

"The first thing I remembered when I opened my eyes for the first time in this body was my own father's hands cutting off my head.

You might think this looked like a nightmare, and I wish it had been. But the pain was too real to ignore. It was a memory from my past life. A life of glory. I had been someone important, a respected man. I had been the Archduke of Astrea, the largest city in the eight kingdoms. However, at that time, Astrea had been nothing more than a small town that was beginning to emerge as a market town.

But now, I was nothing more than a wretched servant of the nobles of Astrea. Just a toy for their cruel children. Yet everything would be different soon, and I would return to my rightful place. I would remove all usurpers from my throne, and I would have my revenge against the one I once called father.

The return of my memories from my past life appeared to be the work of someone greater. I seemed to be a pawn for a superior plot. I needed to find out who, or what had caused my past life to come back to me. I would begin my inquiry in my lord's library, but I would need to be cautious. I could not provoke anyone's attention until I was fully prepared.

This was when my revenge began."

Entry of Archduke Kaleb's diary
