
The Rising of Kingdom of Fate

When ordinary man is unexpectedly teleported to a magical realm, he discovers he is chosen by a Celen's subordinate, Fate, to fulfill a grand destiny. Guided by Fate's powers and wisdom, Takahiro Grayram embarks on a journey to build an empire in a land fraught with mythical creatures and ancient mysteries. As Takahiro faces challenges, forms alliances, and harnesses newfound abilities, he grapples with the responsibility of shaping a realm with divine assistance. Together, Takahiro and Fate navigate political intrigue, battle mythical adversaries, and confront the consequences of meddling with the fabric of the universe. The tale unfolds as Takahiro transforms from an unwitting traveler to a visionary leader, exploring themes of partnership, divine intervention, and the intricate balance between mortal and divine destinies.

Burning_sensei · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Chapter 03: The Orc Village

"Sorry, can you repeat again?", I asked.

The orc said," I sensed someone strong here and then I saw you two. It's not easy for a human to come in the middle of forest and if anyone comes here , then they are considered as the strongest".

The orc invited us to his village . I discussed this with Fate and we decided to go his village.


While on our way there , I checked my status and clicked on your profile.


Your Profile:

Name - Takahiro Grayram

Age - 16

Title - none

Race - Human

Level - 1

HP - 100/100

Magic - 200

Strength - 7

Stamina - 10

Agility - 8

Defense - 5

Special Skill - Online Shopping


I took at my status and my magic is so much stronger than my other skills. I thought that it was because of the gift of God.


We reached The Orc Village. The orcs were shocked to see a human passing through. We were going to the Village Head house .

The male orcs were big about more than 220 cm and the female orcs were like humans with horns on their head.


The Orc Lord were surprised to see us and he greeted us by bowing down. Then , I told him not to bow down.

I introduced myself as Takahiro Grayram and Fate introduced himself as Fate.

The Orc Lord began to ask me where we came from . I told them that we forgot our memories somehow and they asked what will we do now.

I began to tell them about my dream project of building my own empire . The Orc Lord then , told us about his problem that there are many monsters stronger than orcs so they have problems for food and asked us for help.


I thinked for few moments . Then , I gave them the idea for crops. But , they rejected the idea by saying that they can't grow crops because they don't have seeds to grow crops.


Then , I ordered some seeds from shop bar. I ordered a bag of potato seeds and a bag of carrot seeds for a total of 40 mp.


The Orc Lord were surprised by seeing the parcel suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Then , I gave the seeds and then , we showed the orcs how to Farm.


Later , they prepared a room for us in his house . Fate began to talk about our future plans . He told me that we should go to a continent for some research to become the strongest empire.


After So Many months


We stayed for like three months. I became friends with everyone here. The crops grew well here because the soil was suitable.

During this three months, Fate taught me Swordsman skills . I went for hunting monsters many times . I practiced magic everything, I began strong everyday .

I checked my status everyday.


Your Profile:

Name - Takahiro Grayram

Age - 16

Title - Ally of Orc Village

Race - Human

Level - 5

HP - 250/250

Magic - 224

Strength - 17

Stamina - 20

Agility - 23

Defense - 18

Sword Skills - 15

Special Skill - Online Shopping



I was going to talk about some important stuff with the Orc Lord . But suddenly , an orc came infront of us and he said that the ultra goblins are coming to attack us.