

"Welcome, Welcome, it was so fun seeing you after so many years." The host invited every person inside. He held a party at a huge mansion and invited every one of his close friends from his Freshman year to the party. The host Sanchez had invited 8 guests to his party.

Sanchez had become quite a businessman. He had a flair for commerce and was able to predict the fall and rise of stocks in the stock market. Using his natural instincts for wealth, he was able to strike gold easily, making himself a target for other businessman. Sanchez was also quite proud and mainly hosted the party to flaunt his wealth. He would do anything to show that he's way better than his guests. With his attitude, Sanchez had made himself quite an enemy. But deep inside him, he still considered his guests as friends. He wanted them to be his friends as well as admire the wealth he acquired over the years.

"Hello, and welcome to my Party! Woohoo! Haven't seen so many of you for years. Everyone one of you has become quite handsome and possibly rich. Well none of you have become as rich as me, but I guess that's totally fine, was in my blood all along." He suddenly took out a cheque out his chequebook. "I guess tonight, maybe I'll write a cheque for someone here, so he can go away rich. The rules of the game are simple. Force me to write that cheque, and if you can, millions of dollars are yours." Everyone in the crowd started to murmur among themselves.

No one was interested in that game. Though one person did try to win the money. Hercules, would constantly try to steal things from Sanchez, personal things, hoping he would give up. He just couldn't. He tried blackmail but it didn't work. When everything failed, he had a small grin on his face as he slowly entered a room.

A few hours passed by. Everyone kept talking to each other for a while. Sanchez had left the room searching for something. Slowly the door opened. Everyone suddenly turned their attention to the door as a lean man entered the room. "I guess I'm quite late. Well there was traffic out there so I couldn't help it. Had to come straight from the airport." Alvaro, entered the room as he shook everyone's hand and greeted them with a hug. He slowly mixed in the crowd. Alvaro had joined quite late, but the party included a day's stay. Everyone had been drinking an adequate amount of drinks and were now feeling sleepy. They all proceeded to find themselves rooms.

A few guests while trying to find their rooms accidentally found Sanchez's room, where he was sitting on his chair working. "I'm sorry guys, I know I haven't been a good sport tonight by staying in my room, but I'm supposed to email these documents by tomorrow, emergency work." The rest of the guests nodded as they slowly let Sanchez work in peace.

In the middle of the night, Sanchez had just finished working. He slowly stretched his arms above his head when he suddenly felt something prick his finger. He held his finger with the other hand, "Ow." He was about to get up when he suddenly felt something touch the back of his head. "Don't move or you'll impale yourself." The stranger said in a deep voice. "Who are you?" Sanchez asked. The stranger replied, "I have built this mechanism myself. You see, I hold this gun in my hand, and if I shoot it anywhere in your body, you'll lose your balance, causing the spikes on the ceiling to fall on the ground. The spikes are connected to your chair by a rope. I hope you get what I'm saying?" Sanchez looked up to see the spikes and slowly stuttered, "What do you want?" The stranger slowly moved his gun to Sanchez's back, "I want you to write that cheque you have there. You wanted to be forced into submission to write that cheque? Now it's either your life or that money." Sanchez trembled while picking up his pen. He slowly wrote the name the stranger told him to write. Sanchez replied, "Now will you let me go? The stranger gave a small, deep voiced giggle, "I guess I should try my mechanism too." Sanchez was about to shout, "Wait, what do you..." The stranger pulled the trigger onto Sanchez's arm as the spikes fell on top of Sanchez impaling him.