
The Rise of the gamer:Uzumaki Naruto

Uzumaki Naruto awakens on his 12th birthday to find that he has become a player he uses this power to become the greatest ninja is to ever walk the Elemental Nations

creatorofall · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs


POV none

Naruto:*Starts releasing a bunch of chakra which blows up his apartment but luckily he lived in the top floor so no worries*

Naruto:*Starts running on a fours towards the hokage building jumping from building to build while the third tail finishes growing which gives his a sudden jump in speed allowing him to reach low kage level speeds*

Masami:*Voice is distorted*Naruto~kun calm down or it will take control of you

Naruto:*Doesn't give a shit and reaches the hokage building jumping into an open window from the academy roof which leads to the hokage office*

Hiruzen:*Ready to fight but isn't out of his seat and has on his hokage attire*

Naruto:*Barely managed to get out without losing himself and attacking Hiruzen*/ojīchan Why didn't you tel...me that the...fourth was my/

Hiruzen:*Eyes widen*(where did he get those rings from not important Did he figure ou-)


Hiruzen:(Shit who told him that and the kyubi is messing with his brain so he probably isn't thinking straig-)

Naruto:/ANSWER ME/ *Chakra flares up a bit*

Hiruzen:It was because(THINK THINK THINK)*Wants Naruto to stay in the village but right now his is mind is clouded with fear*

Hiruzen:for your safety and so you could live happily

Naruto:*A fourth tail starts forming while some of his skin start peeling off and under the skin you can see different shades of red chakra clashing with eachother while the the free other tails start getting bigger and no longer see through and his nails start becoming even more claw like*/DON'T GIMME THAT CRAP YOU CALL ALMOST BEING BEATEN TO DEATH LIVING HAPPILY YOU CALL NEVER MAKING FRIENDS LIVING HAPPILY YOU CALL BEING MALNOURISHED LIVING HAPPILY YOU CALL BEING OVER PRICED ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY LIVING HAPPILY YOU CALL BEING HATED BY YOUR ENTIRE VILLAGE LIVING HAPPILY/*The tail finishes growing and his skill starts peeling faster while tears are flowing down his cheek*

Hiruzen:(JIRAIYA PLEASE MAKE IT TIME)*Doesn't notice something behind Naruto*

Flashback to when Naruto suddenly awaken kuramas chakra

POV Jiraiya

Jiraiya:*Is on mount myoboku practicing with imperfect sage mode and then he suddenly senses a rise in the amount of chakra in Konohakagure so he focuses on konoha and senses kuramas chakra*THE KYUBI

Suddenly a green toad in a all brown cloak from his neck down 25 cm in height with actual hair for eyebrows and some on his head appears on Jiraiya right shoulder while on his left shoulder appears appears a purple toad with a all black cloak and the top of its head looking like a hair style(Idk what the hell to call it)

Green toad:Jiraiya boy we need to go

Jiraiya:I know Fukasaku but wh-

new thing [hand signs] just thought about it

Jiraiya:*Appears infront of konoha's North gate and starts bolting to the hokage building where he sensed the kyubi*I'm glad I told a toad to always stay near the village but why did he take so long to reverse summon me and why is everything so quiet I also sense that a lot of konoha is passed ou- *Suddenly all his instincts tell him to run away and never return stay away from the hokage building as his breathing become ragged and uneven but with all of his all of his will power he uses everything and is at the window behind Naruto sage mode cloaking his chakra*

He reached when the fourth tail started growing

Jiraiya:*Chakra glows into his finger tips and is about to try and out the 5 Elemental deal on Naruto when he heard him start talking and stops in his tracks*

Back to the present

POV none

Naruto:*Runs at hiruzen faster and goes to slash him with his claws*

Hiruzen:*Jumped out of his seat and lands behind naruto with his knees trembling a little noticing Jiraiya*This isn't the kyubi's bloodlust alone

Naruto:*Skin is completely gone while his eyes are just shining silver with no pupils and his mouth is the same but with no teeth*


Hiruzen:I'm afraid so

Naruto:*Runs at them and gets to slash at them having*

Hiruzen:*Jumped up*

Jiraiya:*Leaned back just enough to dodge*

Naruto:*Blue and red orbs start appearing a few feet away from his mouth and coming together*

Jiraiya:!!*Punches Naruto in the chest sending him out of the building into the street infront of hokage building and quickly charges at him with chakra on the ends of each finger and slams his hands into Naruto's lower stomach*

Naruto:*Doesn't even move but the chakra starts moving down/up into Naruto's lower stomach as his skin is light pink and everything else is back to normal but his is still conscious and is just looking at Jiraiya*WHO ARE YOU GRAMPS

Jiraiya:💢 what did you just call me? (how's he still conscious the pain should be too mu-)

Fukasaku:Jiraiya boy were leaving *Puffs into somke*


Shima is the purple toad


Naruto:And I'm supposed to care why??????? *Looks at his title*




Jiraiya:*Comes out of sage mode as the warts goes away the red thing looking like make-up and his teeth returning to normal*

Naruto:*Sees his title and level change into*


Title:Fuinjutsu master


Naruto:(His level halved?)

Masami:He was in something known as sage mode but his is imperfect because he has too little chakra to mix with nature's energy

Naruto:(He's a fuinjutsu master huh)If your so great teach me fuinjutsu

Jiraiya:Huh (What? I mean he is a Uzumaki so it would only be good right and I'm are both his parents would want this)How good are you with calligraphy if your good enough I just might teach you a cool jutsu

Naruto:(The hell is calligraphy)

Masami:Calligraphy is the visual are related to writing it is the design and execution of lettering with a ink brush

Naruto:I didn't even know what calligraphy was until earlier today when I wanted to find out how to make a deal to make me invincible!*

Jiraiya:*Puts his hand in his face and shakes his head*(If there was a deal like that the becoming a fuinjutsu master would be normal)Sensei I'm teaching the brat since you obviously didn't teach him anything

Hiruzen:That's the academy's job not mine Jiraiya *Looking out the hole Jiraiya made*

Naruto:The academy teaches you stuff?


Jiraiya:Shut up sensei continue brat

Naruto:Well most of the teachers kick me outside the class when anything important that's how I sneak away to do pranks the only thing I learned from. The academy is the henge no jutsu and Narikawari no jutsu oh and the leaf sticking exercise


Naruto:Well each year from when I was four on my birthday I would get beaten until I almost did then some weird ninjas with mask would appear and take me to the hospital I think the villagers called it fix hunt for some reason

Jiraiya:When was your birthday? *Already knows it*

Naruto:10th of October

Jiraiya:Did it happen this year?

Naruto:Yeah but I managed to escaped with only my left elbow and thigh being staged with kunai's but one was rusty

Jiraiya:Sensei did you get the that out of his system

Hiruzen:It filtered it self completely out of his system as well as all his wounds healing overnight without the aid of medical ninjutsu

Jiraiya:*Shocked but quickly gains his composure*(Mabye it's the kyubi's doing but how would it get rid of rust)is there any other jutsu you know (Wait why di-)

Naruto:Yeah I managed to sneak into the library and take a scroll the sounded cool and learned the jutsu

Jiraiya:And that is (I hope to Kami that it isn't anything dangerous to learn)

Naruto:Shunshin no jutsu

Jiraiya:Oh then let's go to to the orphanage


Jiraiya:(I have I don't regret this)Do you not live there?

Naruto:No I was kicked out when I was 4 why?

Jiraiya:do you at least have somewhere love

Naruto:Yeah the old man have me an apartment and gives me some money monthly for food and rent the people overpriced me for food so the only thing I really eat is ramen

Jiraiya:Sensei I'm going to be teaching the kid.Lead the way to your apartment

When there in Naruto's apartment

Jiraiya:(Isn't this minato's old apartment)*Smiles but it fades away*I'll be right back [Tiger] *Disappears in a puff of smoke that quickly disappears*

Naruto:*Goes into his kitchen takes a cup of instant ramen and start making it*

3 minutes later

Naruto:*Sits down by his dining table and start eating his ramen*Oh the good old ramen *Starts slurping it down*

Jiraiya:*Appears in the living room with a scroll and goes into the kitchen to see Naruto eating ramen*Yo brat

Naruto:I have a name *Continues eating*

Jiraiya:*puts the scroll on the table and unfolds it then put his hand on the kanji in the middle putting a little chakra into it as some ink'Ink brush and paper comes out*You'll be practicing calligraphy *Explains how to write calligraphy cause in lazy*Now write your name on until your at a acceptable level [Tiger] *Disappears in a puff of smoke but is above Naruto with a jutsu that make him blend into his surroundings*

Naruto:All right *Takes the brush ink and some papers and starts writing his

name and after the fifth time*

"A new skill has been created calligraphy (Active)

Calligraphy (Active) LvL:1

This skill is the foundation of fuinjutsu as it makes the user less Likely to make

a mistake when writing"

In this Au at least if someone messed up a seal a bit too much it just blows up and the more advanced the seal the stinger the explosion that's why most ninjas stick to the basics in fuinjutsu

Naruto:*Hand writing becomes a bit better*

20 minutes later

Naruto:(It levels up fast already at level 29)

Jiraiya:*Shocked*(This Kid he is a genius in terms of calligraphy he did what would take months of practice in 20 minutes he even reached the minimum required for someone to do basic deals 12 minutes ago)*Uses speed to appear where he left*Lets see where the brats at*looks at the papers and pretends to be shocked*WHAT

Naruto:*A little surprised by Jiraiya suddenly appearing but continues writing*

Jiraiya:kid I think you already reach what is needed for basic seals(And your nearly half way there for intermediate seals)

Naruto:Oh ok*Stops writing*So how do I draw seals

Jiraiya:Do you even know what you need for seals?

Naruto:Ink,Brush and paper

Jiraiya:You need a special kind of ink called chakra ink

Naruto:🙁How much does it cost?

Jiraiya:Only 500 Ryo per bottle and all bottles are the same size

Naruto:That's expensive

Masami:You can always sell the rat parts

Jiraiya:I know so that's why I always have 200 bottles on me no let's go to the academy training field meet me at the entrance and don't worry I have paper as well [Tiger] *Disappears in a puff of smoke*


They reach the train field a minute later

Jiraiya:(So he's pretty good Shunshin)Kid why didn't you shoot your jutsu name?

Naruto:That's just stupid *Walks past Jiraiya into the training field*Only an

absolute dumbass would give away there next move to the enemy aka most of the shinobi world

Jiraiya:*Smiles and follows Naruto*(At least someone else agrees with me)

Naruto:All right teach some cool seals *Sits down Criss cross Apple sauce

Jiraiya:*Takes out two seals from his jacket and puts them infront of Naruto and points to the right*That's a storage seal it takes in something holds it there until it's taken out you use chakra to do so you also have to want to either take in or withdraw*Points at the other one*That's an explosion seal pretty simple put chakra in it things go boom*Takes out another storage seal rolls it out and and unseals some chakra ink a brush and paper*I want you to make atleast 2 copies of each I won't be far away*Jumps into the nearby forest*

"Through understanding of basic fuinjutsu the skill Basic fuinjutsu (Passive)

has been created"

"Basic fuinjutsu LvL:1 (Passive)

This skill grants the user 10% efficiency in making fuinjutsu and boost the odds

of it not blowing up in your face

Available seals:



A list appears in Naruto's mind that shows the seals he can make and if to make them and how many to make

Naruto:*Notices some blue text on the paper in a language he's never seen before but can still understand what they mean above the kanji on both seals*

Naruto:(It says intake.Storage.Withdraw and ignite.Explode I know what the words mean but why are they there and how are they there)

Masami:I don't know but it means almost the exact same thing as the kanji so many you can make seals out of them? Try that later


A little rushed in my opinion

creatorofallcreators' thoughts