

In a world ruled by calamities and apocalypses,A world where everything and everyone are predetermined by fate. A new-born calamity is robbed of his fate and his family by the heir of the fate eater, but due to a bargain, the previous calamity was allowed to live, leading to the creation of the lost of chaos. Join Seth the Fateless on his journey for revenge and power. Would he be able to break the order of fate? Find out with me.

kasiel_smith · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Birth of the Fate less

Soon as they got into the forest, Simon activated the compass. His face paled as he started feeling the loss of fate. Actually,  fate wasn't something visible; it wasn't a form of energy. Different beings of the past, had tried to grasp fate, but only a few could succeed. After all, fate is a Supreme Order.

The arms of the compass started spinning, then stopped as it was pointing in a certain direction.

Simon smiled as he commanded, "Let's move." The group continued their chase.

Back at the cave, Arthia was still in labor, and while at the entrance of the cave the old man kept watch, suddenly his expression changed as if he noticed something: "You have to hurry up! "They're heading this way," he shouted in panic, "and we are doing our best." Arthia's sister responded hurriedly, "Sister, you heard Elder Roland, we have to be fast, please hold on," she said to her sister. A few minutes later, all of a sudden, all the Cardvic bats opened their eyes, gazing at the two siblings.

If one was to go outside and observe the moon they would notice that the moon was now glowing with deep. and the stars, which were dimming previously, suddenly lost what was left of their luster, marking the night with a starless sky.

Immediately after the cry of a baby followed, the baby was finally born. "Anthea, can I hold him?" Arthia asked her sister weakly, nodding, and Anthea handed the baby over to its mother.

It was supposed to be a joyous moment, but it wasn't because of the family's misfortune. "My child, I'm sorry," Arthia cried as she pacified the baby. "Old man, let's go; we are ready," Anthea said hurriedly. "It's too late; they're here." Roland responded grimly, and just as he said so, an unrestrained laughter echoed in the cave: "Hahaha! So you noticed me! I thought of giving you some false hope, but I see it's not needed." Simon's voice echoed as he and his men appeared at the cave entrance. Simon wore a smug smile on his face, saying, "Finally, the calamities of fate are finally mine." Simon thought,l 

He then looked back at the elder, noticing something. He had a look of surprise in his eyes as he said "To think an oracle would choose to dwell in a noble demon family",

ignoring Simon's curious gaze Roland said "You can take the child's fate, but let him leave here alive ", Simon was a bit stunned; after all, why would this oracle want to save a child whose fate was already stolen? Killing such a child would be granting it mercy rather than letting it live to become nothing. Simon smirked as he replied, "It seems you don't understand your condition; you're in no position to bargain with me."

Unexpectedly, Roland smiled as he added "I know that, but have you ever thought of acquiring the aspect of an oracle", Once again, Simon's composure broke as his eyes were filled with confusion. What the hell was going on here? This old geezer was practically offering a trancendant-level aspect for a fateless child.

He didn't know what to say, but he surely knew that even though he was the heir of the fate devourer, he couldn't take the old man's aspect force fully; doing that would only degrade it to black-level aspect.

However, this offer was really enticing, but his instinct—what instinct! Instead, every fiber of his being was rejecting this offer, but you could say the body wasn't willing but the mind was.

Simon glanced at the old man, not answering to his deal. He walked towards the mother of the child. Anthea wanted to obstruct him from getting to her sister, but all of a sudden gravity pushed her down, grinding her to the ground. Before he reached the mother and child pair, she was already crushed to death. Everything was silent except the cries of the mother. Oddly enough, the child, the center of attention, was silent; it had stopped crying the moment Simon stepped into the cave.

On reaching the mother, Simon took the child from her embrace; she didn't try to struggle as though already accepting her fate; light flashed as she was beheaded, joining her sister. Looking at the baby, Simon noticed something: its eyes. They were pitch obsidian black; if one were to look at them, they find themselves unable to look away. Those pitch black irises demanded attention even in the cave where everything was dark; the eyes carried a hint of majesty as if it were darkness itself; all other darkness were just its mere shadows.

If one were to inspect the surroundings, one would notice all the cardavic bats were looking at the child with reverence; even Simon couldn't help but lose himself in those eyes. But across Simon's back lay an inconspicuous tattoo that started to glow a red flaming color, dragging Simon out of his daze. His back was drenched with cold sweat, so this was a calamity. One might not understand what he went through right now, but you could just say that without the fate eater's inheritance, he would have lost all will to live.

Not wasting anymore time, the tattoo glowed brighter, but this time a crimson blood color, as Simon started to absorb the child's fate. Within minutes, he was finished. He then turned to the oracle, knowing fully well that he was going to regret this day, but he couldn't help but let his greed get the better of him. He said "So how does this work? Where do I keep the child".

Roland conjured a teleportation circle immediately; he didn't show any reaction to Simon; it was as if he knew this would be Simon's choice; after all, who could resist the allure of a trancendant aspect "Drop the child here; immediately you take my aspect, the circle would activate, taking the child away", Simon did as Roland said; he then reached for Roland's forehead as he sighed. "If only ability doesn't have these stupid restrictions," he thought.

Yes, the fate eater's inheritance might sound all powerful, but even the most powerful ability or aspect definitely has restrictions, and the fate eater's inheritance's own is that he can't take any fate from someone more powerful than him; he can't take the fate of someone or something from a different race; and if he's taking people's aspects, they go down a level; if the person is strong enough to struggle, it goes down more than a level.

and  now here he was taking a divine level aspect and all he could get was a trancendant aspect; it was a pity indeed. A few moments later, the circle flashed, taking the child away to an unknown destination. Simon looked at the old man, who looked as if he had aged a few more years, and said "I hope your sacrifice was worth it", Roland cracked a smile as he replied feebly "You have no idea", Simon gazed at his aspect runes, seeing a new aspect there. He smiled and said, "Good cause it was worth it for me." Immediately after his words, the old man was beheaded.

"Go and find the rest and kill them; make sure no one leaves this region alive," Simon ordered his guards.

guys pls let me know how you feel about this story in the comments don't hold back.

kasiel_smithcreators' thoughts