
Is There a Problem?

Li Xueyue felt blood drain from her face. She was in too much disbelief to register how good-looking he was in his well-defined and sharp robes. 'Great, just great. You're ogling the man who kidnapped you into his room. Way too go, idiot!' she chided herself.

The man fixed his appearance, ran a hand through his hair and winked at her. She faked a gag which caused him to pinch her cheek again. She attempted to swat at him, but he had walked out of the black and white screen.

"What a lovely intrusion." His tone was pleasant, but the dissatisfied glower on his face was not.

"Lovely indeed." Emperor Fadong chuckled. He took a step inside and examined the Commander's large guest room. Four rooms had been joined into a gigantic one suitable for every need that a person could have.

"I was simply passing by when I heard a ruckus outside. Your handmaidens were making a scene."
