I died. I died to a demon by i mean demon, i mean human, i died to one of my kind, but who cares? I didn't have anyone to mourn for me, anyone that loves me, anyone i love. I have none, so why not destroy the whole world so i can achieve my dream, that is to kill everyone in this giant planet full of demons?
"You do realize what your doing is bullsh*t right?" I talked to the man infront of me holding a knife.
"..." The man remained silence whilst moving to me slowly.
'F*ck is this the end? No not yet i can still survive from this, you'll never take me alive b*tch'
I began thinking of what to do right now im in a very dangerous situation i dont want to alert the killer infront of me, i need to distract him as long as possible for me to think of a plan.
"I-i h-have money, please d-d-dont kill me if i give you money p-p-please.." I decided to try and negotiate with the man, i acted like i was scared to make him more relaxed, and to lower his guard, if he allows me to find/go and get the money, i can look for something sharp, or blunt to knock him down or, in the best case scenario kill him.
Finally the man spoke "Alright but be fast! If you dont give me money in 30 seconds i will kill you."
he lowerd his guard, good, now i can try and find something. 'idiot' he gave me a chance, i'll at least give him a more painful death, its the least i can do.
As i was looking around the room, i still had 15 seconds left, he was sitting in a wooden chair, i already knew what to do to kill him.
I walked over to the windoe and broke it, glass slpattered everywhere, immediatley allerting the man.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" He shouted half across the room.
"My money is h-here behind th-this window." The man stood up and walked close to me to see where the money is.
'I win.'
*Stab* I stabbed the man's genital's completely clean off, his pants or should i say shorts, were full of blood from his d*ck, he was wailing like a little pig cute.
"Ahh! Ahhh! W-wh- gh! AHH! MY D*CK!!" The man was in bad shape he was smahing the floor its f*cking disgusting.
"Ahahaha eugh disgusting, i like it." Letting out a histerical laugh, licking a tip of my lips.
I then walked closer to him and bent down.
"So, what option do you want? the Brutal painful way to die route or the Brutal painful way to due route?"
"h-huh..? WHAT KIND O-" I slapped him and shushed him.
"I said choose, im the one asking the questions not you."
"N-n-no i.. i dont wanna die!" The Man began to crawl towards the door leading to the outside world.
"Times up, sigh why can people be more smart? F*cking dumbass you attacked me first now your trying to run away? In your dreams b*tch." I again walked towards the body on the ground and picked it up, i began to walk towards the pile of shattered glass and threw him on top of it.
A loud noise resounded towards the man, it was the sound of suffering, pain, and glasses.
"AHHH!! ST- STOP I- JUST KILL ME ALREADY!" The man just gave up and just wanted to die, he just wanted for the pain to stop.
"Hell no, you know i follow a saying it goes like this, 'If you treat me well, i'll treat you well, but if you treat me like garbage, trash then i shall show you the world of pain.' do you get it now? Mr. Killer."
"Now lets keep going give me a sec i need to stop you bleeding or you'll die, we dont want that happening do we?" i moved close to him and started to pour alcohol and glass on his d*ck, 'dont want you dying?' Man f*ck off im gonna kill you right here right now.
"A.. AHHHH!!!" He once again started screaming for his life.
"Sigh im too naive, i cant just keep living with this saying, its gonna kill me." whilst saying that i started to look around trying to find something.
"Aha!, Found it hehe." I took the oil underneath the cabinet and started pouring it on the man and the entire house, once i was done i walked outside leaving the man inside, i took the lighter from my pocket and dropped it.
*Fwoosh* Fire immediatleysettled in, making the whole house on fire, it was a cold night with trees making noises, now screams and fire were added to the mix.
"Sigh.. i wanted to play more with him but a smart person must know when to stop, because a person that's his life in danger, can be scary, he'll try and drag me down with him, if just had rope in my house i would've continued.. but oh well." I said while wearing sunglasses, as i look at my house that i destroyed mixed with the screams of the person, after a few minutes passed by, the screams finally stopped, with Louc still standing there.
Suddenly a gunshot was heard, it was another man aiming at one of Louc's legs.
Louc didn't realize that someone already shot him, as he began to drop down losing his strength on one of his legs.
'F*ck!, i just finished one nuisance now another one arrived, F*ck's sake.'
The man was standing close to Louc as he began to reload his gun thinking of finishing Louc off, but he was startled by the next move Louc pulled.
Louc grabbed the feet of the Man and pushed him down, while pushing him down Louc took a hold of the gun that the man was holding, it was a fight to the death, whoever gets control of the gun gets to live.
"Hands off!" The man shouted at Louc who was currently holding the gun.
"F*ck you b*tch!" Louc got a kicked the man in his chest making him lose breath, losing grip of the gun, Louc finally got a hold of it and threw it away.
"Idiot." Louc said and began to punch the man down him.
A gunshot sounded off, it was the gun that Louc threw away, somehow for whatever reason the gun clicked/activated shooting out a bullet towards Louc and the man, it approached Louc's and the mans head.
it flew into Louc's head going into his brain, and then the bullet flew out of his head, headed to the man, it flew into the mans brain and killed both of them.
Louc started to lose conciousness and finally dropping dead beside the gun holder.
I've had enough of this sh*tty world of mine, full of bastards everywhere, everyday i fight for my life just to get killed by them in the end. F*CK!
coming soon