a portion of their lands but the North as a whole. House Frost sent an expedition to Old Valyria with the head of the house's son leading the way along with a hundred ships, it was the largest armada sent to the cursed lands and it was a show of force. After years of waiting, it was considered a failure though after four years, his son came back but only with twelve ships and each one was damaged roughly. Some with claw marks, some with splintered decks and broken masts. It was a wonder how they made it back. The heir had spoken words with the head of House Frost, but no recounts were ever recorded, only that the Heir passed away shortly afterwards, and the Head of the house went into seclusion. The progression of the lands and overall happiness though were still satisfactory. 

As the years passed, House Frost rapidly became the strongest house in the North financially, and militarily once more to the unease of their neighbors. House Stark seeing this became worried though their alliance stood strong as House Frost had Stark blood running through their veins from generations back, a fosterage system was placed, and the heir of House Frost was sent to House Stark while a marriage betrothal was also arranged between House Umber and House Frost. As the two bloodlines were by far the largest in the North, it was deemed that this union would bring forth giants again, or at least that was the common jape around the other nobles, though it was recounted that previous marriages had already happened if the height of the two families could be any proof.

House Frost held a standing army of roughly 4000 Footman, each armed with castle forged steel. Plate armor lined with fur and studded leather. Large round ironwood shields with a spear as their main options and their back strapped with four short throwing spears or javelins as many called them. Normally each footman carried a one-handed axe for close engagements. While their 3000 longbowmen were equipped with the same axe and shield in case of melee entanglements, they had no spear or short throwing spears either. Prioritizing speed and mobility far more, they used chainmail instead of plate and far more studded leather to cover their bodies with the fur lining. A strong 2500 mounted knights would be equipped the same as the footman, just that their armor and weapons would be made of what House Frost called Snow Steel, an almost white metal that while used in armor provided far more protection while also being as light as a leather. The unique aspect of the metal was that any other metal that hit it, would soon turn brittle and would break normally having frost along the metallic surface. Only House Frost knights were allowed to have Snow Steel armor and weapons as only House Frost could produce the metal. 

Alongside the standing army, House Frost had its guards, or as the common people called them, the Ice Wraiths as they were basically patrols of guards, each patrol numbering no less than fifty men and each man carrying what many came to call a smoking stick. Something that once lit would make and produce large amounts of smoke. Easily visible within leagues of it. Alongside it would be a two-handed horn that would alert any near patrols of a possible smoke signal to follow. These patrols could travel at fast speeds due in large part to the sleds they used with the wolves they bred and could travel over any snow easily and swiftly. The Ice Wraiths at this time stood around 5000 in total, some on patrol, some training, and some guarding within towns and villages. In total, House Frost had roughly around 9,500 men that they could bring to a battle, though when added with any levies they could go up to 20,000 fighting men. Them being a large contributing factor in the northern fighting force. 

Opening public bath houses around their territory providing not only a hot water bath, but also steam rooms, and a newer commodity, soap, House Frost was able to not only provide extra revenue but also help the common folk. It was only one of three big new innovations in their land's. Another being the farming of potatoes, turnips, cabbage, radishes, and spinach. The new vegetables being introduced to the farmers from overseas provided a huge boon within the first cycle of crops providing enough food not only for their people but also the surrounding lord's peoples too. 

Lastly, House Frost had made all new alcohol, three types, one being Northern Ice, a drink that was fairly cheap and could be bought by the common folk just as the nobles alike. Holding little to no flavor by itself, it burned going down and was very strong. Rum, similar to Northern Ice was for both common and noble though it took with sailors and the craftsmen more than anyone. Lastly Whiskey was the magnet of gold for House Frost since they had red Whiskey that low nobles could afford and Black Whiskey which cost 50 gold dragons for one barrel, Whiskey Gold for the high-class cost 100 gold dragons. House Frost had two more varieties, but they were reserved for themselves and their valued customers. Frosted Black and Frosted Gold. Both drinks being the aged versions of the original two and being constantly cooled while in the container. Frosted Black had contracts with several dozen houses, but it was in limited supply and thus was priced at 200 golden dragon's a barrel. The only houses as of 100 A.C. with a contract for Frosted Gold were all counted on a single hand. House Stark as a token of friendship, and for a continuous small supply lowered the taxes on traded goods. House Targaryen, for a similar treatment but with the added bonus of being offered a large chunk of land within the capital. House Lannister, gaining escort ships for their trading vessels and lenient tax on their goods within their land's. 

Those three houses held the majority of the shares of Frosted Gold. Only two more houses had the small number of remaining shares being house Tyrell and House Hightower, both houses offering favorable trade deals, and offering any abundance of workers the opportunity for work in House Frost lands. Each barrel was priced at a standard price of 300 gold dragons. The only House to receive a discount was House Stark having to pay 200 gold largely in part due to House Stark being House Frost's largest supporter especially with how many wards have fostered at each house through the years. All of these advancements though at the time of conception and exploration came to a halt during Aegon's Conquest.'

Closing the tome and rubbing my eyes as the candle's flame flickered and waned as it battled the encroaching shadows for dominance. I yawned and stretched my body. More and more 'histories' a review and further digging of my family's past on this word. Hoping to find something, anything to help my house and myself further improve. Though as it stood, it was hard to improve House Frost as the more I tried to find problems or an area that could be improved, I'd find nothing of note. Militarily, we held enough strength to fight an entire kingdom easily even with our limited land being just a large chunk of the North. 

I had even learned that our soldiers were larger than what was recounted in the texts by a good margin even after the last two wars. Holding 10000 footmen or 'Spartans' as they were called after father admitted to loving the way I was training the detachment, taking it as inspiration for the footmen with similar equipment just better training and logistical support. Our knights, also known to the many houses as Frostbacks, were mainly condensed in our southern lands but held a strong gathering of 5000, their numbers swelling after the last hundred years. Bowman had taken the biggest change as now they were crossbowmen but held the similar attire and carried a collection of daggers used for throwing or general use. Swelling to 8500, they could easily detach and form two groups of support for both Frostbacks and Spartans. I looked outside and knew I still had time, another entry or two would be fine. 

1 AC:

A grand council was held at Moat Cailin, a fortress large enough to fit five Winterfell's within. Surely large enough to hold every lord within the North. This being the case, the meeting between lords took five days and four nights. Many proposed to fight, many proposed to bend their knee, and one said to do neither. Quoted by Lorkan Frost, the 'Ice Pillar' in the North. 

"We should not march, not south, not now, not anytime while the dragons fly. Why you must ask, and it is simple to explain but hard to listen. We have thirty-two giant crossbows mounted along the outer wall facing south alone in Moat Cailin. We have a total of one hundred and seventy in Moat Cailin's walls. Why should we march south? For House Hoare? House Arryn? Only one I would consider is House Durrandon but House Frost already sent raven long ago to prepare counter measures and if that doesn't do anything, what will us on wooden flammable ships in open water going south do? We should man the walls here and bring in every reserve giant crossbow to mount, prepare and stock, cover your walls in snow and build large mounds of it too. If not for the heat the dragons will bring, then for the steam it'll cause to blind them in the aftermath when we fire hundreds of bolts at them. I say we sit, we prepare, we feast, we drink, we fuck, and we wait."

It is said his words had ice and not an ounce of heat to them, the same tone all throughout his words followed by him sipping on minted warm tea. His words are probably what turned the North into what it is today over a hundred years later. Mint Tea became a common item among the nobility in the North after that day and while no one would admit it, its reason why was quite obvious. As the planning came to an end, so did the time in which Aegon Targaryan decided to act. 

Aegon's Conquest was halted not once, not twice but three times. Once by Durrandon till his arrogance killed him. Once in the North, he lost half his forces and his entire fleet till House Stark came to an agreement with House Targaryan. The Conquest of the North took ten years and a multitude of concessions. 

House Stark would be known as prince and princess of the North.

The North would be shown leniency from taxes paid towards the crown.

House Stark and House Targaryan will marry together to cement the Alliance. 

While House Stark and House Targaryan at the time had no one to marry off to one another, the deal would be brought up multiple times in the future till eventually it would be nothing but a whisper in concession of the North being able to mint its own currency, have land rights of anything North of the wall if they wish and to be able to have a place of learning in the North as the Citadel was in the South.

12 AC-20 AC:

House Frost Begins the reconstruction of their fleet after the devastating losses during the war at a slow pace. Roads were put into place and set in a peculiar way as such the runes could hold in place. Glass houses were built in quality and quantity throughout the Western Northern Kingdom. More coin was invested in the breeding of horses and mix breeding with their hounds and Dire wolves. The results were stellar, large, massive hounds the size of a horse with the ability to be tamed just as easily as a dog with only its natural fierceness falling behind. The horses were now about a foot taller than any other breed and had the endurance and strength to compare with two curved onyx horns that would protrude its forehead outward. Normally to impale its adversaries and anything as long as they were trained. Many suspect magic at work with their progress. 

24 AC:

Frostfield Academy was constructed at the base of the mountain leading to Whitegaard Castle. It catered to young nobles learning how to rule and to better themselves by branching out of their horizons, "We seek new horizons when the cold sets in."

100 AC:

House Frost fully rebuilds its Fleet back to its original strength of 150 Galleys, 200 Longboats, and 50 Carracks.

112 AC:

House Frost leads its rebuilt fleet down south and supports Daemon Targaryan in the war for the Stepstones. Julionius Frost Leads the force and demolishes the Triarchy's fleet presence. 

113 AC:

House Valaryon, Daemon Targaryan, House Frost all lead a victorious Assault and smash the forces of the Triarchy.

114 AC:

The United Forces win the Stepstones and dub Daemon Targaryan king of the Narrow Sea. Varris Frost, brother to Julionius Frost, is named as Protector over Rhaenyra.

115 AC:

Rhaenyra gives birth to her second born son Lucarys platinum of hair, fiery purple of eye, with a bite that would draw blood and a size big enough to equal two newborns.

117 AC:

Laena Valaryon and Varris are seen dancing together and Corlys Valaryon starts negotiations with house Frost.'

Reading the inserts, I could only speculate and assume the in between words, drawing up conclusions and piecing together the missing puzzle. Perhaps that is what I could do, reopen our trade network and begin on new trade deals, while my family was actively engaged in politics and diplomacy, we had taken a back foot approach on matters of trade deals and new open markets. With the idea left on my mind, I began running over all our contacts and writing my notes. The rest of the inset on the page is visible to all.

118 AC:

Varris Frost and Laena Valaryon wed. producing a son named Aelor Frost. The union is known to have ended badly at the reception of matrimony as Rhaenyra was seen arguing with Varris.

120 AC:

Varris Frost and Laena Frost have a daughter named Rhaena Frost. Rhaena Frost would later support House Valaryon and adopt the name even in support of her mother's side of the family.

125 AC:

Lucarys Targaryan bonds with the dragon Cannibal after Cannibal almost eats him.

129 AC:

Lucarys is injured after two dragons attack cannibal while he is on dragon back but still lives.

131 AC:

Lucarys passes after sealing a deal with House Frost and marrying Julionius's Daughter Isabela. Securing A large fleet and a large portion of the North's support. Their short union would produce one heir, Balon Frost, first born son and heir to Whitegaard Castle. Balon Frost carrying the blood of Frost and Targaryan. Unknown to many would be why Balon would take the name Frost as he was born from Lucarys Targaryan. While much speculation would happen, our records tell of how Lucarys was possibly a bastard and a bastard from the prince no less was dangerous. In partial exchange from having Balon take refuge in the North, He would take the name Frost and abandon his Targaryan name if not his ties. 

Hope you enjoy, finished way sooner than I thought I would take so I hope you like it. Hopefully you start to see the curve from cannon and just how much this world has changed. Share, like, review, -SNATCH- I'll take those power stones.

'My precious...'

hemhm, I mean, thank you for your consideration on promoting this story for others like yourself, make sure to comment so I can see and enjoy myself!

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