
The Rich Thieves

2 men. Same Backstory, Different age and different recent lifestyle. These 2, Jack and Anthony, stay side to side until the end. Will the plan end all because of their love for each other?

just_nick · แอคชั่น
31 Chs

The Heist

The heist prep was in motion. "Here's what we need to get." Max had said while he put some papers of plans on the table for the crew to crew to see. "We're gonna need some bombs to infiltrate through some doors considering the bank you chose has high security. We're obviously gonna need guns." Jack had looked up and said, "Specifically shotguns for better damage cause the security guards will be highly prepared. We'll also need smoke bombs for the vents just in case there are still people there." Max had intervened. "That means we'll need masks too." Jack had nodded and left the group for some water while Max was still explaining. They then came back and Max had continued. "So, are we ready? The heist will get us a whole lot of money IF it's done right." They had all nodded and had dispersed to their workplaces. "Jack, you and I will get the equipment and they'll be ready by the time we come back." Max had said while he was walking to the restroom.


They had finally arrived at ammunition. It seems it was the closest one. "Please find a better warehouse!" Max had said as he was getting out of the car. "Of course, I will." Jack had said as he laughed. "Besides, That was only the cheapest one on the market." They had both laughed as they were getting into the ammunition. "Take some bulletproof vest. I think 6 of them will be good." Jack had said to Max as he passed them. "Mine should just be silver to outline that I'm the boss." Max had rolled his eyes while laughing, nodded, and took the vests. Jack had greeted the store clerk and he asked for 6 shotguns with full bullets. All had led to at least $1000. He had paid the clerk and he had left with Max carrying almost everything.

After their long and tiring drive, it so happened that they had forgotten the smoke bombs! "How could we forget the bombs?!" Max had asked as he was getting out of the car. one of the crew members had said, "There should be some leftovers of some smoke bombs out back. Go check." Jack had nodded and had left to check for the bombs. As he opened the doors, he had switched on the light and found the bombs that were needed for the mission. He had then left and went back to the crew. "Ok guys!" He had said. "Is Everyone ready?!" Everyone had cheered and shouted for confirmation and Jack was deeply happy.

It seems this bank had a whole lot of money. One could live and die with that money and it would still be a whole huge stash of cash. He actually wanted to hit this bank because of the money reason. He wanted out of the stealing life for good. He didn't really tell anyone yet and he thought it would be good to tell his good old friend first before quitting. He was going to leave the crew to him. He decided not to him yet so that he could focus on the heist and finish it perfectly. Jack had wanted to settle down. He thought to himself that he was getting old when he was just 25. It seems to him that he needed permanent time off stealing. He then got out of his own thoughts.

"Ok!" He said. "Let's GO!!!!!!!"

They had all got in the upgraded van and then they had left the warehouse. While Max was driving, Jack was busy talking with him about how life would've been if they were rich. They both were laughing but from the corner of Jack's eye, he saw a small-looking boy trying to rob a store. "Stop the car!" He shouted. The van immediately came to a halt and he quickly got out. He jogged to the boy and when he got to him, he had asked, "What a small world we live in. You tryna get in?" The boy was alarmed he turned around as he was pulling out his gun and Jack had already pulled it out! He was so astonished by how cute he looked. one could already tell by how devasted he was. How poorly he was treated. "Hey look, I can help you. Just put the gun down. The boy had slowly put the gun down while all of the crew members in the van were just looking. "Look, here's what I can do. Maybe we can just go back to my warehouse and I'll get you something to eat." Jack had said with a deep softening voice and caring. No. Loving smile. "Is that ok?" The young one had nodded and he went back with Jack.

It turned out that his name was Anthony. He basically had the same life that Jack had. Jack had surprisingly... Smiled while Anthony was describing the life he had before and after his parents had found out he was gay. They had kicked him out and he didn't have anything except a bag that had warm clothes which got stolen on his second night alone. Jack had just liked everything about Anthony. He was so happy and he smiled a whole lot. When they had arrived back at the warehouse, Jack had made some eggs, some bacon, and bread and he also gave him a drink.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Anthony had asked. "Why are you being nice to me?" Jack had looked down. "It's because I've gone through everything that you went through. My mother and father only cared for the kids that weren't gay cause apparently, gay people are demonic." Anthony had suddenly smiled too. "Why don't we get to know each other better?" Anthony had asked. "Maybe we could start off by getting me new clothes. They had then left the warehouse again and they bought some nice and decent clothes for dear Anthony. Jack had seemed to love Anthony. A new friendship had begun.